Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1081 Your Husband Came To Me By Himself

At the end of the trouble, the little guy fell asleep in Lu Wanwan's arms.

Lu Wanwan gently touched his little face, even in the dream, the little guy's curled eyelashes were trembling sadly, but when he woke up, he was reluctant to say a serious word to her, let alone really leave The family ran away.

Lu Wanwan lowered her head, kissed the little guy lovingly on the face, and then closed the door and left.

When she came to the living room and was about to turn off the lights, she suddenly heard a woman screaming from next door.

Lu Wanwan came to the door and looked out through the cat's eyes.

A middle-aged woman grabbed Miao Tao's hair and dragged her out of the house. Miao Tao kicked her legs desperately and screamed, "Let go of me, your husband came to find me by himself!"

After a quick glance at Miao Tao, the man smiled and said, "Honey, she lied to me that she was giving a massage, so I came up with her. I didn't expect her to be so dishonest and seduce me."

The middle-aged woman sneered at him and said, "I have finally caught you adulterers and prostitutes after a year!"

The man didn't dare to speak anymore.

These words completely angered the middle-aged woman.

"Hit me hard!" She threw Miao Tao to the helpers she brought, and they surrounded Miao Tao in the middle. After a while of punching and kicking, Miao Tao completely lost her sense of resistance and lay limp. Collapsing on the ground!

At this time, a disheveled man came out of Miao Tao's room. He ran out while putting on his pants.

She chose to take out her mobile phone and call the police.

"Hello, this is the Public Security Bureau."

"Comrade policeman, there are people gathering for prostitution next door. It's very disturbing. Can you please call the police?"

The middle-aged woman immediately kicked Miao Tao, You You was puzzled and said, "You little bitch, are you so short of men? I'll satisfy you tonight!"

In the next second, several helpers began to tear Miao Tao's thin skirt. Miao Tao was like a puddle of mud, being randomly kneaded by pairs of men's big hands, and the scene in the corridor quickly became obscene.

After Lu Wanwan looked away, she didn't go out. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that Miao Tao was seducing her husband and was caught.

Facing the sudden appearance of the police, those who beat Miao Tao panicked, picked up their pants and ran towards the escape route.

But they didn't expect that there were police ambushing in the escape passage, and they subdued them in a short while.

Miao Tao has been beaten to death. If she is on a legal program, her whole body will have to be mosaiced.

The policeman on the opposite side asked something, and Lu Wanwan replied, "I'm sure it's not a marital dispute, nor is it domestic violence. I have evidence."

After half an hour—

The rampage was interrupted by two policemen rushing out of the elevator!

"Ding dong, ding dong."

Lu Wanwan opened the door, only to see a policeman standing at the door.

The policeman looked at her and asked, "You called the police just now?"

The leading policeman squatted down, sniffed Miao Tao's breath, saw that he was still breathing, then straightened up, and said, "Take them all back."

When the middle-aged woman was handcuffed, she did not forget to cry and complain that Miao Tao hired someone to catch her after her husband was robbed.

But no matter what, they had to go back to the Public Security Bureau and record their statements honestly.

Although later she and Miao Tao reached an "verbal agreement" to remove the surveillance camera, Lu Wanwan did not delete the original recorded video just to prepare for emergencies.

"Oh? Let me take a look." The policeman got excited when he heard this.

It's not that the neighbors had not reported to the police before, but Miao Tao cunningly dealt with them.

Lu Wanwan nodded: "It's me."

The policeman asked again: "You said on the phone that you have evidence to prove that there is a young lady living next door to you?"

"Yeah." Lu Wanwan turned on the surveillance video on her phone and said, "This is the video I recorded after installing a camera at the door a while ago. Can it be used as evidence?"

These money and sex transactions, coupled with the confession of the middle-aged woman, Miao Tao will not stay in prison for a while, I am sorry for the country's laws.

And Lu Wanwan can finally be clean.


As long as someone came to check, Miao Tao said that the one who stayed here overnight was her boyfriend.

As for why the boyfriends are different every time, she changes frequently, can't she?

Now, with the surveillance video provided by Lu Wanwan, basically every man who was sent to the door by Miao Tao would put money on her, hug her for a while before leaving.

Luo Ye and Lu Wanwan got close and smelled the quiet scent of her perfume. He couldn't help feeling relaxed and happy, and even his voice was full of enthusiasm: "That's right! Director Lu just came, I want you to see my design style!"

This scene made Liu Chun, who was sitting opposite Lu Wanwan, so angry that his teeth itch.

Before he knew it, Luo Ye propped one hand on the back of Lu Wanwan's chair and the other on Lu Wanwan's desk, lowered his head, and said courteously: "If there is anything that needs to be revised, just tell me, and I will immediately fix it." change."

The next day, Yaobo Company.

As soon as Lu Wanwan came to work, Luo Ye came over with his laptop in his arms, and said excitedly, "Director Lu, I designed three dynamic advertisements last night, please take a look."

Lu Wanwan glanced at him and asked in surprise, "You designed three advertisements in one night? Or are they dynamic?"

Lu Wanwan smiled slightly and said, "Don't flatter me, it's because of your execution ability."

Luo Ye designed three dynamic advertisements in one night, while Liu Chun only designed one advertisement cover in a week, and was approached by the product manager. This is the gap.

Luo Ye was praised, so happy that he almost turned around in circles.

Lu Wanwan's eyes fell on his computer screen, carefully comparing the three advertisements.

After a while, Lu Wanwan said, "I think the second ad has a better idea. You can cut out the cover and send it to me."

Luo Ye's eyes lit up: "You are really discerning, I also think the second one is the best!"

Liu Chun, who couldn't find anything to do, couldn't help peeking behind her with her eyes.

I saw that the version of the dynamic ad that was selected by Lu Wanwan used real-life AI technology to replace the alien's face with a human's.

"They" wear ultra-tight power suits, which can constantly change their appearance through optics. They wear a pair of silver high-tech glasses in front of them, and their hands have been transformed into semi-robots. The screws on each knuckle are clearly visible. It can be seen that a brand new image of "future man" has been formed.

Since the department has Lu Wanwan, the office is full of cheerfulness every day, and even has the motivation to work overtime. Mom no longer has to worry about them getting bald and dying suddenly!

As soon as he got back to his seat, someone came over and asked, "Luo Ye, let us see what your dynamic advertisement looks like."

Luo Ye didn't hide it, but shared it with them generously.

As soon as the camera turned, I saw that the "future man" raised his mechanical finger and tapped lightly in the air. After the space was sharply distorted, a mobile phone appeared in front of his eyes.

After the "future man" picked up the phone, he made a video call with his girlfriend.

In the video, the girlfriend is also an image of a "future person". They are no longer ugly, green and big-headed aliens, but fashionable and avant-garde, handsome men and beautiful women full of sci-fi.

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