Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1065 It's amazing, don't you celebrate?

On the third day after the interview, Lu Wanwan received some job application responses one after another, and many companies politely rejected her.

The reason is nothing more than two points, one, age; two, divorce.

Lu Wanwan can also understand this.

City S is the economic lifeline of the country, and the competitive pressure is sss-level. Every year, countless outstanding graduates who just graduated from the campus flood in, so the old employees in the company have a strong sense of crisis. Don't dare to drop the chain casually.

As a result, Lu Wanwan's age has no advantage over "fresh blood", and she cannot casually replace old employees of other companies, so she is in an unembarrassing position.

Lu Wanwan's laptop rang.

At this time, she was mopping the floor in the living room. In order to find out the news as soon as possible, she put the laptop wherever she went.

But there are also some companies that have sent recruitment notices to Lu Wanwan.


Start a three-month probationary period. The salary of the probationary period is 1 a month, and 5 a month after becoming a full-time employee. I hope you will consider it and I will wait for your reply. ]

When Lu Wanwan saw the name "Yaobo Company", she was a little surprised. Isn't this the first company she interviewed for?

She put down the mop, went to open the mail, and found another notice.

[Miss Lu, I am the interviewer of Yaobo Company. I am now officially notifying you on behalf of the company. Come to our company to report at 9:[-] on Monday.

[Interviewer, hello, I will report to the company on time at 9:[-] on Monday. ]

Click to send.

At that time, the female interviewer kept asking her why she left Fu's company?She had no choice but to tell the story of her divorce, and the expressions of the interviewers changed immediately. She thought it was over.

Lu Wanwan then clicked on other emails about hiring her, compared the salary, finally chose this Yaobo company, and replied——

New job, new start.

She decided to go out and buy two new clothes after mopping the floor.

When seeing "Send successfully", Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked to the lower right corner of the computer, which showed that today was Friday.

After An An finished her homework, she wanted to come to Lu Wanwan's room to say good night.

At this time, Lu Wanwan was trying on the newly bought suit.


At 10:[-] in the evening, Jiuxi Tiandi.

Lu Wanwan hadn't finished tidying her skirt yet. Hearing An'an's voice, she pulled it up impatiently. The zipper caught her hair, and she let out a "hiss" in pain.

However, at least it was pulled up.

The zipper was on the back, Lu Wanwan turned sideways to the mirror, wrapped her hands behind her back, and pulled it up little by little.

At this time, An An's crisp voice sounded from outside: "Mummy, can I come in?"

"Yeah, help Mommy to see, does it fit?"

Lu Wanwan touched her lower abdomen subconsciously, it shouldn't be bulging yet, right?

Lu Wanwan then lowered her head, pulled her skirt down to her knees, and then went to open the door for An An.

When An An saw Lu Wanwan's outfit, her eyes lit up immediately, and she said, "Mummy, did you buy a new dress?"

An An immediately stepped forward, hugged Lu Wanwan's waist, and said coquettishly: "Mummy, tomorrow is Saturday, do you have any plans?"

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan asked softly, "Where do you want to go?"

After looking carefully, An An nodded and said, "Well, it looks good!"

After Lu Wanwan smiled slightly, she said, "An'an said it looks good, so it must look good."

"Mummy is the best~" An An said, rubbing Lu Wanwan's stomach with her small face.

This gave Lu Wanwan the inexplicable illusion that An An was greeting the new life in her stomach.

An An said: "Today, the head teacher said that Christmas is coming soon, and the school will organize a cultural performance. Our class is responsible for setting up the backstage. I want to buy props."

"That's it..." Lu Wanwan agreed: "There is an event in the school, of course Mommy will support it, and we will go buy the props you want tomorrow, shall we?"

After An'an went back to her room to sleep, Lu Wanwan heard her computer beeping.

She turned around and came to the desk, clicked on it, and found that it was the "Employee Code" sent by the interviewer of Yaobo Company.

Her heart became hot, and she couldn't help hugging An An even tighter.


However, because a strand of her hair was caught in the slider before, when she pulled it down, her scalp would be pulled and hurt.

She patiently explained it, but because the zipper was at the back, the effect was limited.

Lu Wanwan downloaded it, and before she knew it, she saw 11 o'clock.

After stretching, she turned off the computer, got up and went to the bathroom, trying to take off her new skirt.

While Lu Wanwan was muttering, the doorbell outside rang.


Lu Wanwan didn't want to be bald at a young age, so she started looking for scissors.

"Where are my scissors?"

Lu Wanwan ignored his teasing, she turned around, brushed her long hair aside, and said a little annoyed: "You came just in time, my hair is stuck by the slider, please help me untie it!"

With the movement of her hair, Lu Wanwan's slender and fragile nape was exposed to the hunter's eyes.

The door opens.

Li Jingchen looked at Lu Wanwan, who was wearing a black work skirt with hips, with a clear view of his slender and white legs, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "It's the middle of the night, playing with uniform temptation?"

"Are you ready?" Lu Wanwan's feet were sore.

"Soon." Li Jingchen replied, but still untied his hands slowly.

Li Jingchen stepped forward with a smile and untied her entangled hair.

quite a while.

Suddenly, Lu Wanwan felt something, bit her lower lip, and said tremblingly, "Forget it, I'll go find the scissors and cut it off."

"Be patient, it's almost over." Li Jingchen reached out and hooked her back who was trying to escape.

one, two...

He stood behind her, getting closer...

"..." Lu Wanwan simply stepped on him.

However, Li Jingchen was wearing leather shoes, and Lu Wanwan's cotton slippers couldn't break his defense at all.

"But you beat me!" Lu Wanwan's voice was full of embarrassment.

Li Jingchen licked the dry corner of his mouth and asked deliberately: "Where?"

At this moment, his whole body is like a fully drawn bow, ready to go!

Lu Wanwan's back was imprisoned in front of his chest, the more he struggled, the more excited he became.

After Li Jingchen laughed lightly, he pulled out Lu Wanwan's entangled hair.

But he wasn't in a hurry to tell her that it was all right, instead he pinched her chin forward, turned her little face away, and gave her a deep kiss.

"Wanwan, are you deliberately taking revenge on me by not giving you fried chicken last time?"

Lu Wanwan waved his hand away, slowly retreated into the door, supported the door frame and said, "No, I bought it for going to work in the new company."

It took a long time before Li Jingchen stopped, with his thin lips pressed against her blushing face, panting with love and hatred: "Let you seduce me by dressing like this!"

But because of her pregnancy, he couldn't have fun!

Li Jingchen became more sober: "New company?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "That's right, I've found a job, and I'll report for duty on Monday."

A smile flickered in Li Jingchen's eyes: "It's amazing, don't you want to celebrate?"

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