Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1126 What kind of riddle are they playing

As for the heroine, there are more.

Some people said that this woman was Lan Qin, and someone immediately jumped out to refute, saying that as Li Jingchen's girlfriend, Lan Qin would never go shopping with Li Jingchen in such cheap clothes.

Netizens who love to eat melons simply went to Lan Qin's psychological clinic to leave a message, asking the hero in the video, is it Li Jingchen?

If it is, then Lan Qin is likely to be three.

Lan Qin did not respond to this.

It wasn't until a major news related to the country was airborne that the netizens turned their attention.

Xiaojing, who had been eating melons for a whole day, silently put the phone back, and decided not to ask anything.

A few days ago, Liu Chun went to Fan Hai to sue, saying that someone had plagiarized her advertising idea.

Fan Hai, as Lu Wanwan's leader and Liu Yihui's subordinate, originally wanted Lu Wanwan to apologize to Liu Chun and calm things down.

Unexpectedly, Lu Wanwan had a head-on confrontation with Liu Chun, a related family, and I heard that the trouble even went to Liu Yihui.

He still believed in his own eyes, Director Lu didn't look like the kind of person who would be a mistress.

conference room.

"Little Lu, here is your place." It was Fan Hai who greeted Lu Wanwan.

When passing by Liu Yihui's seat, Liu Yihui was still fine, but his secretary snorted heavily, as if he was afraid that Lu Wanwan wouldn't be able to hear him.

Without squinting, Lu Wanwan came to Fan Hai's side and called "Leader" before taking a seat.

Not long after, a man with a height of 1.8 meters and a well-proportioned appearance strode in.

Liu Yihui is the vice president of the company. Lu Wanwan must have had no good fruit to eat. I didn't expect that after so many days, Liu Yihui didn't move at all, and Liu Chun obediently came back to work.

Xiao Jing said to Lu Wanwan: "Director, let's go over, the meeting will start soon."

After Lu Wanwan said "um", she walked towards Fan Hai.

"If everyone is here, let's start."

Mr. Mu didn't talk nonsense, and directly used ppt to show everyone the recent sales data of the new mobile phone.

Suddenly, he put his hands on the conference table, looked down at the audience, and asked with great interest——

Lu Wanwan heard everyone calling him "Mr. Mu".

Xiao Jing bent down and introduced behind Lu Wanwan: "He is our boss, surnamed Mu, he is in his 30s this year, and he has a lot of drive in his work."

Lu Wanwan nodded.

Everyone looked at her in unison, somewhat feeling in their hearts how young and beautiful she was.

Mr. Mu smiled at her, and said: "Director Lu has just arrived, and he can lead the team to create such a large advertising benefit for our new mobile phone. Everyone here should learn from you."

Liu Yihui, who was sitting next to Mr. Mu, suddenly coughed lightly, and said inexplicably, "Yes, such a capable person has come to the planning department. I believe that Mr. Mu's wish for the past two years will soon be realized."

"Not only am I very satisfied with the advertising design of the planning department, but even customers feel that it is full of science fiction and novelty, which is one of the factors that make them willing to buy our new mobile phone.

So, I decided to put this ad design on a large scale on various platforms and satellite TVs. By the way, where is the new Director Lu from the planning department?Raise your hand and let me see. "

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan raised her hand.

Xiao Jing quickly bent down and said softly: "Director, I mentioned to you not long ago that our company wants to set up a booth in the deep water harbor.

In the end, after trying for two full years, it ended in failure. Vice President Liu is urging President Mu to send you to talk. If you can't do it, don't agree!Our last supervisor..."

Before Xiao Jing could finish speaking, Mr. Mu called out kindly: "Director Lu!"

After Mr. Mu was stunned for a while, he looked at Liu Yihui: "Vice President Liu, what do you mean..."

Liu Yihui nodded at him, and said, "That's right, I've talked with this new Director Lu, she has a clever mouth, and sending her to negotiate will definitely succeed."

Lu Wanwan, who was in the audience, turned around and asked, "Xiao Jing, do you know what charades they are playing?"

Lu Wanwan asked lightly: "Mr. Mu, what is the mission?"

Mr. Mu made a fist with one hand and slammed it on the conference table ambitiously: "Go to the deep water harbor and help the company talk about brand entry!"

As soon as this remark came out, the company's senior executives showed a helpless expression of "here again".

Lu Wanwan raised her eyes and looked at Mr. Mu.

Mr. Mu said with a pleasant smile: "Vice President Liu recommended you to me just now, saying that you have strong expressive skills and good image and temperament. I have a task, and I am worried that there is no suitable person to carry it out."

Xiaojing's face tightened.

When everyone shook their heads and sighed, Lu Wanwan said, "Yes, Mr. Mu, let me try."

Hearing this, the entire meeting room fell silent.

The corner of Fan Hai's mouth twitched, he covered his face with his hands, and whispered to Lu Wanwan, "Little Lu, it's good to have confidence, but it's very difficult to accomplish. You'd better withdraw what you just said."

They all know how difficult it is to settle in a deep-water harbor.

Two years later, the former director of the planning department had a bald head, a worn lip, and a heart attack, but he still failed to set up a product booth in Deepwater Harbor.

How could a new young executive do it?

This woman is really arrogant!

Deepwater Harbor will not give her permission to settle in just because she is a distant relative of the Fu family.

"Xiaojing, I know what I'm doing."

Xiao Jing also leaned down and said anxiously: "Director, you still don't understand the character of our President Mu, as long as you promise him something, he will definitely take it seriously!

If you fail to do so, he will remind you every day, month after month. The former Director Yuan of our department had a heart attack because of too much pressure! "

When Liu Yihui heard Lu Wanwan's answer, he couldn't help showing a sneer.

The crowd was in an uproar!

They thought that Lu Wanwan was hesitating how to refuse, but they didn't expect that she was thinking about adding weight to herself!

After being stunned, Mr. Mu laughed loudly: "Of course! Even if you leave the company one day, as long as our company has a place in Deepwater Harbor, the 20.00% sales commission of the products will be automatically remitted to your account!"

When Lu Wanwan comforted Xiao Jing, President Mu rushed to the stage excitedly, grabbed her hand, shook her hand up and down and said, "Okay, okay, then it's settled! If you make the deal, we will be in the future The company will give you a 20.00% commission for any product sold at the Deepwater Harbor booth!"

Behind the arduous task, the profit is also huge.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Wanwan asked, "Mr. Mu, is this 20.00% sales commission permanent?"

After raising her eyebrows, Lu Wanwan said, "Then I will definitely live up to everyone's expectations, especially Vice President Liu."

A trace of contempt flashed across Liu Yihui's face, and he immediately took the lead in applauding. If Lu Wanwan couldn't do it, he would put pressure on her to leave the company.

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