Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1064 Your age seems a bit old

The next morning.

Not surprisingly, Lu Wanwan's alarm clock was turned off again.

"Mommy, Mommy?"

It is said that the first time is raw and the second time is familiar. When Lu Wanwan opened her eyes and touched An An's worried little face, she asked calmly, "Mummy went to bed late again?"

An An said "hmm".

Lu Wanwan stood up sideways, and her long black satin-like hair was let down smoothly, making the complexion of her face even whiter.

"Sorry, Mommy is getting up now."

An'an listened to her voice, a little lazy, and there was some charm that he still didn't understand.

After Lu Wanwan got out of bed, she tied her hair up with a hair tie on her wrist so that she could brush her teeth and wash her face.

Unexpectedly, An An's little milk voice rang out from behind her: "Mummy, haven't you bought body milk yet?"

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Want to know who left behind!

Annoyed, Lu Wanwan tore off the hair tie and covered the red spots with her hair.

"Huh?" Lu Wanwan turned her head and looked at him.

An An simply reminded: "The back of your neck, like that morning, also has red spots."

Lu Wanwan touched the back of her neck subconsciously, then realized something, and walked quickly into the bathroom.

In front of her, he pretended to be condescending, and every time he pinched An An to sleep and wake up, so that even if she was angry, it was not easy to have an attack, because once an attack occurred, it might wake An An up.

However, his behavior was unscrupulous. For example, last night, when she didn't open the door, he kept ringing the doorbell, and even threw plates and bowls to make noise.

Did Li Jingchen want An An to discover his existence?Then he pretended to be pitiful in front of her, saying that he tried his best, but in the end he was accidentally discovered by his son?

Last time it was the collarbone, this time it was the back of the neck, what about next time?

An An is only young and has never seen her make out with Fu Shuo, so she has no doubts. If it were Wei Nian, she would be exposed in minutes!

Wait, could this be Li Jingchen's scheme?

Nankai Primary School.

"Mommy, goodbye~"


What a "careless"!

The more Lu Wanwan thought about it, the closer she felt to the truth of the matter.


It must have been put in Li Jingchen's bag before she left.

But Lu Wanwan didn't use it.

Because Li Jingchen himself wanted to attack An'an, but dragged her into the water, it was really hateful!

After Lu Wanwan watched An An enter the school, she turned around and wanted to take the subway card from her bag.

It turned out that there was something extra in the bag.

She took it out and saw that it was a black USB flash drive, with a line of small white characters sprayed on it - exclusive to the Li Group.

Li Jingchen remembered that this morning, when he was still sleeping soundly, he kissed him to the end, unconsciously stretched out his arms around him, puffed out his chest to cater to his cute appearance, hooked his lips, and said, "Very good."

The secretary said happily for him: "That's good, I believe Miss Lu will be able to find a suitable company for her after reading the USB flash drive you organized for her!"



Li's Group, inside the CEO's office.

Seeing that the boss was refreshed today, the secretary couldn't help asking with a smile, "Mr. Li, how did your discussion with Ms. Lu go last night?"

For example, the foreman at the present hotel.

Like Lu Wanwan's assistant, he doesn't believe that she is the kind of woman who needs to compromise for the family.

At this time, Lu Wanwan was preparing for an interview in a certain company, so she could only briefly explain to the foreman, and then ended the call.

Two days later.

The news of Lu Wanwan's resignation from Fu's branch was completely fermented.

Some old colleagues who knew Lu Wanwan privately couldn't help but call her and ask her why?

"Hi, this is my resume." She handed the resume to the middle-aged man sitting in the middle.

After the middle-aged man took it, he gestured "please sit down" to her, then raised his glasses and looked at her resume.

Lu Wanwan smoothed her skirt, sat down gracefully, and quietly observed the three interviewers.

"Is the 16th here? You can come in for an interview."

Lu Wanwan turned her phone to silent, put it in her bag, picked up her resume, and stood up.

She walked into the interviewer's office, where there were three interviewers, two men and one woman.

After a while, the middle-aged man put down her resume, raised his head and said, "Miss Lu, your resume is very good, but you seem to be a bit old, besides, you should get married and have children, right? Can you make sure you have enough money?" Are you putting your energy into work?"

This society is often harsher on women.

Some high-level women asked for leave from the company because of pregnancy, and ended up being fired. When they went out to find a job again, they would face similar doubts.

The man sitting on the far left lowered his head the whole time, flipping through a stack of resumes. Lu Wanwan didn't see his appearance clearly, so he passed by.

The middle-aged man in the middle has a fat face, wearing oval glasses, and looks a bit simple and honest.

The woman sitting on the far right moved next to the middle-aged man, looked at her resume together, and occasionally exchanged a few words.

Lu Wanwan's words were very realistic and sincere, and her resume was really pretty, the middle-aged man nodded subconsciously.

At this time, the female interviewer asked: "Miss Lu, you wrote on it that you have worked in Fu's company for six years. May I ask why you left?"

Lu Wanwan looked at her and said calmly, "Because of some personal reasons."

Fortunately, before Lu Wanwan came, she was prepared: "Interviewers, since the position I am applying for is a department supervisor, I did a survey in advance and found that the average age of department supervisors in City S is 34 years old. Not at that age."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's complexion changed slightly.

After Lu Wanwan smiled, she continued: "As for getting married and having children, it is precisely because I have children to raise that I will cherish this job even more and steadily generate income for the company."

The female interviewer didn't expect to ask such a result, so she couldn't help but whispered, "I'm sorry."


Lu Wanwan squinted her eyes, but thought that in future interviews, such questions would be unavoidable, so she simply replied: "Because I am divorced, and the child's father is from City Y, so I will bring the child back to the city. Live in S City."

The female interviewer asked: "Oh, what is the reason? I think you are so beautiful, so it would be good to keep you as a facade, right?"

These words seemed to imply that Lu Wanwan was expelled from the old company because she was more than beautiful but not capable enough.

But in this way, it becomes difficult for a single mother to take care of her children while taking care of her work.

After receiving Lu Wanwan's resume, the middle-aged man gave an official reply: "Miss Lu, we will give careful consideration to the job you applied for. Please go back and wait for news."

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