Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1056 She Stands Straight, Accepting Praise

For example, she was notified that she was expelled, that she had to go to the board of directors, and that the public execution time was——

"10 point."

Lu Wanwan nodded: "There is still time before 10 o'clock, I just read the resignation letter a few times, so as not to stumble on the board of directors later, others will know that I did not write it myself, and it seems that my resignation has nothing to do with it." sincerity."

Vice President Qiao was taken aback for a moment, but he couldn't tell whether Lu Wanwan's words were from the bottom of his heart, or whether he was acting strangely.

However, Boss Fu did not have any evidence that Lu Wanwan was sorry for the company, so he kicked her out of the company, which is really untenable.

Thinking of this, Vice President Qiao didn't have the confidence to confront her hard: "Okay, then Manager Lu, take your time, I'll notify the directors to prepare for a meeting."

She originally turned her heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch.


At 10 o'clock, the board meeting.

"Hmm." After watching Vice President Qiao leave, Lu Wanwan focused on the resignation letter.

After a while—


Lu Wanwan walked to the stage with her expression unchanged, turned on the microphone, and said calmly, "Dear directors, the reason for holding this board meeting today is because I have an important announcement to make."

She picked up the letter of resignation with her left hand, and scanned the directors present. Seeing that their faces remained unchanged, she knew that Vice President Qiao had already gotten angry with them.

So, she got straight to the point and said: "Considering that everyone's time is precious, I will make a long story short."

Lu Wanwan took the resignation letter and walked in on time.

"Here she comes!"

The directors who had been whispering fell silent, and their eyes, like searchlights, fell on Lu Wanwan's face.

Just because she is Fu Shuo's wife, she has to avoid suspicion, and every promotion is not easy.

However, this resignation letter negates all her efforts lightly.

After taking a deep breath, Lu Wanwan moved the resignation letter in front of her, and said indifferently, "I've finished reading it, thank you all."

She read out the contents of the resignation letter, which basically said that she had to take care of her family and An An's studies, and she had less and less time and energy to take care of her job well, so she decided to resign and concentrate on raising her children at home.

At the end of reading, Lu Wanwan's throat felt a little congested.

Over the years, with her own efforts, she has gradually sat down to the position of department manager.

She deserves it.


At 12 noon, in the office.

Vice President Qiao stood up in good time and applauded: "Manager Lu, on behalf of the board of directors, I agree to your resignation application. Thank you for your contribution to the company over the past six years!"

A burst of applause followed.

Lu Wanwan stood upright, accepting their applause.

The assistant thought she was just tidying up, so she said without thinking, "But Sister Lu, your takeaway is here, and it will be cold if you don't eat it."

Lu Wanwan took the time to look up, and saw that the assistant was carrying a beautiful square box. This was the lunch that Li Jingchen had been sending to her since she knew she was pregnant, but her assistant thought it was Fu Shuo who gave it to her. Sent.

"Put it on the table, I'll eat it later."

When the assistant came in with the takeaway, he saw Lu Wanwan kneeling on the ground, with two cardboard boxes and a lot of scattered documents beside him.

The assistant had never seen Lu Wanwan's office in such a mess before, and couldn't help asking, "Sister Lu, what are you doing?"

Lu Wanwan sorted things out and replied, "I'm packing things."


After the assistant finished his lunch break, it was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

As usual, she made a cup of coffee for Lu Wanwan and sent it to her office.

After the assistant put away the lunch box, he turned around and asked, "Sister Lu, do you need my help?"

"No, you can go eat." Lu Wanwan smiled at her.

"Okay." The assistant answered, closed the door and left.

When the assistant was wondering why Lu Wanwan had nothing to do, a resignation letter and a salary bag caught her eye!


In the evening, Nankai Primary School.

I saw that Lu Wanwan's office had been restored to cleanliness, but Lu Wanwan was gone.

"Where did Miss Lu go?" the assistant muttered, putting the coffee on Lu Wanwan's desk.

On Lu Wanwan's desk, there were two cardboard boxes. Inside the cardboard boxes were neatly folded documents, which had been sorted with post-it notes.

Among them was the figure of Wei Nian.

After discovering Lu Wanwan, the little girl ran over immediately, and reported sweetly: "Aunt Wanwan~ The physical education teacher just stayed in An'an to clean the toilet, he will not come out until later."

Lu Wanwan lowered her eyes and said softly to the little girl, "Auntie knows, by the way, Niannian, why have you come out by yourself these few days?"

Lu Wanwan came early today, and the only benefit of being fired is that she has more freedom in her time.

About half an hour later, the school bell rang for dismissal.

The children in the physical education class on the playground rushed to the corner to pick up their schoolbags first, and ran out of the school gate happily.

"Well, I heard Grandpa Zhong said that the tablemate had a heart attack."

"Heart disease?"

"The tablemate wants to know where his mother is buried, but Grandpa Li has been refusing to tell." Wei Nian said, looking at Lu Wanwan with hope in his eyes: "Auntie Wanwan, do you know?"

Could it be that the fight between An An and Li Xiuqi indirectly affected the relationship between Li Xiuqi and Wei Nian?

Wei Nian's eyes darkened, and he said, "Because my deskmate is sick."

Lu Wanwan was surprised: "Have you been sick for so many days?"

After repeating this several times, Lu Wanwan laughed and said, "Do you want Auntie to ask for you?"

Wei Nian blinked his big eyes and asked, "Is it okay?"

Lu Wanwan stretched out her fingertips and tapped her forehead, and agreed: "...Okay, Auntie will find a time to help you ask."

Lu Wanwan shook her head: "I really don't know."

"Well, it seems that only Grandpa Li knows, but Grandpa Li has such a hot temper, I dare not ask him."

While talking, Wei Nian glanced at Lu Wanwan, then lowered his head, then glanced at Lu Wanwan again, then lowered his head...

After helping Lu Wanwan take out the trash, An An came back and said, "Mommy, I'm going to take a shower!"

"Well, let's go." After Lu Wanwan put the last plate in the disinfection cabinet, she turned and went into her room.

The moment the door closed, a sense of exhaustion hit Lu Wanwan, she walked slowly to the desk, pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Long live Aunt Wanwan!"


At 8 o'clock in the evening, Jiuxi Tiandi.

Because Dad Fu was worried that she would plot against the branch, she hardly took anything from the office, so as not to leave a story.

From now on, she has nothing to do with Fu's company.

But life has to go on, so don't give Lu Wanwan any time to slack off.

With a flick of her fingertips, Lu Wanwan turned on her laptop and started looking for a job online.

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