Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1123 I hope time will come

On the other end of the phone, Li Qingling asked excitedly: "Sister-in-law, when will we meet?"

Lu Wanwan stood in front of the balcony watching the night scene, and said, "Wait until the Chinese New Year."

Li Qingling said dissatisfied: "There is still more than a month left! It's not fair, you obviously went on a date with your eldest brother today!"

Lu Wanwan asked with a smile on her face, "You just got married, don't you need to be busy with Lin Yue?"

Li Qingling said sweetly: "He's an old man, he's not as beautiful as my sister-in-law, and he doesn't speak as nicely as my sister-in-law. Why am I clinging to him? If I have time, of course I'll ask my sister-in-law to post it—ah!"

Lu Wanwan heard her scream suddenly, and couldn't help asking: "Qingling, what's wrong with you?"

"Pfft..." Lu Wanwan laughed out loud.

Therefore, when Qingling said that Lin Yue was an "old man", it was equivalent to scolding Li Jingchen, and it was no wonder that Li Jingchen could help her.

Lu Wanwan smiled so hard that Li Jingchen suddenly asked, "By the way, did Li Xuyang contact you?"

After a burst of noise came from the opposite side, Li Jingchen's low voice sounded: "She was taken to the room by Lin Yue for repairs."

"Is that how you look at it?"

"Well, after all, I'm about the same age as Lin Yue, so I can understand his feelings."

Lu Wanwan smiled slightly and said, "If you're worried about him, why don't you call him?"

Li Jingchen fell silent.

"What are you being arrogant about? Isn't it normal for a brother to care about his brother?"


Since the last time we had a quick meeting at Qingling's wedding, Lu Wanwan had no news of Li Xuyang.

Li Jingchen said coldly: "That kid's wings are really stiff, and he didn't even contact you!"

"Then you should encourage him and continue to work harder next time. In short, just don't pour cold water on him."

Lu Wanwan knew that Li Jingchen and Li Xuyang's feelings for each other were very complicated and awkward, which belonged to the typical type of "wanting to get close but afraid of being hurt".

If Li Jingchen is not careful, he will turn "concern" into "accusation", so there is no need to talk about it next.

Li Jingchen said in a deep voice, "I don't know what to say to him."

"Hmm..." Lu Wanwan thought for a while and suggested, "Isn't Xuyang busy going abroad to participate in computer competitions this semester? Just ask him how his grades are going."

"And what if he doesn't win the prize?"

After Lu Wanwan put down her phone, she wondered to herself, is it because Zhuang Jing has returned to Li Xuyang's vision, and worried that Li Xuyang will go astray again because of the mother-child relationship, so he wants to call to care about his life?

After all, as the head of the family, Li Jingchen has many things to prevent before they happen.

In this way, do you need her to test Li Xuyang?

Finally, Li Jingchen let go: "Okay, I'll call him later."

Lu Wanwan encouraged: "Well, speak carefully, don't lose your temper easily, you will definitely be able to."

After finishing speaking, they ended the call.

Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, Lu Wanwan picked it up and asked, "Hi, may I know who you are?"

A simple and honest male voice came from the opposite side: "Beauty, I am delivering a courier. There is your courier here. Is it at your door?"

"Express delivery?" Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I haven't bought anything online recently, could it be that you delivered the wrong thing?"

After all, Li Xuyang once promised that he would become the knife in her hand.

So Li Xuyang should more or less listen to her words, right?

While Lu Wanwan was thinking, her cell phone rang again.

University of Science and Technology?

Isn't it Li Xuyang's university?Could it be that this courier was sent by him?

Lu Wanwan came back to her senses and said, "That should be mine, where are you now?"

"Your surname is Lu, and your phone number ends in xxxx, right?"


The courier said: "Then it's not wrong. The courier is sent from the University of Science and Technology. Could it be a diploma or something? It's quite heavy."

Lu Wanwan gave an address.

Two seconds later, the courier agreed, "Okay, I'll send it to you now."

"Thanks a lot."

The courier said: "I'm outside Mingyuan, beauty, your room is so dark, are you not at home? Can I put the things outside for you?"

Lu Wanwan remembered that she had moved away from Mingyuan, but Li Xuyang didn't know about it, so she hurriedly said, "I'm a guest at someone else's house, can I trouble you to bring the courier over here?"

The courier was quite easy to talk to: "Tell me the address, and I'll see if I can deliver it to you. If it exceeds the delivery range, it will have to wait until tomorrow."

She hurried to sign for it.

After receiving the box from the courier, Lu Wanwan took it back to her room. After unpacking the package, she saw a golden trophy and a red certificate inside.

After Lu Wanwan was surprised, she picked up the small love card in the middle, on which was written——

The balcony was facing the courtyard, so Lu Wanwan simply sat on the wicker chair, waiting for the courier to arrive while replying to his colleagues' text messages.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Lu Wanwan saw a ray of light appear, she got up and looked, and saw a courier in overalls riding an electric scooter, coming from far and near.

She held up the heavy trophy with both hands, and found that it was engraved with "International College Student Computer Contest Individual Award No. 1", and she couldn't help feeling happy for Li Xuyang from the bottom of her heart.

"Ah, I should tell Xu Yang that I have received his gift!"

Lu Wanwan almost only cared about being happy.

[I will give you the honor I got abroad, I hope there will be time, sister Wan Wan, happy New Year's Day! ]

Judging from the handwriting, it was Li Xuyang's.

Lu Wanwan smiled knowingly, then set her eyes on the trophy.

After doing this, Lu Wanwan remembered that Xu Yang sent her such an important trophy, and wondered if Li Jingchen knew about it?

She sent the photo to Li Jingchen by the way.

"..." After a while, Li Jingchen replied with a series of ellipses.

After she took out the phone with the other hand, she tilted her head to kiss the trophy, and pressed the camera button with a smile.

Then, she sent the photo to Li Xuyang, and accompanied it by saying——

[Xuyang is great, I'm proud of you! ]

Lu Wanwan smirked, but at the same time she was a little relieved.

In this way, Li Jingchen should feel relieved, right?Li Xuyang has been studying at school without distraction, winning prizes and getting soft hands.


Lu Wanwan guessed that he must be sour.

She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Would you like to lend you Xu Yang's trophy another day?"

"..." Li Jingchen's ellipsis was longer.

At this time, the University of Science and Technology.

In the boys' dormitory, a few boys wearing vests and big pants were blowing on the heater, sitting in front of the computer, with a bowl of hot glutinous rice balls in front of each, typing wildly on the keyboard with both hands: "Xuyang, are you staring blankly?" What are you doing! Hurry up and ah it!"

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