Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1062 This woman is partial

Lu Wanwan opened her mouth and was about to speak, when she heard a voice from the opposite side: "Mr. Li, your great-grandson has a fever of 37.5 degrees today, which is the same low-grade fever as the previous two days."

Li Yuanzhong said: "I see, go, go, I'm on the phone."

"..." Lu Wanwan: Isn't this very concerned about Li Xiuqi?Still accompanied in person in the hospital.

Li Yuanzhong then said tiredly: "Wanwan, I don't know what this kid is thinking. He has been suffering from fever repeatedly for the past few days, and he calls 'Mom' when he loses consciousness. What is there for him to miss about that woman!"

Bai Qingluo has nothing to worry about, but she is Li Xiuqi's biological mother after all.

"I think he has a heart disease."

Li Yuanzhong hesitated: "... Wanwan, is this okay?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I think Li Xiuqi is still young, so it is impossible for him to open the coffin for an autopsy, right?"

"Sickness?" After a pause, Li Yuanzhong murmured: "Yes, he wants to know where Bai Qingluo is buried, but where can I find him a corpse of Bai Qingluo?"

Lu Wanwan thought for a while and said, "Why don't you go buy a cemetery, engrave Bai Qingluo's name on the tombstone, paste Bai Qingluo's photo on it, and then take Li Xiuqi to pay homage, in this way, It should cure his heart disease."

Hearing this, Li Yuanzhong reluctantly agreed: "Okay, Grandpa will listen to you."


Li Yuanzhong was still hesitating: "But if this is the case, won't you be wronged?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I'm not wronged, for everyone's benefit, please do this."

"Who said this was my plan?" Li Yuanzhong turned around, but his expression was very calm.

Wen Zhong lowered his head knowing that he had made a slip of the tongue, but with a smile on his face: "Yes, this is the plan of the young lady, and it has nothing to do with the master."

City Children's Hospital.

Seeing Li Yuanzhong put down his cell phone, the old butler Wen Zhong said: "Master, did the young mistress agree with your plan?"

Through Ms. Wei Nian's mouth, I told the young lady about Master Xiuqi's illness, and the young lady will definitely come to ask the master,

After all, Master Xiuqi only learned the truth about Bai Qingluo's death because he had a fight with Master Huai'an. The Eldest Young Mistress is kind-hearted and will definitely help find a solution. "

Li Yuanzhong snorted, but there was no anger: "It's all thanks to your tipping off to that little girl from the Wei family in the past few days."

Wen Zhong laughed lightly, and said slowly: "Master Xiu Qi has a very close relationship with the young lady of the Wei family, and her mother is also a good sister of the young lady.

But for this matter, Wan Wan's consent was needed before Li Yuanzhong could implement it.

Therefore, he intentionally let Wen Zhong release the news, let Wei Nian know the cause and effect of Li Xiuqi's illness, and then Wei Nian went to relay it to Lu Wanwan.

Obviously, Li Yuanzhong had thought of Lu Wanwan's idea for Li Yuanzhong a long time ago.

That is to buy an empty tomb and pretend to bury Bai Qingluo, so as to get rid of Li Xiuqi's heart disease.

Until today, Li Yuanzhong finally got a call from Lu Wanwan.

And Wanwan's idea also won Li Yuanzhong's heart.

Wanwan is the softest towards children, and Wei Nian is Lin Yan's daughter, so Wanwan will definitely not be able to refuse her request.

He released the bait, and the next thing is to see if he will not take the bait at night.


10:[-] p.m.

Wen Zhong said happily at the side: "Master, that's great! In this way, we can untie Master Xiuqi's knots, and the young lady will not blame you!"

Li Yuanzhong smiled a little more on his face: "It's my Li family's good fortune to have this grandson-in-law!"

And the price she paid for deliberately ignoring the visitor was that the doorbell rang over and over again.

It's almost to the point of disturbing the people!

Lu Wanwan's doorbell rang.

Lu Wanwan was preparing her resume in the room. When she heard the bell, she raised her eyes and lowered them again, busy with the matter at hand.

Lu Wanwan thought that with An An around, Li Jingchen should have some scruples.

But she lost, she lost again!

Lu Wanwan straightened up abruptly and went to open the door.

She looked at the man standing outside and asked in a low voice, "Li Jingchen, aren't you afraid of being discovered by An An?"

It turned out that Lu Wanwan, who had lived with An An for six years, cared more.

And when Lu Wanwan has no marriage as a shield and Li Jingchen is not afraid of An An, what can she use to resist his attack?

Li Jingchen used the doorbell to prove that even if An An came to open the door for him, he could press it with peace of mind.

Li Jingchen is indeed betting, between him and Wan Wan, who cares more about An An's feelings.

Lu Wanwan looked at him and said, "Didn't I tell you that I'm busy tonight, so I told you not to come?"

"Busy?" Li Jingchen reached out to grab her waist, squeezed in, lowered his head, and coaxed her softly: "Don't be busy, let's see what I brought you?"

And he likes her annoyed but helpless look very much, gentle, angry, even hateful, Li Jingchen enjoys it like masochistic.

As long as her eyes were on him.

Li Jingchen raised his lips lightly: "Winter is here, eat something warm before going to bed."

what sleep?

The back of Lu Wanwan's hand was touched by something.

She looked down and found that it was a midnight snack.

Li Jingchen said slowly: "Have you finished writing? Would you like me to take a look for you?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head: "No, I can do it myself."

Lu Wanwan said coldly: "I still have to write a resume, you can enjoy it slowly."

After finishing speaking, she struggled hard and withdrew from his arms.

After returning to the room, Lu Wanwan just sat down, and was afraid that Li Jingchen would make a mess, so she could only unplug the power, picked up the laptop, and walked towards the living room.

When he heard the woman's light footsteps, Li Jingchen turned his head and smiled at her: "Afraid that I'm lonely, come and accompany me?"

Li Jingchen then came to the coffee table, sat down in a stable manner, poked the midnight snack in the bag, and said, "Okay, then go and write, I'll wait for you to come and eat together."

"..." Whose house is this?

Li Jingchen's eyes sank, but this made it easier for him to see the contents of her resume.

His eyes slowly looked down from the first row.

"Stop being narcissistic, I'm afraid you'll do something small." Lu Wanwan said, sitting on the carpet in the living room with her knees bent, continuing to edit where she was interrupted by the doorbell.

Obviously weak and chilly, but still sitting on the ground!

He looked at it very carefully, as if Lu Wanwan had come to his company to apply for a job.

After seeing what she edited in the "Work Experience" column, Li Jingchen frowned slightly: "Why did you write it? Have you ever worked in Fu's company?"

Lu Wanwan said without turning her head: "Because this is the truth, and it is also the capital for me to apply for a new company."

Li Jingchen stared at the back of her head, and sneered slightly: "Then why don't you write, you worked in Shen Qiran's company?"

This woman is clearly eccentric!

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