Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1079 Let's see who wins the battle

Liu Chun was anxious, but still insisted: "I don't have to work, but I can get paid for nothing, why not do it?"

These words were heard by Lu Wanwan who just pushed the door open.

She took out an attendance sheet from the file rack, and said to Liu Chun: "Liu Chun, every day from now on, I will record your performance and report it to the superiors truthfully, and see if the superiors agree to support an idler." .”

Everyone in the department was stunned. Director Lu is determined to punish Liu Chun!

Annoyed, Liu Chun stood up and said, "Hey, obviously you didn't give me work!"

Lu Wanwan said lightly: "I won't give you work, you can find work yourself."

When she was just an intern, she also found work by herself, and the old employees were not so kind to feed her food into her mouth.

Lu Wanwan was afraid that she would not mention it. You must know that in the struggle in the office, "overpowering people" is the most offensive thing. Before Liu Chun noticed, everyone around her was looking at her with contempt.

As for Lu Wanwan, she only needs to be the upright side: "So what if you are the emperor's daughter? This is a company, not your home, and no one is spoiling you."

"But you remember." Lu Wanwan raised the attendance sheet in her hand and said seriously: "As long as you are lazy, I will write it down."

Liu Chun grasped the edge of the table with both hands, and leaned over to ask Lu Wanwan, "Do you know who my father is?"

Luo Ye saw that her eye circles were red, as if she had really been wronged, but he was a straight man and couldn't figure out the girl's mind, so he just scratched his head and didn't make a sound to comfort her.

Seeing this, Liu Chun rushed out of the door angrily.

"Okay!" Luo Ye was so excited that he couldn't help shouting.

This remark stung a hornet's nest, Liu Chun turned around, and stared at him in shame and anger: "What's the matter! Luo Ye, you are bullying!"

Lu Wanwan glanced at the freshly applied nail polish on her hands, and asked, "Is that right Xiao Shan? Have you finished your ppt? You need to use it when you go to the meeting."

Xiao Shan shut her mouth embarrassingly, not daring to be lazy anymore.

Holding the attendance sheet in her hand, Lu Wanwan didn't panic at all: "Okay, let's continue working."

At this time, Xiao Shan poked her face out from the cubicle, and said timidly, "Director Lu, if Liu Chun knows she's wrong, can you forgive her?"

After dinner, Luo Ye came to sit next to Xiao Jing, and besides chatting about work, he also talked about their new goddess Lu Wanwan: "Xiao Jing, have you noticed that Director Lu is extraordinarily ruthless today?" ?”

Xiaojing raised his head slowly: "Is there?"


At noon, the staff canteen.

Luo Ye analyzed clearly and said: "Think about it, when ordinary employees make mistakes, the leaders talk to each other in private.

But look at Director Lu, he didn't give Liu Chun any face today, and asked her to stop doing it in front of us and the general manager. "

But Xiao Wang next to him echoed: "I also found out, is Director Lu in a bad mood?"

Xiaojing was surprised and said, "How do you know she's in a bad mood?"

Xiao Wang looked longingly: "However, Director Lu's vigorous and resolute appearance is really cool, I like it very much!"

After Xiaojing said "Oh", he said lightly: "I think Director Lu is right. Liu Chun's work attitude is too bad... oh!"

After hearing this, Xiao Jing asked back: "But didn't Liu Chun ask for it?"

Luo Ye nodded and said, "It's true that Liu Chun asked for it, but who is her father? The vice president of the company! Normal leaders turn a blind eye to what she does, how can they be like Lu Chun?" The supervisor is so rigid?"

Luo Ye grinned his little canine teeth and said "hi~" to them.

Liu Chun kept a cold face and walked past their table.

Before Xiao Jing finished speaking, Luo Ye suddenly stuffed him with a big mouthful of rice.

"Ahem..." Xiaojing coughed, and saw Liu Chun and Xiao Shan coming over with dinner plates.

After Xiaojing swallowed the rice, he said calmly: "It doesn't matter if you hear it, we're just telling the truth."

the other side--

Seeing this, Xiao Shan hesitated to follow Liu Chun after glancing at Xiao Jing.

Xiao Wang looked at their backs and said, "Hey, she won't hear what we said just now, right?"

It's okay if she didn't mention it, but when she mentioned it, Liu Chun gritted his teeth angrily: "It turns out that everyone in the department is watching my joke!"

Xiao Shan explained: "I spoke nice things to you in front of Director Lu, but she scolded me too..."

With a "bang", Liu Chun put down the dinner plate heavily.

Xiao Shan on the opposite side persuaded softly: "Liu Chun, don't be angry, they are all joking."

Liu Chun squinted her eyes and said, "What should I do? After I get home, I will ask my dad to keep an eye on her. If she makes any mistakes at work, let her go!"

Xiao Shan asked worriedly, "Is this okay?"

Liu Chun looked at her, then looked at Luo Ye's group of heartless guys, and said, "Xiao Shan, you're still welcome, that old woman must be in menopause, so she only finds fault with the two of us! "

After Xiao Shan nodded, she asked, "Then what shall we do?"

Meanwhile, the company coffee corner.

The people in the department guessed right, Lu Wanwan is really in a bad mood today.

Liu Chun sneered and said, "What's wrong, isn't she just wanting to use me to gain fame in the department? Let's see who stays till the end!"


What should she do?Distance yourself from Li Jingchen?To make An An happy?

Lu Wanwan's fingers penetrated into her hair, and she didn't want to eat lunch at all.

Because of what An An said last night, she fell into an ice cave.

When she acquiesced in Li Jingchen's attempt to contact An An, An An said that he hated Li Jingchen.

After picking up the phone, Lu Wanwan slid the answer button and called: "Xiao Xia."

Xia Zhi's voice came immediately: "Young Mistress, I heard that you were forced to resign from the branch?"

Just then, her cell phone rang.

She looked up and found that it was Xia Zhi's call.They talk on the phone every once in a while.Through Xia Zhi, Lu Wanwan could know the latest situation of Fu Shuo without being misunderstood by Fu Shuo.

"Enough Xiao Xia." Lu Wanwan remembered what Fu Xing said to her yesterday evening, and couldn't help asking, "How is Fu Shuo now?"

Xia Zhi said truthfully: "Mr. got angry with the master and said that no matter what, you must go back to work in the branch office. Otherwise, he would not only refuse to receive treatment, but would even go on a hunger strike."

"You know that too?"

Xia Zhi said: "Well, it was my husband who told me, and the master is really true. The branch company was established by the husband, and the husband himself has no objection. Why should he go overboard and fire you?"


After finishing the call, Lu Wanwan looked out of the window with a heavy heart.

Lu Wanwan sighed: "Xiao Xia, I have already found a new job, please tell him not to do this."

Xia Zhi said, "Mr. is determined to ask you to return to the company, no one will persuade you."

She knew that the reason why Fu Shuo made such a fuss was because he thought the same as An An.

Fu's branch was the only bond left between them, if it was broken, there would really be nothing left.

On one side is Li Jingchen who is hated by An An, and on the other side is Fu Shuo, who Fu Xing asked her to help. What should she do next?

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