Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1059 Can I see you once?

Fu Xing on the other end of the phone said, "Wanwan, I'm here to work in City S, can I see you?"

Lu Wanwan was just fired yesterday, and Fu Xing came to work today, which shows that the Fu family still attaches great importance to the branch office.

But this doesn't mean that Lu Wanwan wants to meet Fu Xing.

"Sister Fu Xing, Vice President Qiao made it clear to me yesterday, and I have sorted out all the documents in the office. If you can't find anything, you can ask my assistant."

Fu Xingdao: "But late at night, something came from your office. According to your assistant, it's your lunch."

Lu Wanwan was taken aback.

She immediately thought that Li Jingchen didn't know about her dismissal, so she asked someone to deliver her lunch to Mr. Fu as usual.

"I'll go there now." Lu Wanwan said without thinking.

After Fu Xing paused for a while, he said, "Okay, I'll wait for you in your office."

Lu Wanwan ended the call, turned around to tell her other teachers, and cooperated with instructor Xiao to arrange the shooting room before leaving.

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"..." Lu Wanwan didn't want to reveal the address of the treatment center, let alone reveal that she and An An were currently living in Jiuxi Tiandi.

Seeing that she was silent, Fu Xing changed his mind and said, "Or do you want me to help you throw it away?"

When the receptionist saw her, he greeted her politely: "Manager Lu, good afternoon."

Lu Wanwan stopped and corrected them softly: "Don't call me that in the future, I've already resigned."

These words stunned the pretty girls at the front desk!


Fu's branch.

When Lu Wan arrived late, it was during the lunch break of the employees.

"By the way, didn't President Fu's sister come to our company today? Could it be that Manager Lu's resignation has something to do with her?"

"No way? Boss Fu's sister came here as soon as she came. Why did Manager Lu leave the job? Aren't you afraid that Boss Fu will have opinions?"

"Isn't Boss Fu still on a business trip abroad? It's strange to say, it's been two months, why hasn't Boss Fu come back? Now that Manager Lu has left again, there shouldn't be anything wrong with the company, right?"

It wasn't until Lu Wanwan walked into the elevator that someone asked——

"What does Manager Lu mean by that?"

"I do not know."

The elevator door opens.

After Lu Wanwan stepped out of the elevator, she saw her assistant lying on the table, staring blankly at the computer, holding the mouse and pressing it back and forth.

After Lu Wanwan walked over, she clenched her hands into fists and tapped on her desk lightly.

"Okay!" Seeing that they were a little panicked, the older receptionist interrupted: "Let's stop guessing and wait for the leader to inform us."

the other side.


Lu Wanwan looked at the little girl in front of her, she seemed to have a childlike heart, so she patiently said: "Sorry, I didn't have time to tell you clearly yesterday, I resigned."

The assistant swallowed even more: "I know, I couldn't help but peek at the resignation letter you left here yesterday, but I still can't understand it!"

Lu Wanwan said softly: "What can't be understood? I just returned to my family."

"Huh?" The assistant raised his eyelids absent-mindedly, seeing that it was Lu Wanwan, he immediately threw away the mouse, stood up and said, "Lu, Miss Lu!"

Lu Wanwan glanced at her computer and asked with a smile, "Are you playing a game?"

The assistant's eyes turned red, and he asked a little aggrieved, "Where did you go? Leave me here alone!"

While they were talking, someone opened the office door and listened quietly.

"Okay, stop crying."

"I'll just cry!" the assistant said capriciously, but what she really thought was, where can I find a leader as good as Sister Lu in the future?

"But, isn't Sister Lu's son already 6 years old, and I heard that he is very obedient? I really don't understand why you have made such a decision suddenly, and there is no warning at all! "

The assistant always felt that Lu Wanwan had a weak face but a strong heart, so after reading Lu Wanwan's resignation letter, she just felt ridiculous!

Lu Wanwan's eyes softened a little, and someone understood her.

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Sister Fu Xing, I'm here to get things."

Fu Xing turned sideways and said, "Come in."

"I'll leave after I take it." Lu Wanwan's subtext was that she wouldn't go in.

"You..." Lu Wanwan glanced out of the corner of her eye, noticed Fu Xing's figure, and couldn't help but stop her voice.

When Fu Xing was discovered by her, she simply hooked her lips and smiled: "Wanwan, you are here."

Today's Fu Xing is wearing a black uniform, stepping on royal blue high-heeled shoes, with an outstanding figure, his hair is neatly draped behind his head, and his beautiful face is covered with glamorous light makeup, which makes people dare not make mistakes.

Lu Wanwan paused for a moment, thinking that Xia Zhi would regularly report Fu Shuo's situation to her, but on second thought, if Fu Xing misunderstood that Xia Zhi was a spy she planted next to Fu Shuo, Xia Zhi would be brought to the police station. It was troublesome, so I gave up again.

"Okay." She said, and followed Fu Xing into the office.

After closing the door, Fu Xing turned around and said, "I'm sorry, my dad made such a decision on you."

Hearing this, Fu Xing changed his stance and said to his assistant, "Go and make two cups of coffee."

The assistant subconsciously glanced at Lu Wanwan, and then realized that Lu Wanwan was no longer her leader, so she could only lower her head.

After calling the assistant, Fu Xing said: "Wan Wan, don't you want to know about Fu Shuo's recent situation?"

After Lu Wanwan took the lunch box, her eyebrows remained unchanged and she said, "Sister Fu Xing, I have already divorced Fu Shuo."

The implication is that she does not accept Fu Xing's persecution.

Fu Xing looked at her sadly: "Wan Wan, don't resist me so much, I don't intend to hurt you and An An."

Lu Wanwan only asked, "Where are my things?"

"Here." Fu Xing walked to the desk, brought an exquisite lunch box in front of Lu Wanwan, and said with a complicated expression: "Your assistant said, this is the lunch my brother ordered for you? Since two months At that time, my brother should have just had a car accident, right?"

After a meal, Fu Xing guessed: "This is the lunch that Li Jingchen ordered for you, right?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Unintentionally? An'an was locked in your room by you before, even if you call the police for help, it will not help."

When mentioning this matter, guilt appeared on Fu Xing's face: "Yes, I did lock An'an up, and I can't believe that I would do such a thing."

Lu Wanwan stood opposite her and said: "In this case, you should be clear that you have overdrawn my trust in you."

Fu Xing smiled bitterly: "Although what I said sounds a bit hypocritical, I don't agree with my mother's later actions. She was too extreme and almost ruined An An."

Hearing what she said, Lu Wanwan relaxed a little: "Don't talk about this, how is Fu Shuo?"

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