Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1124 Fulfilling all his wishes

In a corner of the dormitory, the light from the computer screen illuminated Li Xuyang's arrogant and handsome face.

At this moment, he had one hand resting on the keyboard, typing one after another, and the other hand was holding the phone, smiling smirkingly at the photo Lu Wanwan sent.

She kissed his trophy!

This made him even more excited than the moment he came to the stage to accept the award!

Due to the extremely long cycle of this international college student computer competition, Li Xuyang was also very tired.

After the preliminary round, there will be a rematch and then the final. Li Xuyang has only textbooks and computers as companions every day, and even the time for playing basketball and racing is exhausted.

Sometimes at 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning, Li Xuyang turned on a light to study under the covers, while his roommates were talking on the phone with his girlfriend.

Now, God really "resurrected" Wanwan from the dead, and Li Xuyang didn't want to disappoint her even more.

He stayed up in the dormitory to study at night, overcame all obstacles in the field, and finally won the trophy and certificate of "International College Student Computer Contest Individual Award No. 1"!

Under the applause of the judges and the audience, the host asked Li Xuyang, what is the secret of success?

At this time, Li Xuyang always sprouted, even if he won the trophy in the international competition, so what?The trophy is not Allah Deng Shending, who can fulfill all his wishes.

However, when he was a child, he swore in front of Wan Wan's grave that he would be a promising person when he grew up.

When he was admitted to the top ten universities in the country, he came to her grave with the admission letter from HKUST, and cried, saying that it would be great if she could see it with her own eyes.

Now, this bright face is in his mobile phone, and Li Xuyang found that this is the "trophy" he really wanted.

At this time, the roommates were howling everywhere——

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, my house was stolen!"

He replied, love.

The host thought that what Li Xuyang said was that he loves the computer profession.

As everyone knows, what he loves is Lu Wanwan's bright smiling face.

One of them yanked Li Xuyang's cell phone away, exaggeratedly shouting: "Hey, who is this beauty?"

"Let me see!" When the other people heard that there was a beautiful woman, they immediately surrounded her.

Li Xuyang turned around abruptly, and stretched out his hand to them: "Give it back to me."

"It's all because of Xu Yang's lack of strength, which made us all die!!!"

"Come on, let's see what he's doing?"

Several roommates who lost the game, after exchanging glances, tiptoed to behind Li Xuyang.

Now, they all focused their attention on Li Xuyang himself.

It's not so important anymore who is the beauty on the phone. What's important is that their school girl who is not close to women in the University of Science and Technology is not gay...

"Xuyang, when did you move Fanxin?"

Several roommates crossed their shoulders and asked happily, "So nervous, are you a goddess?"

Li Xuyang didn't want to hear their comments on Lu Wanwan, so he lowered his face and said, "Give me back the phone."

When the roommates saw this, they were a little timid, and when they were about to return the phone to him, one of them found out: "Wait, isn't this the trophy you won when you went abroad? You feel dirty even if we touch it, but it's just So it was sent to others by express delivery?!"

Seeing that someone called Li Xuyang, the roommates couldn't hold on to his mobile phone any longer. After returning the mobile phone to him, they all went back to their seats to play games.

After Li Xuyang saw the caller ID, his unruly brows suddenly turned cold.

Resisting the urge to hang up the call, he slid over the answer button with his thumb, put it next to his ear, and said "Hello" lukewarmly.

"It turns out that the reason you worked so hard to participate in the competition is to give her a trophy. Tsk, compared to you, my master is a waste."

Li Xuyang listened to them with indifference, neither admitting nor denying it, because he wanted to keep Wanwan's secret well.

Just then, a cell phone rang.

Li Xuyang interrupted her rambling: "Eat."

"Who did you eat with?"

"Roommate." Li Xuyang's voice was flat, more like coping: "What's the matter with you? Don't have enough money?"

Zhuang Jing's concerned voice sounded from the opposite side: "Xuyang, it's mom, today is New Year's Day, have you returned to S City?"

Li Xuyang said coldly, "I'm at school."

"Then do you eat glutinous rice balls? You must..."

Li Xuyang was silent at first, and then asked inexplicably: "What do you do after meeting? Do you remember the second brother together?"

"You!" Zhuang Jing suffocated, and persuaded in a low voice: "He is your own brother after all, can't you just hope for him?"

Li Xuyang lowered his eyes and said, "He disappeared for six full years, and he didn't care about your life at all. I thought you would hate him more than me."

"It's enough for flowers, it's enough for flowers." Zhuang Jing said humblely all the way: "Xuyang, mom misses you, when will you come back?"

"Winter vacation." As Li Xuyang said, he lowered his head and flipped through the calendar on the table. Seeing that he would be able to go back to see Lu Wanwan in a month, his mood jumped for joy.

"Then when you come back, can we meet?"


At the same time, Shijia.

Zhuang Jing was sitting on the sofa, holding a microphone, calling "Xu Yang" one after another.

Zhuang Jing subconsciously said: "That's all over..."


After rubbing his fingertips, Li Xuyang said sarcastically: "Unfortunately, I will never get over the fact that he caused Miss Wanwan to fall into the sea! Unless one day, he apologizes to me in person, but that coward, even if he is alive, will not dare Appeared in front of us, right?"

She looked at the man who hung up her phone, angry and aggrieved: "What are you doing? It's a big holiday, can I even call my youngest son?"

The man snatched Zhuang Jing's microphone, and stared at her with bloodthirsty eyes: "If you continue talking, are you going to tell him that the master is still alive?"

Zhuang Jing hastily denied: "I didn't! I just want to hear Xu Yang's voice and ask him when he will be on vacation."

At this moment, a big hand with scars pressed the hang up button.


Zhuang Jing's ears were filled with busy sounds.

He asked her to entertain Lu Wanwan with tea at the risk of being discovered by Lu Wanwan, and she must entertain him!

Everything is not what she wants to do, but she has to do it for him!

She felt like a marionette in the hands of the elder son, and the longer she stayed with him, the more she missed her innocent younger son.

"A word of advice, it's better to say less." The man didn't trust her very much: "Once the master's new identity is discovered by Li Jingchen's people, he will be killed. You can't just care about your own happiness."

Zhuang Jing's face turned blue for a while, and turned pale for a while. Ever since she was brought to Shi's house, she had to strictly abide by Li Xiangchen's wishes in every word and deed.

He asked her to go to Li's house to find Xu Yang at the risk of being beaten to death by Li Jingchen, and she must go!

Unexpectedly, not long after the call was made, Li Xiangchen's people hung up.

Co-authoring, she is no different from others, they are all under surveillance by Li Xiangchen!

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