Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1127 Only this matter, they can do nothing

After the meeting, Xiaojing followed Lu Wanwan and asked as he walked, "Director, is your decision...was it too impulsive?"

At this time, the people who came out of the conference room were walking behind them non-stop, and basically everyone would cast a glance at Lu Wanwan.

Xiaojing knew what they were looking at.

President Mu entrusted Director Lu with such a difficult task, but Director Lu agreed. Isn't this waiting to follow in the footsteps of the former director of their department?

Different from his panic, Lu Wanwan was still in the mood to joke: "Xiaojing, you said Mr. Mu is serious, so I decided to agree to him."

Xiao Jing lowered her eyes and looked at her worriedly: "...Yes, Mr. Mu really does what he says, but the supervisor, have you ever thought that if you can't let the company's brand settle in the deep-water harbor, then what will happen to you? The 20% sales commission that Mr. Mu promised to give you is just a blank check?"

The reason lies in his "selfishness".

He didn't want Lu Wanwan to leave the company because of too much pressure like the previous supervisor.

Lu Wanwan nodded and comforted the young man in front of her, "Then we will just work hard."

"But this is not something that can be achieved with hard work!" It is unimaginable that Xiao Jing, a gentle and handsome guy, will be pushed into a hurry one day.

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Lu Wanwan looked sideways, and saw Liu Yihui walking over with his secretary, and there was no lack of gloating in his words.

In the words of Luo Ye and the others, their department finally came with such a pleasing beauty, wouldn't they love it?Do you give her advice in everything?

However, this is the only thing that they have more than enough energy for.

"Wait for me?" Liu Yihui squinted his eyes, and Yulu asked in surprise, "What are you waiting for? Is Director Lu begging me to let President Mu take back his life? This is not like the 'spring theory' you talked about in my office the other day. what."

That day, he asked Lu Wanwan to come to the office and warned her not to embarrass Liu Chun in the future, but she used the spring in his ballpoint pen to vividly interpret it to him. The more she was suppressed, the higher she jumped.

As soon as Xiao Jing saw Liu Yihui, he became angry. He deliberately recommended Director Lu at the meeting just now, didn't he just want to avenge his daughter?

Lu Wanwan smiled slightly and said, "I'm here to wait for Vice President Liu."

In this way, it is impossible to use ordinary means to rectify her.

Liu Yihui first persuaded his daughter to go back to work in the company, and then hibernated, secretly waiting for the opportunity.

Before leaving, he also pointed out that the calligraphy and painting hanging above his head were imitations, so he really didn't take him seriously!

As soon as Lu Wanwan left, Liu Yihui immediately called up her resume, and then sent his secretary to the Fu's branch to inquire about her. The news was that Lu Wanwan was a distant relative of the Fu family.

Liu Yihui asked suspiciously, "You...thank me?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "That's right, if it weren't for your enthusiastic recommendation, this fat job might not have landed on the head of our department. Thank you, Vice President Liu."

Until today, when Mr. Mu performed the planning department, Liu Yihui praised Lu Wanwan at the right time, praising her ability as the best in the sky and unparalleled on the earth, which immediately attracted the attention of Mr. Mu. next thing.

Lu Wanwan said calmly, "Vice President Liu, you misunderstood. I don't want to ask you to let President Mu take back his life, but I'm waiting to thank you."

"Really?" Liu Yihui said with a fake smile: "Director Lu is young and energetic, so be careful not to break your teeth. If you see blood, it will be ugly."

After finishing speaking, Liu Yihui gave the secretary a look: "Let's go."

Liu Yihui said with a half smile but not a smile: "I'm afraid you won't be able to chew on this fat job."

"Our department is all young people with good teeth."

In the planning department.

Xiao Shan was secretly using her mobile phone to send Liu Chun the link of the dress, and the result prompted——

"Yes." After Liu Yihui's secretary glanced at Lu Wanwan contemptuously, he ran to the front and pressed the elevator.


Liu Chun waved his hands like chasing flies: "Go, go, didn't you show your loyalty to that woman in the bathroom that day? Then don't be nice to me!"

"I..." Xiao Shan hesitated to speak.

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Xiao Shan's face froze, she looked towards the next cubicle, lowered her voice, and asked flatteringly, "Liu Chun, are you still angry with me?"

But it's useless!Where Lu Wanwan was, the male colleagues would only focus on her.

Xiao Shan considers herself to be a pretty little beauty, and when she walks with Liu Chun, these male colleagues can still see her, but when she is in front of Lu Wanwan, she becomes overshadowed.

Ever since that day, when Lu Wanwan praised Xiao Shan in the bathroom and asked her to do a good job, Liu Chun became at odds with her, and even deliberately ran on her when talking.

Xiao Shan can only establish a good relationship with Lu Wanwan, hoping to continue to win the attention of her male colleagues.

It was Xiaojing who came back.

Seeing that his face was not very good-looking, everyone couldn't help asking: "Xiao Jing, what's wrong with you? Where's the supervisor?"

Watching them gather around Lu Wanwan to make plans, made Xiao Shan even more uncomfortable. She couldn't get much by Lu Wanwan's side, so naturally she wanted to come back to be Liu Chun's follower, at least she could take advantage of it.

Just then, the office door opened.

After organizing his words, Xiao Jing said, "Mr. Mu is very satisfied with our advertising design this time, but..."

After Luo Ye smiled and showed two small canine teeth, he asked, "Just what?"

Xiao Jing replied: "The supervisor has gone to the bathroom."

"Oh, why are you so sad? Could it be that Mr. Mu is not satisfied with the advertisement we designed?" Luo Ye asked while leaning on the office chair while turning the design pen.

"Why us again?"

In the past two years, in order to get promoted, their Director Yuan did not hesitate to promise Mr. Mu that he would be able to set up a booth in the deep water harbor, but in the end he lost himself.

"It's just that Mr. Mu wants our department to discuss brand entry with Deepwater Harbor..." After Xiaojing finished speaking, he sat down on his seat weakly.

"What—?!" Luo Ye's eyes suddenly widened.

At this time, someone asked: "Xiao Jing, you said just now, where did the supervisor go?"

Xiaojing's tone was heavy: "The supervisor has gone to the bathroom. If you have any questions, you can ask her when she comes back."

Amidst the howling ghosts and howling wolves, only Liu Chun raised the corners of his mouth.

It seemed that her father had exerted his strength in the conference room, and after that, Lu Wanwan broke through the south wall and returned home.

Liu Chun said with a harsh smile: "She should be hiding in the bathroom and crying now, and settled in the deep-water harbor? Hmph, the pressure can be imagined."

Although Liu Chun's words are not very pleasant, but the reason is such a reason, Luo Ye and others can't help but think, Director Lu is so weak, he must need comfort now, right?

Until, Xiaojing said: "This matter came from the mouth of Vice President Liu. You can think about the rest yourself."

Hearing this, the people in the department immediately looked at Liu Chun, feeling a little guilty about her.

"Why are you looking at me like that? If she can't do it, she can tell President Mu herself. Do you want to blame my dad for recommending her?"

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