Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1096 You Did Me A Great Favor

Monday, Yaobo Company.

As soon as Lu Wanwan pushed open the office door, she heard someone in the department say: "Director Lu, Merry Christmas!"

Lu Wanwan nodded at them: "Merry Christmas, everyone."

Luo Ye saw that Lu Wanwan was in a good mood, so he asked, "My lord, did you take the children somewhere to play this weekend?"

Lu Wanwan said: "No, he is about to take the final exam."

Xiao Shan, who was making coffee nearby, suddenly turned her cute face, and said, "Director Lu is too strict, isn't he? It was Christmas two days ago, and everyone went out to celebrate the New Year."

Lu Wanwan said indifferently: "No matter how grand Christmas is, it is also a foreign festival. When the students are on winter vacation, it will be the real Chinese New Year."

Lu Wanwan raised her head, looked at his clear face, and asked, "Do you have any good candidates?"

Xiao Jing was slightly taken aback: "Did you ask me?"

Lu Wanwan gave a soft "hmm".

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When Xiao Shan heard this, she said "Oh" in embarrassment.

At this time, Xiao Jing came over and said to Lu Wanwan: "Director, today we are doing a 'Mobile Phone New' event in the electronic mall, who are you going to send to watch?"

But as soon as he touched Xiao Shan's hand, Xiao Jing immediately took a step back uncomfortably, and accidentally bumped into Lu Wanwan who was behind him.

Lu Wanwan staggered.

Xiaojing turned his head and asked in panic, "Director Lu, are you okay?"

"In the last event, it was me and..." Xiao Jing was about to answer, but Xiao Shan's scream suddenly came from behind him.

Xiao Jing looked back and saw Xiao Shan stepped on the coffee stains on the ground and slid towards him.

Xiaojing didn't pick it up, it didn't matter if he didn't pick it up, and finally reached out to pick it up.

Lu Wanwan said lightly: "Be careful next time."

After getting forgiveness, Xiao Shan seemed to ask inadvertently: "By the way, I just heard from Assistant Jing that there is a new event in the e-commerce mall, do you need someone to watch it?"

Xiao Jing replied from the side: "Yes."

Facing the nervous eyebrows of the young man, Lu Wanwan stood firm and said, "I'm fine."

After finishing speaking, Lu Wanwan looked at Xiao Shan.

Xiao Shan stood on the spot with a look of helplessness, and said, "I'm sorry Director Lu, I didn't hold it steady just now, and the coffee overflowed, that's why it happened!"

While thinking about it, Lu Wanwan said: "Okay, you and Xiaojing go together, we can take care of each other if there is something to do."

"Thank you Director Lu, I will definitely not let you down!" Xiao Shan said, looking at Xiao Jing excitedly.

Xiaojing has no objection to this.

After blinking, Xiao Shan said, "Director Lu, can you look at me? I'm a girl, so I can better communicate with the staff in the mall and be more patient in introducing new products to customers."

Lu Wanwan looked at Xiao Shan. From the first day she came to work, this girl gave her the impression that she was Liu Chun's follower, and she would do whatever Liu Chun asked her to do.

As a result, these few days, when Liu Chun asked for leave and didn't come, Xiao Shan came to her and introduced herself. It seems that they are just a pair of plastic sisters.

An hour later, Liu Chun couldn't sit still and turned the chair, and asked Luo Ye who was sitting behind her: "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Luo Ye was slandered and plagiarized by Liu Chun not long ago, so he said angrily, "No."

After Liu Chun bit her lower lip, she turned around and stared blankly at the blank computer.

Not long after the two set off, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open.

Everyone looked and saw Liu Chun walking in disheveledly.

When meeting Lu Wanwan's line of sight, Liu Chun turned his face away uncomfortably, came to his cubicle, opened the chair and sat down.

"Wanwan, two days ago, someone came to the branch office to inquire about you. Fortunately, it was me. In order to avoid causing you trouble, I said that you are a distant relative of the Fu family. You have been working in city y before. I only returned to City S this year."

Distant relatives?

No wonder Liu Chun came to work today and took the initiative to find a job.



When Lu Wanwan was having lunch, she suddenly received a call from Fu Xing.

"Wanwan, since you said I helped you, can you help me too?"

Fu Xing's gentle voice was mixed with a bit of eagerness: "How did you think about the matter I asked you for help that day?"

Lu Wanwan knew that Fu Xing would not help in vain, so she said, "Give me some time, and I will do it."

It must have been that day, after she said those words in Liu Yihui's office, Liu Yihui secretly asked someone to investigate her, and ended up in Fu Xing's hands.

And Fu Xing's answer is beneficial to both her and the Fu family.

Lu Wanwan said: "Thanks for your help."

Lu Wanwan sent a text message, telling Xiao Jing and Xiao Shan to be safe when they come back.

In the evening, Xiao Jing and Xiao Shan braved the heavy snow and returned to the company to report to Lu Wanwan.

When Lu Wanwan heard that all the new mobile phones were sold out, she couldn't help but smiled slightly, and said, "You guys did a good job. Next time there will be a similar event, I will arrange for you to go."

Fu Xing heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Wanwan, with your words, I feel relieved, and I will wait for your good news."


After the lunch break, there was a sudden heavy snowfall in City S.

Xiao Shan panicked, and hurried over to comfort her.

But Liu Chun didn't quite buy it. What do you mean, she didn't come to work for a few days, and Xiao Shan ran to Lu Wanwan to flatter her!

After get off work, Liu Chun was in the bathroom, and asked suspiciously: "Xiao Shan, you were using me to get close to Luo Ye and Xiaojing, right?"

Xiao Shan happily compared Lu Wanwan with a peach with her fingers: "Director, thank you for giving me the opportunity to go out and practice, I love you~"

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Xiao Shan saw Liu Chun, and said awkwardly, "Liu Chun, you, are you coming to work?"

Liu Chun folded his arms around his chest and sneered at her, "You seem disappointed when I come to work?"

As soon as the words fell, the bathroom door behind them was opened, and Lu Wanwan walked out from inside.

Seeing this, Xiao Shan's face turned red from bottom to top as if being strangled.

Liu Chun sneered, and waited quietly for Lu Wanwan to lose his temper.

Xiao Shan froze, and said with a dry smile: "Liu Chun, don't think too much, okay? I really regard you as a friend!"

Liu Chun said aggressively: "Then if I and that surnamed Lu, you can only choose one?"

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Shan flattered her and said, "Of course I choose you."

Lu Wanwan came to the sink, squeezed out the hand sanitizer, and after washing her hands slowly, she took two pieces of tissue paper to dry her hands.

"Lu, Director Lu, I..." However, the more leisurely Lu Wanwan behaved, the more frightened Xiao Shan became.

Lu Wanwan finally looked at her, and said softly: "Xiao Shan, you did a great job today, I can see that you want to do a good job, I am very optimistic about your future, you will not let me down, yes Bar?"

Under Lu Wanwan's trusting eyes, Xiao Shan nodded in a strange way.

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