When Lu Wanwan turned to leave, she heard the sound of arguing behind her——

"Xiao Shan, why did you nod at her just now? You pug!"

"Liu Chun, I didn't do it on purpose, can you forgive me?"

"And you said it wasn't intentional. You wanted to join her because the men in the department ignored me, so they wouldn't neglect you, right?"

After that, Lu Wanwan walked away and didn't hear it.

She smiled slightly, took the elevator to the first floor.

Through the glass, she saw the heavy snow falling outside, and the pedestrians on the road were pitted step by step, and it was quite difficult to walk.

Lu Wanwan touched her bag, only to find that she forgot to check the weather forecast last night and came out without an umbrella.


Luo Ye said carelessly, "We're going to have dinner together, and we'll discuss work matters by the way."

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Lu Wanwan turned around and saw Luo Ye holding Xiao Jing's shoulders, walking towards her with a smile on his face and a shy face on his face.

Is that so?

With a young heart, Luo Ye couldn't help but impulsively said: "Then shall we send you back?"

Xiaojing was more delicate: "It's snowing so hard, is there someone to take the supervisor home?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head: "I'll go back by myself."

However, Xiaojing noticed the distance between Lu Wanwan and them, so he raised the umbrella in his hand and said, "Director Lu, take this umbrella."

This scene fell into the eyes of Secretary Li Jingchen.

Lu Wanwan declined politely, "No need, I have to pick up my son."

"Then we'll even pick up your son!" Seeing that Lu Wanwan frowned slightly, Luo Ye also realized that he was being abrupt, so he turned to pointing at the heavy snow outside, and took a step back: "The snow is so big!" Daddy, let us take you to the subway station? Oh, Xiaojing?"

"How did you come?"

"I'll take you back."

He quickly picked up the umbrella at hand, opened the car door and got out of the car, stepped into the gate of Yaobo Company in three steps at a time, and shouted: "Miss Lu!"

His appearance stunned all three present.

After Lu Wanwan nodded to the secretary, she looked back at Luo Ye and Xiao Jing and said, "Thank you for your kindness, you can keep the umbrella for yourself, I'll go first, goodbye."

"...goodbye." What else could they say besides that?

During Lu Wanwan's questioning, Luo Ye and Xiao Jing secretly looked at the man in front of them.

Seeing his elegant appearance, extraordinary clothes, holding an umbrella in his hand, and looking at Lu Wanwan intently, they suddenly remembered what the front desk said that day. Could it be that this man is the mysterious person who delivers lunch to Lu Wanwan at noon every day?

Xiaojing saw Lu Wanwan's slender and fair calf touching the dark suit pants of the man next to him under Lu Wanwan's skirt, which made people feel a little delusional for no reason.

But it's just delusional.

Seeing that the man in front of him didn't even look at them, he turned around and left after covering Lu Wanwan with an umbrella, it can be said that he ignored them to the extreme.

Luo Ye felt inexplicably aggrieved, and seeing Xiao Jing still holding the umbrella in a blink of an eye, he couldn't help pressing down his raised arm: "Silly boy, don't hold it up!"

The secretary said: "Boss Li has guests to entertain, so he ordered me to pick you up and the young master."

After Lu Wanwan nodded, she said, "Then let's go."

outside the company.

After Lu Wan got into the car at night, she saw that there was no third person in the car, and she was surprised: "Where's Li Jingchen?"

"I think they are all very enthusiastic, and they are rushing to take you home." The secretary said, looking at Lu Wanwan through the endoscope.

Lu Wanwan's expression remained unchanged: "It's very enthusiastic, young people are passionate and upright."

When the secretary was driving, he seemed to inadvertently ask: "The two boys just now, are they...?"

Lu Wanwan said: "They are colleagues in my department."

The secretary was afraid that she would not believe her, so she gave an example: "Really, when I first joined the Li's Group, I would feel dizzy when I saw mature women in the company. Later, I realized that it was just a sexual attraction."

After listening to it, Lu Wanwan asked, "So you still have such a past? Have you told your wife about it?"

The secretary smiled and said, "It's like this for those who have just graduated from college and have never seen a woman before. After a few years, they get used to it, and it will fade away."

Lu Wanwan glanced at him lightly, was he reminding her that a man who is too young has no sex?

The secretary was pleasantly surprised: "Miss Lu is also concerned about President Li's mood?"

Lu Wanwan put her hand on her forehead and said softly, "I'm just too lazy to coax him."

The secretary laughed dryly and said, "How can you tell her this kind of black history? Get a beating."

After Lu Wanwan nodded, she said, "Then don't tell Li Jingchen what you saw today, I don't want him to think too much."

Lu Wanwan saw An An standing under a big tree, chatting with a child, and the snow had already buried his ankles.

She hurriedly got out of the car and shouted, "An'an!"


The gate of Nankai Primary School.

When An An saw the secretary's face through the car window, she was surprised: "Uncle Secretary, why are you here?"

The secretary coaxed him with a smile: "Why don't we drop by, we can go home together."

An An turned her head, and when she saw her, she immediately said to her classmates: "My mommy is here to pick me up, bye~"

Lu Wanwan stretched out her hand, held An An's little hand, and walked towards the secretary's car.

Seeing that Li Jingchen was not there, An An was willing to climb into the car.

After fastening his seat belt, Lu Wanwan said to the secretary, "You can go back."

An An stood outside the car, looking in vigilantly.

The secretary was afraid that he could not see clearly, so he lowered all the windows on all sides.

Halfway through, the secretary's cell phone rang several times.

By the time they returned to Jiuxi Tiandi, it was already 8 o'clock.

On the way back, there was a wheel slipping and a series of accidents ahead.

The traffic police dealt with it for a long time before the vehicles behind could pass.

The secretary has been pinching the phone since getting off the car. Hearing this, she refused anxiously: "No need, Ms. Lu, I should go back."

Saying that, the secretary did not forget to bow his head to An An and said, "Wait until next time?"

An An raised her head and said to Lu Wanwan: "Mommy, shall we treat Uncle Secretary to have hot pot tonight? Thank you for sending us home!"

Lu Wanwan looked at the secretary and asked what he meant.

When Lu Wanwan sent the secretary to the door, a slender figure suddenly rushed out of the elevator.When he caught a glimpse of the secretary and Lu Wanwan coming out of the house one after the other, he immediately shouted angrily: "Okay Zhou Yang, are you worthy of me!"

When the secretary saw the person coming, his eyes widened instantly: "Wife?!"

"Okay." An An nodded.

"I send you."


Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, and looked at the woman rushing over.

The other party had a pretty face, was wearing a woolen sweater and a pair of woolen trousers, and was rolling up his sleeves at this moment, punching and kicking the secretary, cursing while beating——

"Who is your wife? You actually kept my mistress behind my back! I, I am no longer your wife! Zhou Yang, I want to divorce you!"

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