Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1066 Only my wife can make me happy

"No." Lu Wanwan stretched out her hand to prevent him from entering.

Li Jingchen asked: "Why? I also have a share of the credit for your new job. "

Lu Wanwan asked, "What credit?"

Li Jingchen reminded: "In the U disk I sorted out for you, I analyzed the pros and cons of each company."

In the past few days, in order not to disturb her, he purposely refrained from coming here until tonight.

Thinking that tomorrow is Saturday, she shouldn't have to go to the interview, so he came here.

Lu Wanwan said: "I'm sorry, I didn't look at the USB drive you put here."

Li Jingchen was surprised: "What did you say?"

Lu Wanwan replied: "As I said earlier, I have already fallen in love with several companies, so you don't have to worry about it."

Li Jingchen took out his mobile phone and checked, and found that Yaobo Company is fifteen kilometers away from Li's Group!

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Li Jingchen held back his anger and asked dissatisfiedly, "Then which company did you go to?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Yaobo Company."

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Yes, I figured it out. You want An'an to find you, but you don't want me to blame you. That's why you behaved contradictoryly during this period."

"for example?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Because I'm afraid you have bad intentions."

Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows, and said slowly: "I, do you mean something?"

Li Jingchen stared at her kissed red lips, opening and closing, extremely attractive, and asked casually: "And then?"

"Then, you can pretend to be pitiful in front of me, saying that you have tried your best to hide your whereabouts, but in the end, An An found out, so that I can't blame you, and then, An An will definitely feel that I am with you , Give me a piece of hate!"

"For example, you ask An An to come to sleep and leave when she wakes up. On the surface, you seem to respect my wishes, but in fact, you ring the doorbell louder and louder. deliberately left ambiguous marks on me, so that An An could follow these clues and find out that you did it! "

Lu Wanwan's tone of "admit it, don't quibble" is really cute. With a smile in his voice, Li Jingchen asked, "Since you have thought of it, what are you going to do?"

"..." This man just admitted it like that?

The last sentence was what Lu Wanwan was most worried about.

She didn't want to be hated by An An!

What would An An think if she woke up in the middle of the night and found that Li Jingchen was sleeping on their sofa, covered with the quilt she gave her?

The little guy will be very sad, very angry, and even feel "betrayed" by her!

He admitted that he wanted to drag her into the water in front of An An, without thinking about how she would face An An next!

And she was almost shaken by him, leading the wolf into the house again and again.


Li Jingchen firmly held the door frame, looked at her with a half-smile, and said, "Wanwan, since you already know what I think, then you should also know that as long as you close the door, I will ring the doorbell, even if it wakes An An up , and I don't hesitate."

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan's expression turned cold, and she was about to close the door.

She can't let Li Jingchen in anymore.

The next second, the doorbell rang.

Lu Wanwan went to find a screwdriver in the toolbox, came back and pried open the electronic lock, and took out the battery.

"Then let's try."

After Lu Wanwan raised her eyebrows coldly at him, she tried her best to close the door.

Lu Wanwan pinched the battery, pouted her pretty nose, and said, "See what you do this time!"

After speaking, turn off the lights and go to bed.

This is what she only saw when she flipped through the manual two days ago.

In an instant, the doorbell disappeared.

for real?

Thinking that Wanwan cared so much about other people's feelings, Li Jingchen couldn't help being a little angry, but that "other" was his son with Wan Wan, and he could only digest his anger on his own.


Li Jingchen, who was outside the door, saw that there was no sound after ringing the doorbell, so he quickly reacted.

The elevator door opens.

As soon as Miao Tao came back, she could see Li Jingchen's face clearly through the wafting smoke.

In the end, Li Jingchen leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette melancholy.


Li Jingchen was idle and bored, and replied lazily: "I was kicked out."

Miao Tao looked magical: "She... kicked you out?"

No matter how many times you look at this face, you will be amazed.

Miao Tao subconsciously puffed up her chest, and started to strike up a conversation: "Handsome guy, are you waiting for someone?"

Miao Tao's two thighs were joined together, and after rubbing them, she finally couldn't hold back her itch, and said, "Handsome guy, she has treated you like this, why are you still standing there stupidly? Why don't you go to my house? I promise Let you have fun."

Li Jingchen exhaled a puff of smoke, which made his cold face a bit unrestrained: "Only my wife can make me happy."

Are you kidding me?

If she has such a guest, she must do her best to serve him well!

"Why are you so surprised, haven't you seen couples quarreling?"

Li Jingchen finished speaking in a cold voice, crushed out the cigarette butt, and stepped into the elevator.

After finishing speaking, he turned his face away, looked towards the door, and interpreted what it meant to be "wanting to see through".

"Old, wife?" Miao Tao was crazily moved by him, but at the same time he was hit hard by his words.

The next day, Saturday.

Lu Wanwan had a good night's sleep.

When Miao Tao came back to her senses, she didn't believe it. How can a couple need to secretly make out with their children behind their backs?


When she opened the door, she found a man leaning against the door, she couldn't help being shocked!

It was Li Jingchen's secretary.

After she got up, brushed her teeth and washed her face, she didn't forget to take the battery on the bedside table to the door and reinstall it.

Then, she was about to go outside and ring the doorbell to see if it would ring.

It's a big weekend, and you are still tossing people, Li Jingchen really has you!

Lu Wanwan's pretty face darkened, and she said, "Leave him alone, go back to sleep."

Lu Wanwan was determined and asked, "What are you doing here?"

The secretary raised his hand and yawned, and said sleepily, "Mr. Li asked me to stay here to see what time you open the door during the day, so that he can stop you."

"That's right, there's a young lady living next to you, and the people she hooks up with are all flamboyant men. Mr. Li comes over from time to time, which actually acts as a deterrent."

With Mr. Li, the King of Hades, those brats will not dare to be presumptuous!

The secretary rubbed his face to wake himself up, and said, "Actually, I think Mr. Li is worried about you, which is why he asked me to guard you and the young master here."

"He's worried?"

"You are speaking well for him again." Lu Wanwan said.

"I'm just telling the truth." The secretary said and yawned again.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan said: "Come in, and go talk to your boss after breakfast."

The secretary was flattered and asked, "Can you?"

Lu Wanwan nodded, An An didn't dislike him, and every time they met, she would call him uncle.

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