Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1122 Obviously uncomfortable, but refused to say anything

Seeing Lu Zeyu drinking so much wine in one go, Lu Hongye was stunned, thinking that he is willing to accept Xiao Li?

Lu Zeyu tilted the mouth of the cup, and there was no drop left in it. Then he put down the cup, rubbed the wet corners of his mouth with his fingertips, and said to everyone: "You guys eat first, I'll go back to my room and change my clothes."

No one stopped.

Lu Hongye looked at his back, trying to understand: "He is..."

"Dad, it's okay, let's do it too." What Lu Wanwan didn't say was that the elder brother was just drinking to relieve his worries.


After eating and drinking, Lu Hongye saw that Li Jinshu was a little bit drunk, so he said: "Xiao Li, you will stay here for one night to get familiar with the environment of godfather, and come here often in the future, no, why not just move here Stay forever."

On the other side, Lu Wanwan was leaning against the railing of the balcony, calling Li Jingchen.

She didn't expect things to develop like this.

Originally, she wanted to take the opportunity to force out her elder brother's heart, but she didn't expect that when she was about to succeed, something happened on her father's side, and she recognized Jin Shu as his daughter in advance! <.97 xiaoshuo. net

She was happy tonight and drank a lot of wine. Thinking that she had no father or mother since she was a child, and even ate alone during the New Year, and now she suddenly has a warm family. Apart from fear, there is only happiness left.

Boss Lu and Lu Wanwan are very kind people, and she doesn't feel any pressure when she stays with them.

"Oh, Li Jingchen, I seem to have messed up something." Lu Wanwan said sadly while lying in front of the railing.

Li Jingchen asked, "what happened?"

Lu Wanwan told him everything that happened tonight.

Now it's all right, big brother's newly sprouted thoughts have been covered with soil again, when will the little seedlings of love grow out?

After a while, the call was connected.

"Wanwan, miss me?"

After a few seconds of silence, Li Jingchen's smiling voice came: "Then what is Lu Zeyu's reaction?"

Lu Wanwan looked back at the living room, saw that Lu Zeyu was actually smoking, she couldn't help but widen her eyes, and said, "My elder brother drank a lot tonight, and made an exception to smoke cigarettes, obviously he was stimulated!"

"It's really bad."

Secretary Li was trained by Li's family, which is equivalent to her natal family. It is definitely not wrong to discuss with Li Jingchen.

"You mean, you're self-defeating, and now Jin Shu is your father's goddaughter, that is, Lu Zeyu's sister in name?"

Lu Wanwan said weakly "Hmm...".

Several times, they were deliberately making things difficult, and even she couldn't stand it anymore.

Lu Wanwan poked her finger at the railing, and said depressedly: "My eldest brother and Jin Shu are not particularly proactive. I want to help, but I don't know how to help."

Li Jingchen said gently: "Don't worry, I'll make arrangements."

"Yeah, that's really bad." Lu Wanwan also said.

Li Jingchen was surprised: "I thought you would defend him mindlessly."

After Lu Wanwan pouted, she said, "I have a very good relationship with my elder brother, but he really didn't handle Jin Shu very well."

"..." Li Jingchen's throat was stuck on the other end, and he said sadly after a while: "Next time we meet, if you keep calling me that, you're finished."

"That's for the next time." Lu Wanwan said without fear at all: "Since you refuse to tell, then I'll hang up."

"Wait..." After a moment's pause, Li Jingchen said, "Qing Ling has something to tell you."

Lu Wanwan asked curiously, "How do you arrange it?"

Li Jingchen said: "You call your husband to come and listen, and I'll tell you."

Lu Wanwan was not fooled: "Hi ex-husband, goodbye ex-husband."

"Okay, you can give her the phone."

the other side--

After taking a shower, An An, who came down the stairs, stood on the steps and looked around, and found Lu Wanwan on the balcony.

Lu Wanwan was surprised: "Qingling is here?"

"Well, she and Lin Yue came back to spend the holiday with me."

Lu Wanwan couldn't help smiling, in this way, Li Jingchen would not be so lonely.

After An An covered her mouth with her small hand, she walked towards Lu Zeyu and said in a muffled voice, "Uncle, cough...don't smoke!"

Lu Zeyu looked down at him.

He also drank too much tonight and was leaning on the sofa to refresh himself.

Seeing that she was on the phone, An An was sensible enough not to bother her.

He jumped down the steps and walked towards the living room.

As a result, he was choked by the smell of smoke and coughed.

Before An An could breathe a sigh of relief, Lu Zeyu picked up the cigarette case and lighter beside him, stood up unsteadily and said, "Uncle, go to the balcony to smoke."

An An hugged his thigh, and said milkyly, "Uncle, Mommy is on the phone on the balcony."

Then he can't pass, Wanwan's sister is pregnant.

And the way he calmed down was not to drink hangover tea, but to open the cigarette case for the first time.

Seeing that his eyes were blurred, as if he couldn't hear him, An An couldn't help patting his handsome face with her little hand, and while patting, she complained: "Uncle, stop smoking, I don't want to smoke second-hand smoke! The teacher said it is harmful to the body healthy!"

Lu Zeyu saw the smoke floating around An'an, which would engulf the little guy at any moment, so he immediately extinguished the cigarette in his hand.

An An grinned and said, "Uncle, stop smoking and eat candy with me."

"Eat... candy?"

"Hmm!" An'an pointed to the candy box on the coffee table, and said with interest, "That's the one, the grape flavor...I've been wanting to eat it for a long time!"

Lu Zeyu blinked his drunken eyes and walked towards the gate.

As a result, An An hugged his leg like a koala, slowing him down.

Lu Zeyu stretched out his hand, pinched the soft flesh on An An's cheek, and asked, "What are you doing? Huh?"

An An had no choice but to negotiate with him: "How about this, uncle eats a candy with me, and I won't pester you anymore."

Lu Zeyu frowned, as if he wanted to refuse.

"Okay, Uncle! You are the best~"

"Eating too much sugar will cause tooth decay."

"That's better than smoking, too."

Under the stimulation of alcohol, Lu Zeyu became a little irritable: "It's not your turn to teach me, let go."

"Go down."

"No." An An stared at him with wide eyes: "Mummy said that uncle's brain has undergone major surgery, so drinking and smoking will hurt you more than ordinary people, so you must touch it less!"

An An's words reminded Lu Zeyu of Li Jinshu. In the past, she helped him hold back drinks at parties, and he was always the most sober one after the party.

The little guy used several "most" in a row, causing Lu Zeyu to take a few steps back involuntarily, and returned to the sofa.

An An climbed onto his lap and sat down, so Lu Zeyu had no choice but to leave even if he wanted to.

At this time, Lu Zeyu was like a small animal being forcibly held in his arms, and he wanted to push it away, but he was afraid of hurting him.

And what about Li Jinshu?

She was drunk and lying on the wine table, half drunk and half awake, the water in her eyes was like melting spring snow, but one hand under the table pressed her stomach firmly, until her fingertips turned white, But he didn't say anything.

Seeing her like this, Lu Zeyu felt stupid.

Didn't she realize that those men saw that she would hold him back, so they always toasted him, but the purpose was to get her drunk?

"Hmph, stupid woman."

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