Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1098 I want to punish you, carry my chapter home

While clasping her wrist, the secretary said in embarrassment, "Where is this going? Isn't she..."

The woman asked viciously: "She's not, so who is? You lied to me on the phone that there was a traffic jam on the road, but you are actually fooling around with her here!"

Lu Wanwan said from the side: "Sister-in-law, you misunderstood, we are really not..."

The woman glared at Lu Wanwan, wishing to tear her alive: "Who is the sister-in-law of your stinky mistress?"

Hearing this, the secretary broke into a cold sweat: "Honey, stop scolding, Miss Lu is President Li's wife! I was ordered to send her back!"

The woman froze.

Just when the secretary thought he was convincing her, the woman let out a terrifying roar: "You are lying! Didn't President Li's wife die early? When did you marry another one? You still live in this kind of place? You are full of nonsense!" !"

The secretary's face turned cold: "Who is gossiping in front of you?"

"You don't care who told me! You have done nothing wrong, and you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door!"

The secretary explained: "Honey, you trust me, I really didn't lie to you!"

"During this period of time, you didn't come home on time every day. Someone saw you going in and out of this building! Sometimes you brought vegetables, and you said you were keeping her?" The woman burst into tears. fell down.

After being stunned for a while, the secretary said coldly, "It must be that bastard!"

Han Nian probably felt unwilling after being punished by him that night, so he went to talk nonsense in front of his wife.

After thinking for a while, Lu Wanwan asked, "Sister-in-law, did Han Nian tell you?"

Isn't Han Nian the property manager here?

When she saw An An, the woman was so angry that she almost fainted: "You, you even have illegitimate children?!"

The secretary was the first and the second was big: "Master An An, I beg you, please clarify for me!"

"If it wasn't for Han Nian, I wouldn't have known you did such a scandal! Zhou Yang, go to hell!" The woman was so angry that she cried, no matter how the secretary tried to coax her, she couldn't coax her well.

"Mummy, why is it so noisy outside?" At this moment, An An came out of the house, wondering, "What happened?"

"Go away!" The woman glared at An An, don't think that because she is cute, she can get away with it!

An Anfei didn't leave, but took out her phone from her pocket, clicked on Fu Shuo's photo, and handed it to her, "Auntie, my daddy is Fu Shuo, the president of Fu's company, I have his photo , take a look."

"An'an..." Lu Wanwan explained: "She is the wife of your secretary's uncle. She has misunderstood us a bit. Call someone."

After An An nodded, she politely said to the woman: "Auntie, you misunderstood me, I am not the illegitimate son of the secretary's uncle."

After careful comparison, the woman found that the photos on Baidu did match the photos in An'an's gallery.

"Your father is him?"

The woman looked at An An's sincere little face, and it really didn't look like it was staged, so she glanced reluctantly and said, "Wait, I don't know what the president of Fu's company looks like!"

"I can show you on Baidu." An An said, and found Fu Shuo's information on Baidu, and tiptoed to show her: "Here."

The woman became anxious again: "Is it true!"

The secretary simply pulled her aside, and said word by word: "Fu Shuo is just his adoptive father, his real father is President Li!"

An An said, "Yes."

The secretary said, "No!"

The woman looked back at Lu Wanwan in disbelief: "So, she is really Mr. Li's wife who died for many years?"



The secretary said seriously: "Otherwise, do you think why President Li suddenly came to visit our house some time ago? Is there any precedent in the past so many years?"

"You said it, didn't I know you!"

Thinking of what she said to scold Lu Wanwan just now, the woman blushed and was afraid at the same time: "You made me lose face in front of others! I scolded her too, will it cause you to lose your job, husband? ?” At the end of the sentence, he cried again.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You don't even know me."

After the woman took it, she said embarrassedly: "Miss Lu, I, my name is Deng Nuan, and I am Zhou Yang's wife."

Lu Wanwan also introduced herself: "You can call me Wanwan, I'm An'an's mother."

The secretary said distressedly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Miss Lu is very easy to get along with, you just scolded her several times as a mistress, didn't she reply?"

"Sister-in-law, are you feeling better?" At this moment, Lu Wanwan came over with a pack of tissues.

"I really didn't expect that you would be Mr. Li's wife..." Deng Nuan looked at Lu Wanwan, and the more she said it, the more embarrassed she became.

"It's okay." Lu Wanwan took the initiative to resolve the embarrassment and said, "Sister-in-law, do you want to come in and visit?"

Deng Nuan wiped her snot with a tissue and said, "Okay, late."

"..." Secretary: That's really rude.

For example, when she saw Lu Wanwan's pink sofa, Deng Nuan asked with bright eyes where Lu Wanwan bought it, and she wanted it too.

The secretary coughed several times, but Deng Nuan refused to leave.

Deng Nuan's eyes lit up: "Sure!"

Women's friendships are always built in odd places.


The secretary and his wife finally left.

Seeing this, An An raised her small face and said, "Uncle Secretary, I think we should go to the kitchen and prepare the hot pot bottom ingredients?"


Thinking of Lu Wanwan's gentle and gentle character, Deng Nuan couldn't help but said, "No wonder she made you miss Mr. Li for so many years. If it were me, I would like it too~"


Deng Nuan held her husband's hand, bouncing up and down in the snow, and said with emotion: "It turns out that Mr. Li's wife and children look like this~"

The secretary held the umbrella for her, and said a doting "hmm".

"Okay." Deng Nuan put her hands behind her back and squinted at him: "Although the misunderstanding is resolved, I agree that you continue to take care of their mother and child, but you have made me worry for so many days. I will punish you and carry me home!"

When the secretary was about to squat down, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure walking by not far away, and immediately reached out and handed the umbrella to Deng Nuan: "Honey, you go back first."

Deng Nuan gave him a sideways glance: "What do you mean by 'um'? You like her too?"

The secretary smiled wryly: "Aren't I echoing you?"

That night, Han Nian, who was the property manager of the community, was beaten up by an unknown person and thrown into the snow.

The secretary cracked his knuckles: "I'll go find someone and settle the score."

Deng Nuan asked, "What about you?"

When he woke up the next day, Han Nian was left with only his underpants, surrounded by spectators, and died on the spot.

Coupled with the fact that he lay in the snow all night in the cold, even a tough guy couldn't bear it. Han Nian fell ill and couldn't come to work for several days.

And because the cameras in the community were covered by heavy snowfall, it is still impossible to find out who did it.

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