Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1125 The opportunity he wanted came to his door

After Zhuang Jing and Shi Yu's men looked at each other for a while, she was the first to lose momentum. She no longer asked for permission to make calls, but stood up and said——

"Then I'll ask your master to come out and eat glutinous rice balls with me. Is that okay?"

Unexpectedly, Shi Yu's subordinates raised their hands and stopped her coldly: "Master has an order, except for important matters, no one is allowed to enter the secret room to disturb him."

Zhuang Jing couldn't help but said, "You don't know what day it is today? I've been looking forward to it for so many years, and I just want to be reunited with my child. Why is it so difficult?"

After all, she is Li Xiangchen's mother, do you really want her to be like a servant who only knows how to bury her head in her work and doesn't think about anything else?

"..." Zhuang Jing was so angry that her liver hurts, these heartless things can't understand the meaning of family affection at all!

After taking a deep breath, she asked instead: "What is your master doing in the secret room?"

"Master's affairs are not for me to intervene, so don't ask, lest you slip your mouth in front of outsiders."

She also longs for the care and companionship of her children!

She personally made glutinous rice balls for Li Xiangchen today, but he hid in the secret room and refused to come out. She was bored and lonely, so she tried to call Li Xuyang, but was also hung up by his subordinates!

It's a pity, but the person in front of him couldn't understand: "Didn't the master bring you here for a mother-child reunion?"

"Mr. Shi, have you read today's hot search?"

As the woman said, she used the mouse to drag a video to Shi Yu's computer, and pressed the play button.

It was the video of Li Jingchen drinking coffee and waiting for others at the flower shop, and holding Lu Wanwan's waist, walking to the sightseeing car.

After warning Zhuang Jing, Shi Yu's subordinates stepped aside and continued to monitor the family's every move.

At this time, in the secret room.

Shi Yu was sitting in front of the computer, with his hands crossed on his lower abdomen, and was making a video call with the woman on the other end of the computer.

Shi Yu said with a half-smile: "Didn't you get in touch with Li Jingchen during this time? How could you let him go and be with other women?"

Lan Qin's eyes dimmed, and he said with difficulty: "I contacted, but it was useless. Li Jingchen said that if I released his revelations, he would put me in jail."

Shi Yu let go of his hand and rested his chin, and said: "He frightened you, and used the Li family's black material to exchange you for imprisonment, no matter how you think it is his fault."

After biting her lower lip, the woman said unwillingly: "Although neither of these two videos showed their faces, I can be sure that they are Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan! Lu Wanwan is a family man, how could they Will we be together?"

After watching the video, Shi Yu said in a deep voice, "Doctor Lan, I have to ask you about this. You are Li Jingchen's 'girlfriend'."

"Girlfriend?" There was a wry smile on Lan Qin's lips, and there was a little melancholy on that usually intellectual face: "Mr. Shi, if I hadn't jumped out to claim Lu Wanwan's identity at that time, this title wouldn't have It doesn't fall on my head."

"First of all, we need to figure out what the relationship between Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan is now."

And this is what Shi Yu wanted to know.

He dragged the video back with the mouse, and when he saw Li Jingchen grabbing Lu Wanwan's waist, but Lu Wanwan didn't struggle, his eyes turned cold!

Lan Qin looked at him and asked in astonishment: "Mr. Shi, how do you know that the Li family has black material? I remember, I only told you about his wife's falling into the sea six years ago."

Shi Yu's eyes darkened, and he said, "I heard that Li Jingchen's father, Li Huaguang, did a good job in the Li Group, but he went to prison for some reason, and then Li Jingchen took over the company. Is there no secret behind it?"

Lan Qin nodded, his expression returned to normal and he said: "Mr. Shi is really a smart person, so tell me, what should I do now?"

Lan Qin had calculated everything, but she couldn't count that Lu Wanwan had divorced Fu Shuo. She was just afraid that Lu Wanwan would change his mind. Once Lu Wanwan agreed to be with Li Jingchen, she would have no chance at all!

"Knock Knock Knock-"

At this time, there was a slight knock on the door outside the secret room.

Fortunately, the lights in the secret room were dim, and Lan Qin who was opposite didn't see anything unusual.

After pondering for a while, Lan Qin said: "I think so too, this video has been on the hot search for so long, it's really weird,

You know, Lu Wanwan has remarried with Fu Shuo, isn't she afraid that the video will be seen by her husband?Besides, with Li Jingchen's means, it's easy for him to suppress the heat, but he didn't do it. What do they want to do?Declare war on the Fu family? "

After finishing speaking, he turned off the video.

As for Lan Qin's mood, he didn't care.

Because she is just a stone to trip Li Jingchen.

Shi Yu told him not to bother him except for urgent matters.

At this time, someone knocked on the door, indicating that there was something urgent waiting for him to deal with.

He immediately said to Lan Qin: "Doctor Lan, I still have something to do. Let's talk about it another day."

Like Lan Qin, he was eager to find out the meaning behind this video!

outside the secret.

Seeing that Shiyu opened the door, his subordinates immediately said: "Master, the Fu's branch called and said that the sandalwood is about to run out, and asked if we can deliver it to their door on Monday?"

It's a pity that Lan Qin is too useless to win Li Jingchen's heart.

On the contrary, Li Jingchen and Lu Wanwan are getting closer and closer, and they have already gone shopping in Deep Water Harbor together!

No matter what Lu Wanwan's intention was, it was beyond Shi Yu's expectation.

"Delivery to them, isn't it?" Shi Yu whispered, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

The opportunity he wanted, isn't it right here?


When he said this, his subordinates felt very aggrieved.

Because in order to get close to Lu Wanwan, their master actually ordered them to classify calls from Fu's branch as "emergency matters". The master's love for children is of no benefit to revenge!

They're not really back in business!Instead, he came with his master to kill Li Jingchen and take back the Li Group and the deep-water harbor!

When taking the elevator, Lu Wanwan met Xiaojing's scrutinizing gaze through the glass decoration in front of her eyes.

Xiaojing didn't expect to be caught peeping, so he quickly looked away.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan didn't ask any questions.

The next day, Yaobo Company.

As soon as Lu Wanwan opened the office door, she received a notice to go to a meeting.

This was the first time she participated in a group meeting of the company. In order to avoid the embarrassment of not recognizing the leader, she brought her assistant, Xiao Jing.

However, Xiaojing secretly took out his mobile phone, clicked on the screenshot of the video saved yesterday, and compared it with Lu Wanwan.

Seeing that Lu Wanwan's back looked more and more like the heroine in the screenshot of the video, Xiao Jing couldn't help being startled.

Yesterday, some netizens already found out that the male protagonist's outfit is worth several million. Some insiders even pointed out that this male protagonist is the boss of Deep Water Harbor himself!

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