Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1099 Let me go, okay?

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed.

Tomorrow is New Year's Day.

After Lu Wanwan got off work, she went to school to pick up An An, and said softly, "Honey, I'll send you to accompany grandpa tomorrow, okay?"

An An and Lu Wanwan held hands, and when they stepped into the subway station, they responded, "Okay! I feel like I haven't seen grandpa for a long time."

Lu Wanwan smiled, she couldn't be intimate with Lu Hongye, but An An could, which can be regarded as making up for some kind of regret.

"I'm going to grandpa's house, what about Mommy?" An An asked.

Lu Wanwan tapped the tip of his nose and said, "Mummy has other plans."


The next morning.

Lu Wanwan brought An'an to Lu's house, and saw Lu Hongye was practicing Tai Chi in the yard, with a ten thousand year old pine standing behind him, adding a sense of comfort.

"Isn't this for keeping in good health?" Lu Hongye now just wants to live a few more years and watch his precious grandson grow up.

Lu Wanwan glanced at the Tai Chi suit on his body, it was very elegant in design, but also a little thin, and said involuntarily, "You don't wear too much, be careful not to catch a cold."

"Got it, got it." Lu Hongye said cheerfully, "Come on, the room is heated, let's go in with grandpa!"

An'an shouted crisply through the iron art gate: "Grandpa!"

Lu Hongye looked over in the posture of practicing Tai Chi. Seeing Lu Wanwan and An An standing outside the courtyard, looking at him with a smile, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and went over to open the door for them: "Girl, An An, you are here!"

After Lu Wanwan walked in, she asked curiously, "Dad, when did you start practicing Tai Chi?"

An An nodded: "Eat."

"Then eat some more with grandpa!" Lu Hongye said, and walked towards the kitchen with him in his arms.

Lu Hongye loves An An from the bottom of his heart. Maybe he thinks the same as Lu Wanwan, and wants to make up for the debt he owes to his little daughter to this lovely child. At least, An An has never hated him, so he won't be like Wan Wan. Resist him like that.

With that said, he picked up An An and weighed his small body.

An An hugged Lu Hongye's neck, glanced into the room, and asked, "Grandpa, where's uncle?"

Lu Hongye glanced at Lu Zeyu's room upstairs, and said, "Your uncle is still sleeping late, don't care about him, have you had breakfast yet?"

When he heard the content of the phone call, the servant's expression changed, and he subconsciously glanced at Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan was leaning on the back of the sofa, flipping through the newspapers and drinking morning tea, feeling very comfortable.

The servant then held the microphone and said in a low voice: "Okay, I'll ask our master what he means, just wait a moment."

Lu Wanwan let them go, while she sat in the living room drinking morning tea.

Not long after, the landline in the living room rang.

The servant stepped forward and answered the phone.

After Lu Hongye heard this, his chewing speed slowed down, and he couldn't even swallow his food at the end. Obviously, he was in a bad mood because of the phone call.

An An, who was rolling eggs on the table, saw that he was depressed, so she couldn't help but stop and ask, "Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Hongye came back to his senses, first sighed, then waved his hands and said, "What are you doing with those fake ones all day long? Don't record it, don't record it..."

After finishing speaking, the servant gently put down the microphone, walked towards the kitchen, and called out, "Master."

Lu Hongye put down the bowl and asked, "What's the matter?"

The servant said: "The drug rehabilitation center called and said... Today is New Year's Day, which should be a day for family reunion, but the eldest lady has to spend it alone in the drug rehabilitation center, so I would like to ask you to record a blessing video for Encourage the eldest lady to overcome drug addiction as soon as possible."

An An peeled an egg for Lu Hongye, put it in his bowl, and comforted him: "Grandpa, don't be angry, or Tai Chi practice will be for nothing."

Lu Hongye laughed when he heard that, that's right, he can't lose his life because of that rebellious woman Lu Weiwei, it's not worth it!

"Okay, don't be angry, grandpa, come, let's eat!"

The servant asked: "Master, shall I go and answer now?"

"Go!" Lu Hongye frowned and said harshly.

This early in the morning, he had to deal with this matter, so that he couldn't even eat breakfast!

Her entire upper body bent up, and then fell heavily, making a lot of noise when the bed board was smashed.

Two doctors could only go forward, one was responsible for restraining her, and the other was responsible for giving her an injection.

After the injection, one of the doctors asked, "How is it? Did her relatives agree to see her?"



After receiving the reply from the Lu family, the doctor turned his head and looked at Lu Weiwei who was tied to the bed and struggling constantly.

After a few minutes, Lu Weiwei gradually calmed down.

She opened her eyes and said weakly, "Doctor, I want... to go home."

The two doctors looked at each other, and encouraged: "When you finish drug rehabilitation, there is hope to go home, don't worry."

"I just called to ask, but I won't come, and I won't even record the video."

"Oh, what a crime, such a beautiful woman, not to mention her ruined face, even her relatives refuse to come to see her."

On the other hand, the patients in other beds came to visit with their families, and some came with gifts. For these addicts, it is always a kind of psychological comfort.

cheer up?


Lu Weiwei looked at herself who was tied to the hospital bed, and then at the patients around her.

"I! Want to! Go back! Home!" Lu Weiwei repeated with her fingertips digging at the sheets.

If you look closely, you will find that her bed sheets have been scratched by her, and they are about to split.

One of the doctors looked at Lu Weiwei and said with some sympathy: "Don't get excited, we will continue to contact your relatives so that they have time to visit you, you have to cheer yourself up."

She really couldn't hold on any longer!

One night, she felt her face was wet, and when she opened her eyes, she found a man lying on the bedside, sticking out his tongue, licking the scar on her face.

She screamed in fright, and attracted the doctor on duty, who finally dragged the man away.

80% of the people here are men, and men and women live together, and they are managed uniformly.

But it is impossible for doctors to stare at this place 24 hours a day, and they also need to rest.

So, when she was sober, she saw the patients here urinating, talking nonsense, fighting with each other, and some even molested her. This is purgatory!

But it's just a drag, she still has to live under the same roof with this psychopath.

Since then, she has often suffered from insomnia, and she is skinny and skinny.

"Let's ignore her, let's eat glutinous rice balls. My mother brought them to me this morning, and they are still warm." One of the doctors finished speaking and left first.

Another doctor was more caring. Before leaving, he said to Lu Weiwei, "Happy holidays."

Lu Weiwei quickly clamped his white coat with two fingers, and begged sadly: "I beg you, let me go, okay?"

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