Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1053 Just treat it as you accompany me

What is a dead man?Lu Wanwan didn't have a clear idea yet.

However, Secretary Li's cold, robot-like, meticulous and ruthless appearance at first still left a deep impression on Lu Wanwan.

That can't be called a "human" anymore, can it?

While Secretary Li was endowed with force, intelligence, and even power since childhood, he was also deprived of the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of being a "human being".

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan said: "Li Jingchen, I don't care what the Li family's selection criteria are for the dead, but I promised Yisong and Xinrui that I would let them live the lives of normal children. I can't hand them over to you. for you."

Li Jingchen was not surprised by her rejection, and he didn't want to argue with her because of a child: "Since you don't agree, then I will be responsible for providing Yisong with a fighting teacher and a firearms teacher for him to learn, and when he grows up , choose the path you like, and take it as my early investment in him."

But also because of this, once Yi Song is cultivated as one of his own, his loyalty will be far higher than that of ordinary people.

An An too needs a partner of his age who can risk his life for him at any time.

While Lu Wanwan was happy, she was also a little worried: "You won't take this opportunity to let the teacher brainwash him into a dead man, right?"

Li Jingchen played with taste: "It's not that simple to brainwash a child like Yisong."

It's impossible to snatch Yisong and Xinrui from Wan Wan's hands, so Li Jingchen can only make a long-term plan: "I won't snatch it from you, okay?"

After Lu Wanwan's expression relaxed, she discussed with him: "Li Jingchen, I think it's unreasonable to train dead men, what do you think?"

Li Jingchen thinks it's time for him to find someone for An'an.

But what Wanwan inherited was Xie Rou's legacy, and Xie Rou treated the adopted children with the same care and care as her own children.

Li Jingchen twisted the hair on her cheeks, played with it, and said, "For example, I lent Secretary Li, whom Li Yuanzhong trained for me, to your father, and asked her to assist your father in managing a company in an open and honest manner, without living The life of licking blood with the tip of a knife, she was born facing the sun,

Lin Yue's dead men are responsible for protecting his safety. Lin Yue will not sacrifice them casually unless it is absolutely necessary. Li Xiangchen's dead men are the most extreme. They are responsible for assassinating his thorns in the flesh. Once the assassination fails, they will try their best to kill themselves Finished. "

Li Jingchen chuckled, and said, "Cultivating dead soldiers is a very common operation in major families. It's not just me, Li Xiangchen, Lin Yue also has them. The difference lies in how we use them."

Lu Wanwan unconsciously showed a listening expression.

No no no!

Lu Wanwan knocked hard on the head and woke up in time: "Who knows if you are brainwashing me so that I can let Yisong be trained by you?"

Following his words, Lu Wanwan more or less understood that at least Li Jingchen regarded the dead men as human beings, and Lin Yue was also okay, not letting the dead men make fearless sacrifices, only Li Xiangchen treated the dead men as tools .

Thinking about it this way, Li Jingchen's proposal just now seems to be much more acceptable?

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Li Jingchen saw that she was still resisting, so he said instead: "It's 11 o'clock, we should go to rest."

Lu Wanwan was stunned: "Wait a minute, us?"

Regardless of whether the treatment of the dead is good or bad, it is always accompanied by the word "death".

"Death for the Lord", probably like a chip, has been implanted in the bodies of Secretary Li and others. Even if Secretary Li is born in Xiangyang now, this point may not be changed.

Lu Wanwan stared at the tie in her hand, and after it got stuck, she asked, "...Li Jingchen, why are you tying me up?"

"I'm afraid you will drive me away, so I can only act first." Li Jingchen finished speaking with an innocent face, got up, picked her up, and walked towards the room.

"That's right." Li Jingchen said, pulled out his tie, then clasped Lu Wanwan's hands together, quickly wrapped a dark gray tie around her wrists a few times, and finally tied A beautiful knot.

The whole process only took four seconds.

So, he decided to stay and add popularity to her.

Seeing Li Jingchen slowly put her on the bed, took off his coat slowly, and then unbuttoned two shirt buttons, in a lazy state ready to take a rest, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but be dumbfounded: "You, you don't want to sleep With me?"

He took a closer look and found that Lu Wanwan's room was very freshly decorated, and with some small accessories that she matched, it looked very feminine.

But Li Jingchen didn't like it. He felt that this room lacked some masculinity, like it lacked... him.

"It's late." Li Jingchen frowned in displeasure, then pressed Lu Wanwan's shoulder blades with one hand, and pushed her to fall back a little bit.

Lu Wanwan's hands were tied and she had no support, so she could only fall backwards into the soft quilt.

Li Jingchen raised his eyelids and smiled a little: "Congratulations, you got the answer right."

Lu Wanwan jumped up from the bed, and said: "Li Jingchen, are you addicted to sleep? It was an accident to take you in last night. You can't stay here tonight!"

"Li Jingchen, you bastard, I shouldn't have let you in! No, I should just throw away the pocket watch you dropped here, and it's best if you don't get it back!"

Li Jingchen let her scold, his fingertips got into the shirt, and after another layer was removed, his honey-colored chest was exposed.

Seeing that she still remembered, Li Jingchen simply used his knees to press her two legs horizontally.

Looking at it from Lu Wanwan's perspective, Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows high and smiled at her, making a fool of herself like a tortoise that couldn't turn over.

After finishing speaking, Li Jingchen raised his knees that were pressing down on her legs, and got on the bed sideways.

Lu Wanwan's beautiful eyes opened slightly, and she wanted to take the opportunity to kick him, but Li Jingchen said with the same eyes behind her: "Wanwan, don't make trouble."

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan turned her eyes away and muttered, "Smelly rascal, let me go if you have the ability, I will challenge you one-on-one."

"With your small body, I'll fall down with a light push. Who else do you want to pick?"

The strong hormonal breath surrounded Lu Wanwan as Li Jingchen approached, almost to the point of domineering.

Through the cold moonlight outside the window, Li Jingchen could barely see the outline of Lu Wanwan, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

"?" Lu Wanwan hesitated.

After Li Jingchen turned off the light, he turned over and hugged her.

Lu Wanwan said: "It's not cold, I have a quilt."

"Wanwan, you sleep alone at night, it must be very cold?"

Although this bed was too small for him, it was enough as long as she was sleeping on the opposite side.

"It must be lonely, right?"

"No, I have children."

Li Jingchen lowered his head, pressed against her red lips, and murmured: "But I will be cold and lonely, so you should accompany me."

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