Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1060 Do you want me to shut up?

Speaking of his younger brother, Fu Xing showed a gentle expression: "Fu Shuo is actively cooperating with Dr. Chu's treatment, and his temper has improved. By the way, Dad fired you and asked me to take over the branch. I know, if you can, can you..."

Fu Xing was thinking about how to say it more euphemistically.

But Lu Wanwan said at this moment: "Do you want me to shut up?"

Being exposed so straightforwardly, Fu Xing couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

She really meant to appease Lu Wanwan. If Fu Shuo knew that Lu Wanwan had been fired, there would be another turmoil in the family.

Lu Wanwan didn't intend to tell Fu Shuo about this, but Fu Xing's words just now showed that he didn't trust her.

The office door rang.

Fu Xing hurriedly said, "Come in."

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan became even less in the mood, and stayed to catch up on the old days: "If there is nothing else, I will go first."

knock knock --

The assistant's eyes fluctuated, and he looked at her reluctantly.

Lu Wanwan put down the coffee cup, said "good job" to the assistant, and walked away.

The assistant came in with two cups of coffee, but handed them to Lu Wanwan first.

Lu Wanwan originally planned to leave, but thought that the assistant made the coffee for her, so she brought it over and drank half of the cup before saying, "Sister Fu Xing, I'm leaving."

After all, Lu Wanwan was just a department manager, and no matter how capable she was, she couldn't find the palm of the board of directors. Fu Xing said that he wanted to ask her for advice, but it was just a rhetoric, and he actually wanted to increase contact with her.

But since you want to cut it off, you should cut it off completely, so as not to cause trouble in vain.

However, Fu Xing stepped on high heels, caught up and said, "Wanwan, I just took over the affairs here, if there is anything I don't understand, can I call you?"

Lu Wanwan had no choice but to stop, and replied: "Sister Fu Xing, you are too modest. The branch has just been established, and with your ability, you will be able to take charge quickly. Besides, my business level is below Vice President Qiao. What do you have?" For questions, just ask him, don’t ask me.”

The man opposite replied: "Yes."

Lu Wanwan didn't know that she was followed by Fu Xing's people as soon as she left the company.

Fu Xing was rejected by Lu Wanwan, so he could only stand at the door and watch her go away.

After a while, Fu Xing picked up his cell phone, made a call, and said, "Follow her, see where she lives now, and then report to me."

It wasn't until Lu Wanwan entered Jiuxi Tiandi that Fu Xing's people had to stop, called Fu Xing, and gave Lu Wanwan's address.

Fu Xing just came to S City and didn't know anything, so he asked, "Jiuxi Tiandi? Is it a villa?"

When she was taking the subway with her lunch box in her arms, Fu Xing's people were among the crowd, staring at her.

When she walked out of the subway carrying the lunch box, Fu Xing's people also pretended to arrive at the station and followed her out of the subway station.

She thought that Lu Wanwan would either go back to Li's house or Lu's house, but she never thought that she would live in an ordinary house.

"Besides, she was still taking the subway." Fu Xing's people continued.

Fu Xing said humanely: "It's not a villa, it's just an ordinary residential area."

Fu Xing was confused.

Before coming to S City, her father had told her to take some photos of Lu Wanwan going in and out of Li's house, so that her brother would give up.

But now, Lu Wanwan lives in an ordinary residential area and travels by subway, but her father has fired Lu Wanwan!If my younger brother finds out about this, it's fine!

"What?!" This greatly exceeded Fu Xing's expectations.

She thought that after Lu Wanwan divorced Fu Shuo, she would be with Li Jingchen soon and continue to live as a young mistress.

Unlike Fu Xing, after returning to Jiuxi Tiandi, Lu Wanwan opened the lunch box, took the food inside to heat up, and tasted it comfortably.

Although she had eaten at the treatment center, she didn't know whether it was because of her pregnancy or the running back and forth, so she was hungry again.

Fu Xing sat on Lu Wanwan's office chair, but couldn't sit still.


A few seconds later, the video was connected, revealing Li Jingchen's face: "Wanwan?"

Lu Wanwan looked at him and said, "Li Jingchen, let me tell you, I'm no longer working in the Fu's branch, so don't ask someone to bring me lunch in the future."

While eating, she thought, she can't let Li Jingchen send her lunch to Fu's again.

She took out her mobile phone and stood in front of her eyes. Because she was eating, she simply made a video call to Li Jingchen.

Li Jingchen denied it outright: "Impossible."

Lu Wanwan paused with her chopsticks and asked, "Why is it impossible?"

"What's going on?" Li Jingchen asked seriously with his eyebrows frowned slightly.

Lu Wanwan wrote as lightly as possible: "I resigned."

"Tell me, what's going on?" Li Jingchen leaned forward, appearing more oppressive in front of the camera: "If you don't tell me, or hide it from me, I'll investigate it myself."

Lu Wanwan said helplessly, "Okay, I'm forced to resign."

Li Jingchen said: "You said, you want to stabilize the morale of the army for Fu Shuo, unless something unexpected happens."

Lu Wanwan froze, boy, does this man have mind reading skills?Why can't you hide anything from him?

Because there is an essential difference between resigning and being resigned!

"What reason did they fire you for?"

Li Jingchen's handsome brows frowned. He carefully looked at the background behind Lu Wanwan, and found that she had lunch at home, so he knew she was not lying.

Seeing his unhappy face, Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking: "What's the matter with you? I'm divorced from Mrs. Fu, are you unhappy?"

"Then what are your plans next?" He asked.

Lu Wanwan said: "I want to find a new job."

"Well, family and children." Lu Wanwan knew that Li Jingchen was protective, so she didn't say the real reason for her dismissal: "Now that Fu Xing has come to take over the branch, I can rest assured that even if there are any rumors in the company, they will be suppressed." of."

Li Jingchen squinted his eyes, and saw that she was still able to eat, so he was not so angry.

Li Jingchen subconsciously said: "Wanwan, this is different!"

Lu Wanwan asked seriously: "What's the difference?"

Li Jingchen lowered his face: "Do you know that you are pregnant? Are you not tired of squeezing the subway with people every day?"

Lu Wanwan chuckled softly: "I remember before, our Chinese teacher in high school had a big belly and came to teach us. When cleaning the blackboard, the chalk dust fell down, and she didn't come if she didn't see her." Already."

Li Jingchen wants to say, it's different everywhere!She is the woman he puts on top of his heart, and he doesn't want her to suffer!

Lu Wanwan put one hand on her cheek and said to him: "I called you just to tell you, don't bring me lunch in the future. I want to make up my own mind about the rest."

Li Jingchen stared at her for a long time before saying, "Don't go too far."

Lu Wanwan wondered, "Why don't you go too far?"

"The place where you work, don't be too far away from the Li Group!" Li Jingchen almost shouted.

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