"Brother Shen?" It's not that Lu Wanwan has never thought about Shen Qiran's company, but: "When I was an intern in Brother Shen's company, I had just graduated from university. It's too long ago, and the position has nothing to do with management. The company doesn't take it seriously."

Sitting behind her, Li Jingchen asked lazily: "Do you know the current market value of Shen Qiran's Xingyue Media?"

After Lu Wanwan shook her head, she looked at him curiously: "You know?"

"I don't know either." Li Jingchen said as a matter of course: "But it is now the leader of cultural media in S City. Since it is work experience, then you should treat it equally and write."

Seeing that Lu Wanwan was still thinking, Li Jingchen poked her cheek with his hand: "Write, you even dare to write your real age, there is no reason why you can't write about your internship after graduating from university."

Another half an hour later, under Li Jingchen's tough "guidance", Lu Wanwan perfected her resume little by little.

Finally, Lu Wanwan asked: "Li Jingchen, if you were the interviewer, where would you arrange me?"

"Oh, stop poking!" Lu Wanwan waved his restless hand away, and stared back at him: "I'll write, I'll write to the head office, right?"

Looking at Xingyue Media Company, which is keeping pace with Fu's Company, Li Jingchen's mood became more balanced.

Li Jingchen laughed lowly, and said very honestly: "In this environment, the only thing I can think of is this."

"..." Lu Wanwan had no choice but to save her resume, picked up her notebook, and went back to her room to sleep.

"Where is the arrangement?" Li Jingchen looked at her side face concentrating on reviewing manuscripts, and the tip of her nose outlined a stubborn arc, which made him want to take a bite. Looking at her tears, he replied hoarsely: "Bed?"

Lu Wanwan's face "thumped" to the ground and burned up: "Be serious!"

Lu Wanwan lowered her head, glanced at the supper he brought, and said, "It's been so long, the supper must be cold."

"I'll go heat it up." Li Jingchen said, let go of his laptop, picked up a bag of midnight snacks, and walked to the kitchen.

As for Li Jingchen?Just let him hang out here!I can't believe he didn't leave!

But Li Jingchen stretched out his hand, grabbed her thin notebook, and said flatly, "Eat the supper first."

Lu Wanwan's heart thumped, so she could only step forward to help.

When passing by An'an's room, Lu Wanwan paused and didn't hear the sound inside, then walked into the kitchen with peace of mind, and asked in a low voice: "Li Jingchen, what's the matter with you? You do all these trivial things not good."

Lu Wanwan wanted to take the opportunity to go back to the room, but in the next second, Li Jingchen accidentally dropped something.

In the dead of night, any crisp sound will attract more attention than during the day.

She pushed Li Jingchen away forcefully, and said, "I'll come."

Li Jingchen, who was squeezed away, showed a triumphant smile.

Li Jingchen glanced at her and said, "I want to put a midnight snack on a plate so that I can heat it up. I didn't expect you to wash the plate so smooth."

"Is it my fault for co-authoring?" Lu Wanwan laughed angrily at him.

But now that the golden and fragrant fried chicken is in front of her, it seems inappropriate for her not to eat it?

Seeing her staring at the fried chicken, Li Jingchen laughed a little, then pointed to another box of late-night snacks beside him and said, "This one is not for you, that one is."

As for Lu Wanwan, after seeing that the supper brought by Li Jingchen was fried chicken, she couldn't help becoming interested.

Since she was pregnant, she hasn't eaten much fried food because it's not healthy.

Lu Wanwan's mood took a turn for the worse. Why, she wants to eat fried chicken!

Li Jingchen patted her on the head lightly, and said dotingly: "Be obedient, these are good for your health."

"Which one?" Lu Wanwan looked aside absent-mindedly, and found that it was a box of salad.

There are sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrots, and corn kernels in it, so it's very... healthy!

"You can't eat so much by yourself?" Lu Wanwan said with a strong hint.

Li Jingchen said calmly, "Then I'll take it back."

Lu Wanwan's eyes drifted back: "Then these fried chicken?"

"I'll eat it for you."

When Lu Wanwan heard this, she put her hands on her hips angrily: "Li Jingchen, you are just greedy for me, aren't you!"

Li Jingchen smiled, he did it on purpose: "Aren't you the same?"

"How troublesome is it to take it back?"

"No trouble."

He is now in his prime, but he can see her but can't eat her. How can this kind of feeling be compared to the fact that she can't eat fried chicken?

Lu Wanwan choked, closed her mouth, and started to work.

Lu Wanwan got stuck: "What?"

Li Jingchen glanced at her from bottom to top. Because of her pregnancy, her figure has become a little plump. She is the perfect type that men love to "look thinner when dressed, and fleshier when undressed": "You are also deliberately greedy me! .”

In normal times, she would have been sleepy long ago, and went to bed to enter the health preservation mode.

But because Li Jingchen is here to trouble her, she is still very energetic.

Because the fried chicken has a strong taste, Lu Wanwan heated up the vegetarian food first, then put the fried chicken on a plate and put it in the microwave.

When it was finished, Lu Wanwan looked back and saw that it was already 11:[-].

Seeing Lu Wanwan talking and glancing at the fried chicken on his plate, Li Jingchen nodded and said, "Okay, I'll buy it."

After Lu Wanwan glanced at him quite unexpectedly, she took the fried chicken plate from him.

Li Jingchen took away the plate containing the fried chicken and asked, "Is there any red wine here?"

"No, but the convenience store downstairs should have it, you can buy it."

Can Lu Wanwan not drive?If she doesn't open, Li Jingchen will keep ringing the doorbell.


Li Jingchen copied his pocket with one hand, took out his wallet, and before leaving, he did not forget to explain: "Remember to open the door for me later."


Lu Wanwan licked the corners of her mouth, and after savoring the wonderful taste of fried chicken, she replied, "Is there? Your illusion!"

As she said that, she took the red wine he bought and flattered her, "Come on, I'll pour you some wine."

When Li Jingchen came back after buying the red wine, Lu Wanwan pretended to eat a salad while peeking at his next reaction.

After he sat down, he glanced at the plate and asked casually, "Is my fried chicken missing?"

But the result of letting go is that Li Jingchen drank too much and couldn't drive back.

Seeing him leaning on the sofa with sleepy eyes, Lu Wanwan sighed, then went back to the room and took out the quilt to cover him.

Faced with her attentive service, Li Jingchen would naturally not refuse.

Seeing that Li Jingchen was only focused on drinking and had no time to ask about fried chicken, Lu Wanwan was relieved.

Then squatted down in front of him, whispering in his ears, "You must go back before 6:[-] tomorrow! Did you hear that!"

Li Jingchen's eyelashes trembled slightly, but he didn't open his eyes, he just murmured "Um".

Lu Wanwan was worried, so she found an alarm clock, set it at 6 o'clock, and put it next to his sofa.

Finally, turn off the lights and go back to the room.

To a certain extent, Lu Wanwan ate fried chicken tonight, and Li Jingchen stayed here as he wished, which is really a win-win ending.

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