Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1055 Pack up and leave now

Lu Wanwan was on the way to work by subway when her cell phone rang suddenly.

She unzipped the bag and took it out to have a look. Seeing that it was Li Jingchen's call, she immediately became angry.

After swiping the answer button, Lu Wanwan said with a little annoyance: "You still dare to call me?"

He caused her to wake up later than usual today, and "planted strawberries" on her collarbone. Most importantly, he almost caused An An to be late for school. She was thinking about when she would settle these accounts with him!

Li Jingchen chuckled lightly and said, "Wanwan, I heard your tone is so anxious, is it because our son was almost late for school today?"

Lu Wanwan snorted angrily: "It's good that you know, who told you to turn off my alarm clock? I slept until almost 7 o'clock, and An An came to wake me up. This is the first time."

"This proves that father is as important as mother. It is impossible for you to play two roles alone, not to mention that you are still pregnant."

Today, Li Jingchen turned off Lu Wanwan's alarm clock on purpose, not only to let her sleep more, but also to let her understand a truth, "There are unpredictable things in the sky."

It is difficult for her to maintain a family by herself. If he does not make breakfast in advance, An An will be late for school, and she will be late for work.

In the end, it is not so much an accusation as a complaint.

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Lu Wanwan couldn't answer, but the reality is indeed like this.

Seeing another group of people coming up after the subway arrived, she couldn't help covering her phone with her other hand, and said in a low voice, "Is there anything else you can do?"

"There is indeed one more thing. I have already contacted Yisong's teacher, and I will report to the treatment center tomorrow."

After a meal, Li Jingchen asked, "Isn't this going to make you happy?"

Lu Wanwan bit her lower lip, and said stubbornly, "Thank you for your reminder, one alarm clock won't work, I'll set two, and I'll always wake up."

Li Jingchen snorted and said with a bit of inability to stop: "Okay, my Wanwan is just having backbone."

Listening to his sinful nasal voice, Lu Wanwan looked around uncomfortably.


Fu's branch.

Seeing Lu Wanwan coming out of the elevator, the assistant greeted immediately: "Sister Lu, you are here. Vice President Qiao is waiting for you in the office."

Lu Wanwan calmed down and said, "Thank you, our treatment center will pay for the tuition."

Li Jingchen said tolerantly: "This, let's talk about it after he learns the skills."

A smile curled up on the corners of Lu Wanwan's lips, and she gave a soft "um".

Vice President Qiao looked at her complicatedly for a long time before asking, "Manager Lu, have you agreed to divorce our President Fu?"

Lu Wanwan's eyes were slightly startled, and then she regained her composure, and asked, "Vice President Qiao already knows?"

Vice President Qiao said in a deep voice, "Well, Boss Fu told me."

"Okay, I see." After Lu Wanwan nodded at her, she opened the door and walked into the office.

I saw Vice President Qiao sitting on the sofa with a folder in front of him, looking at her sternly.

After taking her seat, Lu Wanwan asked, "Vice President Qiao, what can you do?"

For so many years, everyone in the company has thought that you and Mr. Fu are a match made in heaven. What problems do you have that cannot be solved? Do you have to come to this point? "

Lu Wanwan pondered for a while. It seems that although Fu's father told Vice President Qiao about her divorce with Fu Shuo, he did not disclose other information.

In this way, she should be more cautious when answering, so as not to bring any trouble to Fu Shuo.

Lu Wanwan nodded understandingly. As the veteran of Fu's company, Vice President Qiao has won the trust of Fu's father and son. After Fu Shuo had a car accident, he immediately appointed Vice President Qiao to assist her in managing the company.

"Since Vice President Qiao has heard about it, then I have nothing to hide. I did divorce Fu Shuo, but I didn't say it to avoid distraction in the branch."

Vice President Qiao, who heard this fact with his own ears, frowned in shock and asked: "Manager Lu, to be honest, I find it very hard to understand.

Lu Wanwan frowned and asked, "May I ask why?"

After hesitating for a while, Vice President Qiao said, "Boss Fu said that your heart is not here anymore."

Lu Wanwan understood that Father Fu wanted to fire her because he was afraid that she would do something that would harm the interests of the branch company.

"Vice President Qiao, since the divorce between Fu Shuo and I is a foregone conclusion, it's useless to get entangled. You must have something important to convey when you come to me today, right? Please speak up."

Seeing that she didn't want to talk about personal matters, Vice President Qiao could only abandon the love of his elders, and said with a business-like attitude: "Yesterday I received a call from Boss Fu, and he hoped that I would replace Boss Fu and relieve you of your employment in the company." duty."

Commonly known as, expulsion!

Lu Wanwan asked calmly: "Then, who will take my place?"

Vice President Qiao looked away a little unbearably, and said, "President Fu's sister, Fu Xing will take over the branch."

Fu Xing?

Vice President Qiao did have something in his words. Boss Fu told him on the phone yesterday that Lu Wanwan was fired to prevent her from misappropriating the company's assets and even selling the company's secrets to competitors.

These words were too harsh. Vice President Qiao was afraid that it would hurt Lu Wanwan's heart, so he refrained from saying it.

After all, Lu Wanwan has been working hard in the company all these years, and has never used the privilege of "Mrs. Fu" to do anything. Vice President Qiao wanted to save some face for her.

Lu Wanwan knew that this was what Vice President Qiao wanted to make up for her: "Thank you, Vice President Qiao, I have nothing to ask for."

After a meal, she stood up and said decisively, "I'll pack up my things and leave now."

Vice President Qiao stood up and said, "Since you agree, we will convene a board of directors later to announce your resignation, and then you will come back to clean up and leave decently."

Lu Wanwan asked again: "Who will manage the head office?"

"The head office is now managed by Boss Fu himself."

Vice President Qiao saw that she was asking other people, so he couldn't help asking: "What about you? The company can do its best to meet whatever conditions you have."

After Lu Wanwan took it, she opened it and saw that in addition to a resignation letter, there was also a salary bag in the folder.

Lu Wanwan smiled silently and said, "Okay."

While Vice President Qiao breathed a sigh of relief, he handed her the folder on the table: "This is the resignation letter I prepared for you, you just read it according to it."

Leave decently?

Seeing her pull out her resignation letter and put down her salary bag, Vice President Qiao just wanted to persuade her to accept it, when she asked, "Vice President Qiao, when will the board of directors be held?"

Seeing that there was no trace of sadness on her face, Vice President Qiao's words of comfort turned into dry notices.

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