Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1057 Crying like this? 1 is useless

Lu Wanwan has learned a lot of knowledge related to management in the past six years, including hotel management and beauty management. It is not difficult to find a corresponding job in the financial port of S City.

After collecting the addresses of several listed companies on the recruitment website, she decided to go to the interview another day.

knock knock --

At this time, An An's voice came from outside the door: "Mum, can I come in?"

After Lu Wanwan closed the webpage, she raised her head and said, "Come in."

An An drooped her eyelids, walked in, and said in a dragging voice, "Mommy, I'm sleepy."

Lu Wanwan checked the time and found that it was almost 11 o'clock. Li Yuanzhong probably had a rest, so he had to postpone the matter of asking where Bai Qing was buried for Wei Nian.

After An'an went back to her room to sleep, Lu Wanwan got up to wash up, and soon took a rest.


The next morning.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Lu Wanwan said to An'an: "Go to sleep if you are sleepy, good night."

After finishing speaking, she stroked An An's bangs with her hands, and lowered her head to kiss his forehead.

An An closed her eyes, enjoying this moment of intimacy, and said happily, "Well, good night, Mommy~"

An An snuggled into her school trousers under the quilt.

After fastening the buttons for him, Lu Wanwan turned around and took out the scarf and gloves from the cabinet, and said, "It's cooling down today, put on the scarf and gloves, Mommy will put them in your schoolbag."

After An An stretched her waist, she became more energetic: "Okay, okay, I will listen to Mommy."

Lu Wanwan's alarm clock rang, and after she got up and made breakfast as usual, she went to An'an's room to wake him up.

Winter always makes people lazy. After the little guy sat up, his eyes were a little dazed, and his movements were a little slow.

Lu Wanwan was afraid that he would catch a cold, so she quickly put a woolen sweater on him, and put him on a winter school uniform.

It's snowing outside, covering the whole community with a layer of silver.

Lu Wanwan vaguely remembered the days in City Y.

She was forced to separate from An An, almost separated from Yin and Yang.

With such a worry-free son, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but smile slightly: "Go brush your teeth and wash your face, and then you can have breakfast."

"Hmm!" An An got out of bed after lifting the quilt.

Lu Wanwan sat on the edge of the bed, folded his quilt, and opened the curtain beside his bed.

Lu Wanwan, who had finished sending An'an to school, was on her way to the nearby subway station when her cell phone rang suddenly.

After she stood aside, she took out her mobile phone and found that it was a call from the teacher of the treatment center. She immediately answered it: "Teacher Ding?"

Ding Nuo's voice sounded immediately: "Wan Wan, have you hired a teacher for Yi Song?"

Compared with these, what about just temporarily losing your job?At least she didn't lose her son.

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan's sluggish mood revived again!


Ding Nuo worried: "Will this affect your work? Do you want me and other teachers to talk to him?"

Lu Wanwan said softly, "It's okay."

"That's good." After Ding Nuo replied, he ended the call.

Lu Wanwan remembered what Li Jingchen said yesterday, so she replied, "I invited you."

"That's good, I'll let him in."

Lu Wanwan said: "Well, please ask him to sit in my office for a while, I will be there as soon as possible."

"Too weak! Is there anyone else who can stand up?"

As the man asked, he turned his burly body like a mountain, revealing a ferocious face.

Even Lu Wanwan was taken aback by his appearance.

after an hour--

When Lu Wanwan came to the treatment center, she saw the children surrounding a strange man, laughing and jumping up.

But the man slapped each of these diced radishes onto the ground one by one, and couldn't get up for a long time.

Lu Wanwan glanced at the man again.

The man was looking down at the staggering children on the ground, his clenched fists made a "click click" sound: "Who else wants to challenge me?"

"Me!" Unconvinced, a boy jumped up again and attacked him.

She looked at the teachers next to her and saw that they were all standing there, so she couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?"

Ding Nuo, who was on the phone with her before, came over and whispered, "Wan Wan, this is the new teacher you invited."


"..." Li Jingchen invited the evil god to come over for her!

With a sound of "paji", the little boy who rushed over just now was thrown to the ground. After being dazed for a while, he clutched his butt and began to cry.

"It's over, a child was beaten and cried by him!" Ding Nuo hurried forward and shouted to stop.

Ding Nuo then said to Lu Wanwan: "As soon as this new teacher came, he said he wanted to try the children's skills, and said that whoever could touch him could learn marksmanship from him. The children thought it was cool to learn guns. You clamored to compete with him, but in the end, you saw it too."

Lu Wanwan asked: "Didn't I ask you to invite him to my office?"

Ding Nuo explained: "I invited it, but this new teacher has his own ideas. He said that since he came to be a teacher, he should test the children's aptitude. If their aptitude is too poor, He's leaving right away."

Ding Nuo's face turned dark, if it wasn't for Lu Wanwan's face, she would have wanted to drive him away.

The man then asked harshly, "Where's the one named Yi Song?"

Yes, where did Yi Song go?

The man stopped and said blankly: "Crying like this? It's useless at all."

Ding Nuo hugged the crying little boy, raised his head and asked, "You scared them all, can't you just smile?"

The man said in a vicious voice, "Everyone with a hippie smile, why are you still learning marksmanship?"

Xinrui glanced at the toy gun in Yisong's hand, and asked very uncertainly, "Hey, does this thing work?"

Yisong prostrated himself on the ground, stretched out the toy gun from the hollow carving on the corridor guardrail, pointed it at the back of the man downstairs, and said, "I'm aiming, don't disturb me."

"Oh." Although Xinrui closed her mouth, her eyes were still fixed on the toy gun.

When Lu Wanwan was wondering where the master had gone, two little heads suddenly popped up on the second floor.

It was Yisong and Xinrui.

Yi Song quietly walked around behind the man, ready to secretly fire the black gun.


As Yi Song pulled the trigger of the toy gun, an extremely subtle sound sounded.

The man downstairs was asking in a rough voice: "Where is that child named Yisong? Did he become a deserter..."

This toy gun was a gift from a little boy here, and it was used by Xinrui to shoot bird nests when she was bored, but she couldn't hit the bird, so she never touched this toy gun again.

Later, the toy gun disappeared, and Xinrui didn't care, because she received too many presents, and she couldn't care.

Xinrui didn't know until today that her toy gun was taken away by Yisong.

Halfway through his speech, he suddenly stopped.

In the next second, the man turned around and picked up a small pink bead from his feet.

The bead was made of plastic, and when it hit him on the back just now, it was like being stung by a small ant.

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