Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1095 The consequences of teasing him irresponsible

While Wei Yu and Ye Fei were talking sarcasticly, a bowling ball suddenly rolled towards them, scaring them to raise their feet to avoid being crushed.

They followed suit and saw Li Jingchen looking at them expressionlessly.

However, Wei Yu complained to the villain first: "Jingchen, you don't play basketball, what are you doing eavesdropping on us?"

Ye Fei laughed at him: "You still want to hit us with the ball, did we hit the mark?"

Li Jingchen lowered his eyes, took another bowling ball from the rack, and said indifferently, "If you two don't want to play anymore, go back."

"Here we come." Wei Yu stood up, touched a bowling ball as well, bent over and threw it.

Wei Yu threw it casually, without even using any effort, the ball rolled into the ditch halfway, and finally missed one of them.

Ye Fei also stepped forward, clasped the eye of the ball with his slender and powerful knuckles, lifted it up, aimed at the pins in the distance, and said: "Old Wei is right, anyway, no one can stop you now gone."

Li Jingchen opened his thin lips lightly: "Who said there is no such thing?"

On the other hand, at the end of the fairway on Li Jingchen's side, there was another "bang" sound, a full hit!

Seeing how angry he was, Wei Yu persuaded him with a smile: "I said, my brother and sister are also divorced, why are you so polite? If you want it, just grab it."

Wei Yu was delighted when he heard it: "Pfft, your son?"

Ye Fei said from the side: "Son is disobedient, just give him a good beating."

The friends on the left and right were stunned at the same time, before asking, "Who is it?"

Li Jingchen said, "Huai'an."

After Ye Fei smiled, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Li Jingchen's cell phone on the table lit up, and couldn't help reminding: "Jingchen, it's so late, whose call is it?"

Li Jingchen ignored him and continued to throw his ball.

Li Jingchen frowned and said, "Wan Wan will feel bad."

Wei Yu showed a sour expression: "Oh, oh, mother and son, Wan Wan, it really makes you short of breath."

He quickly returned to Li Jingchen's side, handed the phone to him, and said, "Stop calling, brother and sister's number!"

"Siblings?" Ye Fei said in surprise, "It's so late, is it true?"

For a while, no one paid attention.

Until the phone rang again, Wei Yu saw that Li Jingchen still didn't want to talk to him, so he walked over and picked up the phone for help, his eyes lit up instantly.

Li Jingchen said: "Not yet, how about you, it's 2 o'clock, and you still not asleep?"

"I was asleep, but I got up to go to the bathroom just now, so I'll call you by the way."

Seeing that it was really Lu Wanwan on the caller ID, Li Jingchen immediately threw the ball to Ye Fei, took the phone from Wei Yu himself, and went to the sofa to answer it.

"Hey, Li Jingchen, have you rested?" Lu Wanwan's voice was soft and soft, as if she wanted to settle accounts with him.

Li Jingchen snorted coldly, knowing that she was willing to call him for the sake of her precious son.

"That's what he told you." Li Jingchen said in a tone that was too lazy to explain.

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows: "You only think of me when you go to the bathroom?"

"..." Lu Wanwan didn't answer: "I want to ask you, what happened between you and An An tonight? I heard from the head teacher that you have been looking for him for an hour."

After Li Jingchen finished speaking coolly, he waited for her to scold her.

But Lu Wanwan just said: "Li Jingchen, are you naive?"

"He didn't say anything, so I want to ask you." After a meal, Lu Wanwan asked: "Could you be arguing in front of the whole school?"

"Yeah, it was noisy, it was so loud, and I ran away your precious son in anger, and hid on the roof to blow the cold wind. It took me an hour to find him, and he was almost frozen to death."

The next second, Lu Wanwan's voice came: "In short, thank you tonight, I left a good memory for the teachers and children in the treatment center, I hope one day, you can tell them yourself, these things You did it, not me."

Li Jingchen stroked the cover of the phone, and his restless mood gradually eased.

that's it?

Li Jingchen waited for a long time, but didn't wait for the follow-up, so he thought she was asleep.

Who said adults won't be wronged?The grievances given by children are the most difficult to digest.

At this time, Lu Wanwan asked: "By the way, it will be New Year's Day in a few days. Do you have time?"

Lu Wanwan continued: "As for An'an running away, I believe you didn't do it on purpose. It was not easy for you to find him for an hour."

Li Jingchen clasped the fuselage firmly with his fingertips. After An'an went downstairs, he stood on the roof, finished smoking a cigarette, turned and left.

She neither admitted nor denied it.

Li Jingchen began to scratch his heart and liver.

Li Jingchen narrowed his eyes and joked with her: "Why, you want to ask me out?"

"just asking."

Li Jingchen said "Oh?" slowly, but there was a little smile in his eyes.

The world is afraid of him, afraid of him, but he just wants to let Wanwan be alone in his heart.

After laughing at his own worthlessness in his heart, he said, "Wanwan, do you know what will happen if you tease me and don't take responsibility?"

Lu Wanwan chuckled lightly: "I know, but I'm not afraid."

After Lu Wanwan said "um", she said, "See you on New Year's Day, I'm going to sleep."

Li Jingchen smiled: "Okay, see you on New Year's Day."

"you have not answer my question yet."

Li Jingchen gave the answer: "New Year's Day, the company is on holiday, of course I have time."

Wei Yu and Ye Fei looked at each other, leaned closer and said, "Did my brother and sister call to express condolences to you?"

Li Jingchen shared with them without hesitation: "She asked me out, see you on New Year's Day."


Seeing that Li Jingchen looked like a different person after making the phone call, the corners of his eyes and brows stretched.

Ye Fei said: "January 1st."

"Oh, there are still a few more days." Wei Yu said, looking at Li Jingchen: "My brother and sister asked you to meet that day, so you have lost these few days?"

New Year?

Wei Yu asked, "When would that be?"

Li Jingchen's brows were heavy, did he really fall for Wan Wan's beauty trick?


"That's right." Ye Fei echoed, "Usually when Tongtong is too busy filming and doesn't want to talk to me, she also asks me to meet another day."

Wei Yu has lived among thousands of flowers, and has more experience than Li Jingchen by more than 01:30: "I said Jingchen, you were fooled by your younger siblings, do you know?"

Before going to bed, she remembered what the teacher in charge said about An An hitting people with the ball on the basketball court many times, plus this time, An An fled from Li Jingchen on the spot in front of her teachers and classmates. It can be seen that the father and son are like sparks meeting each other Dynamite, it explodes when you touch it.

After setting a meeting time with Li Jingchen, Lu Wanwan went to bed.

Nine Hee Heaven and Earth.

But in the end, An An is more likely to get hurt, and Lu Wanwan needs to protect his young heart more.

In addition, the head teacher said that the final exam is coming, so in order not to affect An An's preparation for the exam, Lu Wanwan decided to separate the father and son first, and wait until the winter vacation.

But to make Li Jingchen not come to make trouble willingly, Lu Wanwan can only make an appointment with him first, hoping to make him happy and make An An calm for a while.

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