Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1080 Are You Aren't Afraid Of Me Running Away From Home?

In Nankai Primary School, Class [-] of Grade [-] is having physical education class.

At this time, the physical education teacher held a basketball in his hand and said to the boys: "Friendship comes first, competition comes second, do you hear me?"

The boys divided into red and blue teams shouted in unison: "I heard it!"

With the whistle of the physical education teacher, the basketball game officially began.

When the physical education teacher threw the basketball into the sky, a figure jumped up high, and the corners of the school uniform flew in the air, and he grabbed the serve first!

The blue team only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and the ball fell into the hands of An An of the red team.

They were immediately facing a formidable enemy. Who didn't know that besides studying well, An'an was also good at sports.

As soon as An An grabbed the ball, she immediately rushed towards the blue team's rebound.

During the period, a thin figure was in the blue team, with a pair of dark eyes staring at the basketball in An An's hand.

"I figured it out, let's use the tactic of 'outflanking' to stop Fu Huai'an!"

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"What the hell is it, Captain?" The members of the blue team almost collapsed.

The members of the blue team didn't expect An An to bump into him like this. They were so frightened that they dodged and dodged. Only a thin boy opened his arms, and without hesitation... was knocked to the ground by An An!

The girls standing outside the basketball court and watching worriedly shouted: "Ah, Classmate Li was knocked down by Classmate Fu!"

After the captain of the blue team made a plan, he transferred three players to surround An'an.

Facing the blue team members who were outflanked in the shape of "Pin", An An didn't stop, but directly charged forward with the ball!

Although the physical education teacher admired his athletic talent, but—"Fu Huai'an, you fouled first, this goal cannot be scored."

"I don't care." An An's answer surprised the physical education teacher.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" While blowing the whistle, the physical education teacher took out a yellow card and warned An An who was shooting: "Fu Huai'an, you have fouled, a yellow card warning!"

"Boom!" An An scored a goal.

Looking at each other, An An said indifferently, "I didn't mean to."

Li Xiuqi patted the dust off his body, and said in a low voice, "It's okay."

In my impression, this child is sensible and polite. He often helps organize sports equipment when get out of class is over. What happened today?

When An An turned around, he saw that Li Xiuqi, who was knocked down by him, was being helped up by the blue team.

After An An snatched the serve from the physical education teacher, the players all raised their hands in order to prevent him from getting on top——

"Huian, pass the ball to me!"

The game continues.

An An from the red team and Li Xiuqi from the blue team ran in opposite directions.

An Antongtong couldn't hear any tactics or cooperation.

Now he just wants to vent!

"Student Fu, give me the ball! Watch me make a three-step layup!"

But no matter how the players yelled, the ball seemed to grow in An An's hands, and no one could take it away.

Li Xiuqi opened his slender arms and shook his head slowly.

So, An An dribbled the ball away from Li Xiuqi again, then stood on tiptoe, and threw the basketball in his hand to the backboard behind Li Xiuqi.

After passing one person after another, a familiar figure stood in front of him again.

After taking a deep breath, An An whispered to Li Xiuqi: "Get out of the way!"


The basketball lands.

At the same time, the physical education teacher's whistle sounded: "Fu Huai'an fouled! Red card!"

Just when everyone was watching that An An was about to score a goal, Li Xiuqi suddenly bent his knees, raised his arms, and blocked An An's goal with his fingers!

After the members of the blue team came to their senses, they looked at their hero and shouted his name loudly: "Li Xiuqi! Li Xiuqi! Li Xiuqi!"

There was warm applause outside the arena.

Everyone was shocked to find that An An not only failed to score, but was also sent off...

Even An'an's eyes flashed with astonishment.

Does he, who is as weak as an ant, deserve such applause?

the other side.

The girls in Class [-] of the second year looked at Li Xiuqi with admiration and said, "It turns out that classmate Li is so good!"

Li Xiuqi looked around in a daze. Was the cheers from his teammates really for him?

"Huian, what's the matter with you today?"

"You're not usually like this!"

The red team lost a general, and they were all downcast. They made frequent mistakes in the next game and were finally won by 11:4.

Looking at the blue team hugging and celebrating together, the red team felt very uncomfortable. They stopped An An who was about to go back to the classroom, and asked——

At this moment, although An An's eyes fell on them, she seemed to be asking others through them.


"Why don't you cooperate with us? How could you win basketball alone?"

After An An stood still, she asked back, "Why should I cooperate with you?"

An An's pen tip paused, and after saying "OK", she silently packed her schoolbag.

Lu Wanwan stood outside, watching him brush his teeth and wash his face after packing his schoolbag, and finally lay down on the bed in silence.

10:[-] p.m.

Lu Wanwan came outside An An's room and saw that he was still studying, so she couldn't help reminding softly: "An An, you should go to bed."

Hitting someone with the ball!

An An said last night that she didn't blame Lu Wanwan, but she was actually sulking in her heart.

When the little guy was lying down on his side, his shoulders were exposed from the wide pajamas, which was seen by Lu Wanwan who was about to turn off the lights for him.

She couldn't help walking over, and after a closer look, she found: "An'an, why are your shoulders red?"

An An felt that the pillow next to her sank slightly, but she endured it without looking back: "I want Daddy to take care of it."

Lu Wanwan suddenly realized that when the illusion is shattered, it is the beginning of a child's unreasonable troubles.

He only heard him say behind her back: "Don't worry about Mommy."

Lu Wanwan poked his pillow and asked softly, "Then who do you want?"

These words stimulated An An, he sat up suddenly, and muttered to her: "Then I will make a video call to Daddy now!"

Lu Wanwan looked at the time and said softly, "Okay, you can call, he should not be asleep yet."

Before, she told Li Jingchen that it would be better for An An to make a fuss with her than to say nothing. Unexpectedly, it came true so soon.

"But now there is no daddy, only mommy."

The little guy immediately grabbed Lu Wanwan's handle and started to make a fuss: "You tricked me back, but told me that I don't have a father anymore, Mommy is a big liar!"

Facing his angry little face, Lu Wanwan said patiently: "Mummy didn't lie to you, everyone told you that I divorced Fu Shuo."

Seeing that she was not in a hurry, as if he was playing a one-man show alone, An An was sad and angry: "I, I still want to tell Dad that Mommy wants to remarry him!"

Lu Wanwan's eyes froze suddenly: "This won't work."

Lu Wanwan looked at him seriously: "Then you will?"

Of course Ann will!

Mommy not only doesn't coax him, but also calls Daddy's name directly? !

The little guy kicked his legs aggrieved, and began to threaten: "If you don't even coax me, aren't you afraid that I will run away from home?"

So tonight, he deliberately tried to ignore Mommy, and it ended up being even more uncomfortable.

When playing basketball today, he vented his anger, but he still felt very uncomfortable.

But he couldn't bear to treat Lu Wanwan like this.

He couldn't ignore Mommy.

So he threw himself into Lu Wanwan's arms, drilled hard, squeezed hard, trying to make her feel the pain with his limbs.

As if in this way, Mommy can empathize with him!

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