Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1061 This kid is going to die and live

Li Jingchen looked at her seriously through the lens of his mobile phone and said, "Wanwan, this is my last concession. If you don't agree, I don't mind arranging a job for you in the company directly. Be my personal secretary. You see how?"

Lu Wanwan had a headache and said, "Why are you like this! How do I know there are any companies near the Li Group?"

"I'll send it to you now." After Li Jingchen finished speaking, his handsome face turned away, and he left the phone screen.

"..." Lu Wanwan.


Li's Group, inside the CEO's office.

The secretary looked at Li Jingchen's hands flying on the keyboard, hesitated for a while, and said, "Mr. Li, why don't I do it?"

The secretary heard their conversation just now. He thought he could find some easy and effortless positions for Lu Wanwan, but he couldn't say it directly, so as not to be heard by Lu Wanwan.

Li Jingchen still sent it, and then said to Lu Wanwan on the other end of the phone: "I'll go over tonight and discuss with you which company is suitable for you."

"Can you listen to me?" Lu Wanwan raised her hand and said, "I've found several companies and I'm going to interview another day."

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Seeing this, the secretary was sweating, and he said tactfully: "Mr. Li, so many companies have not been strictly screened, so they are sent to Ms. Lu. Doesn't she have to take the trouble to investigate by herself?"

Looking at the blacked out phone screen, Li Jingchen's face darkened.

The secretary next to him rubbed his hands, hesitant to speak: "President Li..."

Li Jingchen said seriously: "Then I have to go over to see if the companies you are looking for are reliable."

"Busy, no appointment." After finishing speaking, Lu Wanwan turned off the video.

Li Jingchen protected the computer like a child, and said, "No need, I'll take care of things tonight."


Li Jingchen raised his head and looked at him.

The secretary said caringly, "Mr. Li, why don't you let me help you screen?"


At this time, the opposite door was forcefully opened with one hand.

Nine Hee Heaven and Earth.

Lu Wanwan turned off the video call, cleaned up the table after lunch, and took the garbage to the corridor to throw away.

Lu Wanwan moved to the right, and he followed suit.

Finally, Lu Wanwan raised her eyebrows coldly, looked at the incomprehensible man in front of her, and asked blankly, "Sir, can you let me go?"

A young man came out of it, and when he saw Lu Wanwan, his eyes immediately became frivolous.

Lu Wanwan moved to the left, and he followed suit.


Rubbing his chin, the young man asked with a wicked smile, "Then do you need to find a father for your son?"

The young man stared at Lu Wanwan's pretty face, and asked in a low voice, "Are you Miao Tao's neighbor?"

Lu Wanwan frowned and replied, "Yes, I just moved in with my son."

Seeing her angry, the young man quickly understood and said, "I'm just joking."

It turned out to be a woman from a good family, what a pity.

He obviously regarded Lu Wanwan as a woman like Miao Tao.

Lu Wanwan showed an angry expression. If this little bastard said another word, she would put all the garbage on his head!

She turned around and was about to go back to the room, but she saw Miao Tao wearing a thin nightgown and staggering out.

Miao Tao's hair was disheveled, she was covering her stomach with one hand, and her complexion was very bad.

The young man is gone.

After Lu Wanwan calmed down her anger, she took the garbage to the designated place and put it down.

Lu Wanwan frowned after reading it.

At the same time, seeing that Lu Wanwan threw away the lunch box of "Minghuiju", Miao Tao's pupils trembled, followed by acid water in her heart.

She was also carrying a bag of trash and had bite marks on her exposed arm.

The garbage bag is translucent and contains used sanitary napkins and condoms.

What's the difference between that and being fostered?

After all, she opened the door openly to do business, but what about Lu Wanwan?She secretly picked up guests in the middle of the night without telling her son!He just pretended to be sacrosanct and deceived everyone!

Are high-end restaurants like "Minghuiju" affordable for ordinary working-class people?

But she is lucky, there will always be a handsome guy to bring her food.

Lu Wanwan looked at her inexplicably, was she being angered?

And just when Miao Tao was about to close the door, a trace of blood flowed down from the base of her thigh.

Seeing that Miao Tao's face was pale, Lu Wanwan couldn't help reminding: "Miss Miao, your complexion is very bad."

"Don't worry about it!" Miao Tao roared, then threw the garbage bag at Lu Wanwan's feet, turned around clutching her stomach, and limped back to her room.

Lu Wanwan suppressed the discomfort in her heart and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Don't come here!" Miao Tao growled, and looked up to see Lu Wanwan with compassion, as if she was some poor person.

Miao Tao's body fell, and she almost fell to her knees in pain.

All kinds of signs point to the fact that the man who left just now "fighted bloody battle" with Miao Tao.

Lu Wanwan stopped in her tracks, shook her head, then turned and walked towards her own room.

She immediately remembered that she had promised Wei Nian outside the school yesterday, so she put the episode behind her, picked up her cell phone, and called Li Yuanzhong.


Miao Tao closed the door in embarrassment!

Lu Wanwan's eyelashes drooped slightly, and she asked, "May I ask you, where is Bai Qing buried?"

Li Yuanzhong's voice changed slightly: "Wanwan, why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

After a while, the call was connected.

Li Yuanzhong asked very kindly: "Wan Wan, what can you do with grandpa?"

Lu Wanwan deliberately resorted to aggressive tactics: "You know that Bai Qingluo and I have a deep blood feud, and you don't let me inquire. Is it because you secretly buried her in the Li family's cemetery?"

When Li Yuanzhong was anxious, he couldn't help but defend himself: "How is that possible! I had someone transport Bai Qingluo's body away, and buried her in a very dark place in Southeast Asia. After death, she was not allowed to enter Li's house. They are not allowed to worship in the cemetery, and they are not allowed to enter the Buddhist hall to worship, and can only be a lonely ghost in a foreign land, and they will never be able to recover!"

Lu Wanwan didn't answer him directly: "The day Bai Qing got into a car accident, you were responsible for collecting her body. At that time, I was only worried about Fu Shuo and An An's situation, and I forgot to ask how you handled her?"

After pondering for a moment, Li Yuanzhong said, "Well, I advise you not to inquire about it. I'm afraid I'll scare you."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan's expression changed: "You also..."

Li Yuanzhong said in a deep voice: "I know that what I do is detrimental to morality, but if I don't do it, I can't let it go."

Lu Wanwan waited for a while before asking: "Then how do you explain to Li Xiuqi?"

"Do I need to explain to a kid who has no hair yet?" Li Yuanzhong said angrily, "This kid is weak-willed. Once he heard that Bai Qingluo was dead, he followed him to death and life. He has no future at all! I If you tell him the truth again, shouldn’t you scare him to death?”

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