Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1054 Doesn't Consider Her Feelings at All

This man... really fouled!

Lu Wanwan's heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably. She was afraid that Li Jingchen would find out, so she moved back.

Unexpectedly, when she moved a foot, Li Jingchen followed, until her back hit the wall behind her, and she couldn't move anymore.

Li Jingchen chuckled lightly: "Can't you run away?"

Lu Wanwan said displeasedly: "Stay away from me! You squeezed the child!"

At this moment, Li Jingchen lowered his voice and said, "Hush, listen."

Lu Wanwan raised her head subconsciously, and caught the sound of walking in the next room.

Lu Wanwan's voice tightened: "It's An An?!"

Li Jingchen was calm, put his arms around her waist and said: "My son probably got up to go to the toilet, so you should pretend that you are asleep."

Li Jingchen's voice with a faint smile rang in her ears: "Look, am I right?" <.97xiaoshuo. net

"Exciting, isn't it?"

Sure enough, not long after, the sound of a flushing toilet came from the next door.

Everything became silent again.

Lu Wanwan just lowered her head and touched the pillow again.

Li Jingchen touched her wrist and said, "I left a gap for you, so it won't bruise."

"But how can anyone be tied up to sleep? You don't consider my feelings at all."

I don't know if it's Li Jingchen's illusion, but I always feel that Wan Wan's voice has become softer, which makes his heart pound, and he really wants to satisfy all her demands.

Even if An An finds out, Li Jingchen is not worried. What's wrong with father and mother sleeping in the same room?

"..." Exciting ass!She was scared to death just now!

After a while, Lu Wanwan said in a low voice: "Li Jingchen, my hands are uncomfortable being tied up, can you untie them for me?"

The next second—


Lu Wanwan took the opportunity to punch Li Jingchen and kick him again.

"Then I'll untie it for you, you can't make trouble."

"Well, I don't make trouble." Lu Wanwan's voice became softer.

Li Jingchen was fascinated for a moment, and untied the tie that bound her hands.

Let Li Jingchen mess around in the cold night alone.


The next morning.

Li Jingchen almost rolled out of bed.

Lu Wanwan crumpled the tie into a ball, threw it on him, and said angrily, "You make me worry!"

After finishing speaking, she pulled all the quilts over, wrapped herself up, and lay down to sleep.

Seeing that Lu Wanwan's reaction was a bit strange, An An couldn't help but ask concerned: "Mum, are you okay?"

It's almost 7 o'clock?But she clearly set the alarm clock at 6 o'clock!

Lu Wanwan picked up the cell phone next to her pillow and looked at it, and found that the alarm clock was turned off at some time, it must be Li Jingchen's fault!

When Lu Wanwan woke up, she saw An An standing by her bed, frowning slightly and said, "Mummy, it's time for you to get up."

Lu Wanwan froze in fright: "An'an, why did you come in?"

"It's almost 7 o'clock. I see that Mommy hasn't woken up yet, so I can only come in and call you."

As a result, when she leaned over, the collarbone below the neckline was exposed.

An An just raised her head. After seeing the mottled red spots on Lu Wanwan's collarbone, the little guy asked strangely, "Mum, why are you so red here?"

Lu Wanwan asked in confusion, "Where?"

Lu Wanwan looked around and saw that there was no sign of Li Jingchen, so she said: "Mummy is fine, I kept you waiting."

"As long as Mommy is fine." An An said, squatting down and straightening Lu Wanwan's cotton slippers so that she could put them on.

"Thank you baby." After Lu Wanwan touched his little head, she bent down and put on the cotton mop.

Li Jingchen actually sneaked up on her!

Lu Wanwan scolded and checked other places, while thinking about how to explain to An An later.

After a while, Lu Wanwan opened the bathroom door.

An'an nodded with her fingers.

"Mommy, let's go and see."

Lu Wanwan went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and saw a few red marks near her collarbone, which looked like "little red dots" to An An, but they were actually "little strawberries"!

"Well, go and have breakfast."

An An reminded: "But Mommy, you haven't made breakfast yet."

After Lu Wanwan helped her forehead, she said, "Mommy is sleepy, Mommy is going to the kitchen now!"

An An stood outside, looking at her with concern.

After pulling up her neckline, Lu Wanwan concealed it and said, "It's winter, Mommy's skin is too dry, I accidentally scratched it while sleeping, it's fine."

An An nodded: "Then Mommy, remember to apply body lotion."

"It smells so good, Mommy~" An An who smelled the fragrance came over.

Lu Wanwan thought she was hallucinating, but now she came to her senses after hearing An An's words.

"Mum, when did you make breakfast?" An An asked in surprise, rubbing her growling stomach.

When she said this, Lu Wanwan had already scolded Li Jingchen a hundred and eighty times in her heart, and she was all to blame for leaving her with so many messes!

Lu Wanwan rushed into the kitchen, and as soon as she picked up the lid of the rice cooker, she smelled a scent.

She glanced in surprise, and saw that the mushroom and beef porridge had been cooked in the pot, and it was still steaming!

Lu Wanwan said "" in a trembling voice, and said, "Honey, go and sit down, Mommy will serve it for you."

An'an took out two sets of bowls and chopsticks from the disinfection cupboard, put them in Lu Wanwan's hand, and then jumped to the dining table and sat down.

With her back turned to him, Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief.

The corner of Lu Wanwan's eyes twitched, she didn't do it!

"It's like this..." Under An An's gaze, she quickly used her brain and said, "Doesn't the rice cooker have a timer function? Mommy put the recipe in it before going to bed last night. When the time is up, the rice cooker Just cook the rice pot yourself."

An An suddenly realized: "That's right, in this way, Mommy can sleep more in the morning!"

"Try it to your liking?"

"Mommy made it, of course it suits my appetite!" After An An lowered her head and blew, she took a sip of the fragrant porridge, and her pale eyebrows slowly frowned.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan's heart ached, for fear that An'an might feel something was wrong.

Immediately, she stared at the fragrant porridge popping out of the rice cooker, but she couldn't get angry at all.

As An An said just now, Li Jingchen turned off her alarm clock and made breakfast for them quietly, just to let her sleep more.

But because Li Jingchen made the breakfast, Lu Wanwan had another layer of worry.

"It seems a little salty." An An smacked her lips, and after feeling it again, she raised a smile and said, "But it's still delicious! Mommy is amazing, she can cook it so delicious with the timer function! The beef is tender, a little Not too old!"

Lu Wanwan felt relieved.

After the mother and son had breakfast, An An went to the room to get the schoolbag, while Lu Wanwan went back to the room to change clothes.

In the end, An An was miraculously not late for school.

Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief after watching An An enter the school gate.

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