Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1094 Isn't it embarrassing enough?

The little guy took out his mobile phone and made a video call to Fu Shuo, but for some reason, Fu Shuo didn't answer.

An An could only put her phone on her chest, put her hands under her head, and thought for a while, she would fly to City Y to find her daddy tomorrow.After a while, I thought about growing up quickly, so that I could take my mommy to escape from Li Jingchen's clutches!

He thought a lot, and in the end, he gradually became sleepy.

for a long time--

A piece of snow fell on An An's face, and gradually, more and more fell.

An An's nose was itchy, she sneezed, and then woke up.

He rubbed his nose, lay down on the edge of the fence instead, and looked down.

I saw the school leaders giving a warm speech on the stage, which means that the cultural performance is over?

Someone came to the door.

An An didn't want people to find him hiding here, so he hid behind the building.

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At this time, there was a bright light at the entrance of the rooftop.


An An put down her hand covering her face and looked at Li Jingchen.

As the sound of footsteps approached, An An hugged her legs and shrunk herself into a ball.

In the next second, the bright light swept across An An's face, and the visitor said in a deep voice, "Come out when you are self-willed enough, don't you know that the whole class is looking for you?"

Li Jingchen Shi Shiran said: "Because I have long legs, I can walk faster than them."

"..." Ann.

Li Jingchen shined on him with the flashlight that came with his mobile phone, and said coolly: "How else do you want to be ashamed? Let the students in the class see you hiding here as the number one in grade?"

An An said in grief and indignation: "Why did you find me first?"

He didn't see Li Jingchen breathing a sigh of relief behind him.

When An An returned to her seat, she realized that their class was neatly seated, and no one was missing.

While making a phone call gesture, Li Jingchen issued an ultimatum: "If you don't come down again, I will call your head teacher."

An An didn't want to be seen as a joke, so he straightened up from the ground and walked towards the exit of the rooftop.

When Wen Zhong saw him, he was finally relieved: "That's great, Master Huai'an, you are finally back, the young master has been looking for you for an hour!"

An An was stunned.

Is this what Li Jingchen said "the whole class is looking for him"?

An An showed a deceived expression.

Wen Zhong sighed behind him.


Wen Zhong continued: "Eldest Young Master was afraid that you would lose face, so he kept quiet and went to look for you alone, but luckily he found you."

After hearing this, An An was silent for a long time before saying in a low voice: "...I didn't let him look for it."

She pressed her heart, took a breath, and found Class One of the second year according to the order of the classes. She saw An An sitting alone, and the seat next to her was empty.

Her heart twitched. Didn't Li Jingchen say on the phone that he wanted to accompany An'an?

10 points.

Lu Wanwan rushed to the school from the treatment center.

An An looked at her, her emotions were not too high: "Mummy..."

Lu Wanwan hugged his shoulder lightly and asked, "Is the show good? Will it be boring to be alone?"

What about others?

She walked over in a hurry, and after she sat down, she called softly, "An'an, Mommy is back."


When the stage officially ended and the audience began to leave, the homeroom teacher came to Lu Wanwan and said politely, "Mother Huai'an, can I hold you up for a few minutes?"

An An didn't have the nerve to talk about the fact that she ran away halfway, she just said: "It looks good, it won't be boring."

"That's good." Lu Wanwan finally felt relieved. She let go of An An's shoulder and listened to the principal's speech.

Lu Wanwan immediately walked aside with the head teacher, and saw the head teacher crossed his hands, and said seriously: "This is Huai An's mother. A few days ago, the physical education teacher came to me to report that An An didn't follow the rules of the game when she was in basketball class. According to the rules, he dribbled the ball several times and refused to change it, so there was a little bit of violence.”

Seeing Lu Wanwan's complexion change, the head teacher added: "Of course, don't worry, Huai'an has always been excellent in both character and learning, and he is united and friendly with his classmates. Maybe it's because he was in a bad mood that day, or because the rebellious period has come. Yes, but in order not to affect his final exam, I hope you can talk to him more, after all, children's education should start from an early age."

"Yes." After Lu Wanwan answered, she lowered her head and said to An An, "Baby, wait here for Mommy, okay?"

An An nodded obediently.

Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief.

The head teacher saw that it was getting late, so he took the time and said: "By the way, there is one more thing. Just now Huaian yelled for some reason and ran out. I saw Li Xiuqi's parents went to look for him. Fortunately, I got it back, otherwise I don’t know how to explain to you.”

After listening to the cause and effect, Lu Wanwan asked in a low voice: "Teacher, did An An hurt anyone that day?"

The teacher in charge showed a smile, shook his head and said, "That's not true."

Lu Wanwan turned her head and saw Wen Zhong beside Li Xiuqi, and asked, "Teacher, are you talking about that old man?"

"No, no..." The head teacher searched around with his eyes, but he couldn't find Li Jingchen, so he could only describe his appearance verbally.

"Wait, what did you say?" Lu Wanwan was confused.

Li Xiuqi's parents?


Nine Hee Heaven and Earth.

When Lu Wanwan heard it, she understood.

It turned out that Li Jingchen had been here...

"Daddy, I miss you so much."

"Daddy, good night."

Before going to sleep, An An held up her mobile phone, clicked on the social software, found Fu Shuo's profile picture, and left him a message saying——

"Daddy, Merry Christmas."


2 o'clock late at night, bowling club.

When Lu Wanwan passed the door of the little guy's room, she heard the sound of a little milk coming from inside.

She leaned against the door, and suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Li Jingchen, what's going on?


Ten pins are knocked down, and a one-hit mark appears on the display.


A black bowling ball rolled across the lane at high speed.

They suddenly received a text message from Li Jingchen, asking them to come here to play.

Lovers on one side and brothers on the other, they decided to lull Lin Yan and Fang Tong, two pregnant women, to sleep before coming out to see Li Jingchen.

The two men sitting on the sofa applauded symbolically, and said weakly: "It's amazing... I got hit again..."

These two men are Wei Yu and Ye Fei.

Unexpectedly, the beating by Li Jingchen lasted for 2 hours, and the two of them couldn't lift their hands.

"Jingchen's energy is too good. He looks like he doesn't have a wife." Wei Yu said sourly when he saw the bulging muscles on Li Jingchen's arms when he lifted the bowling ball.

Ye Fei crossed his legs, and echoed: "Yes, look at his face, it's clear that he is dissatisfied with desire."

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