Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1052 Said, are you mine?

After Li Jingchen put her on the sofa, he looked at her with some dissatisfaction: "Is there no desk in your room? Do you want to nest in the living room and look up information?"

Lu Wanwan blurted out: "Yes, but I am here to wait for you."

Hearing this, Li Jingchen's eyes softened, and after sitting beside her, he moved her two legs to his own thigh, and massaged her to relax.

"You've been waiting for me here?"

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Yes, what if I searched the information in the room and was too engrossed to hear your doorbell? Then wouldn't you keep pressing it? What if you wake up An An... So I'll have to wait here, as soon as you ring the doorbell, I'll hear you."

"Don't worry, you don't have any valuables here. I can't possibly come here to steal things." But stealing people is not necessarily the case.

"Who said there is no such thing, An'an is my priceless treasure."

"It's also mine." Li Jingchen said, looking at Lu Wanwan's stomach: "The one inside is also mine."

Li Jingchen's handsome face turned half black. It turned out that she was waiting for him here because she was afraid that he would disturb An An's sleep!

"What's the combination for your door lock?"

Lu Wanwan asked vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

She bit her lower lip, angrily trying to pull her leg back.

But Li Jingchen clasped her ankle with one hand, and scratched her ankle with the other.

"Haha! Li Jingchen! You bastard!" Lu Wanwan laughed so hard that she thumped the back of the chair. The corners of her skirt turned up as she struggled, revealing her white calves. Against the backdrop of black trousers, they looked even more jade-colored. .

Lu Wanwan wrapped her arms around her stomach, and said in a protective voice, "No, it's mine!"

After Li Jingchen raised his eyebrows, he deliberately pinched her calf.

Suddenly, a strange feeling of numbness and itchiness spread to Lu Wanwan's heart, making her almost cry out.

Li Jingchen rolled his Adam's apple, bent down, and wanted to kiss her.

Lu Wanwan put her hands on his chest and asked, "What's in that box?"

"You want to know?"

At some point, Li Jingchen's movements slowed down, and he asked with deep eyes: "Tell me, are you mine?"

Lu Wanwan laughed until her stomach ached and she didn't have the energy to answer.

Li Jingchen then looked up along those two calves, and saw that Lu Wanwan's almond eyes were filled with a layer of mist, which made the usually cold eyebrows and eyes become charming and affectionate.

Li Jingchen said: "This is the meeting gift I planned to give to the secretary and his father-in-law last night, but I drank too much and didn't have time to give it."

meet and greet?

Lu Wanwan asked meaningfully: "That is to say, last night was the first time you went to the secretary's and his father-in-law's house?"


Li Jingchen then took out the velvet box that was put in his coat, tore off the label in the middle, opened it and said, "It's a pocket watch."

Lu Wanwan glanced at it, and there was indeed a gold pocket watch inside. It looked rather retro in style, not an electronic watch that contemporary young people like.

"I can only deliver it next time." Li Jingchen snapped the lid shut.

After Lu Wanwan said "Oh", she warned, "You should deliver it first next time, lest you get drunk and forget it."

Li Jingchen chuckled and said, "Understood, housekeeper."

What a coincidence, as soon as she and An An moved here, he came to visit the secretary's father-in-law.

Li Jingchen turned his eyes away uncomfortably, and said "um".

Lu Wanwan looked at her pocket watch and asked, "Then what should we do now?"

"What notes?" Li Jingchen scanned the desktop and saw a small notebook next to the mouse, so he couldn't help but take it over and read it.

Seeing that he wrapped her legs in his arms and refused to let go, Lu Wanwan could only reach out to reach the computer, and then quickly memorized the personal trainer's number.

Shortly after, the laptop's battery drained and it automatically shut down.

Lu Wanwan pouted her pretty nose: "Who is the housekeeper!"

After finishing speaking, she heard a "beep" from the laptop, and couldn't help turning her head to look.

Seeing that the battery on it was only 3% left, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but pushed Li Jingchen's shoulder, and said anxiously: "Let go of my legs, I haven't finished taking notes yet!"

"Do you still remember those two children who voluntarily left with me after Dong Yi's orphanage was closed?"

Li Jingchen thought for a while and said, "I have a little impression."

To Li Jingchen, Yisong and Xinrui are just two insignificant children, and it is already remarkable to have left a little impression on him.

Li Jingchen also finished reading, put down his notebook, and asked, "Do you want to hire so many private teachers for An An?"

"This is not for An An, but for the children in the treatment center."

Although Lu Wanwan agreed to Yisong and Xinrui, but if other children in the treatment center are also interested in this aspect, then she will support it.


"A child like Yisong is very suitable for secret training and training to become a dead warrior."

Lu Wanwan didn't expect him to say that, and her pretty face suddenly changed: "What did you say?"

Lu Wanwan said: "One of them wants to learn dancing and painting, and the other wants to learn fighting and firearms. By the way, I mentioned this to you on the phone. At that time, you praised Yisong as a talent."

Selling the client list of Dong Yi Orphanage in exchange for new students is not something a 10-year-old child can do!

Following her words, Li Jingchen slowly recalled: "Wan Wan, I praised him as a talent, but it actually meant something else."

Lu Wanwan's mind was a little confused, and she didn't know where to start to refute.

Li Jingchen continued: "As for why I said that a child like Yi Song is suitable for secret training, firstly, he has been separated from his relatives for many years, and no one will come to claim him whether he is alive or dead.

Secondly, he was tortured in Dong Yi's orphanage, tasted the warmth and coldness of the world, and lost the innocence of a child long ago.

Li Jingchen reassured: "Don't be angry, starting from Li Yuanzhong's generation, he will train his confidants for the next Patriarch. Today's Secretary Li is my former dead man,

As an illegitimate son, Li Xiangchen is not qualified to train dead men, but in order to get revenge on me, my uncles did not hesitate to secretly collude with Zhuang Jing, and trained Li Xiangchen many dead men to deal with me.

In the future, I will also cultivate a confidant for An An. He is a child belonging to the imperial group. As long as he is my future heir, there will be countless dangers waiting for him. "

Thirdly, he is more likely to hate human beings than ordinary people, so it is perfect for training An An's dead warrior. "

Lu Wanwan frowned and pushed him away, objecting: "No, I don't agree, I want to raise them into normal children!"

"Normal children have long been tortured insane in Dong Yi's orphanage, or tortured to death." Li Jingchen said.

Those who can survive and thrive are all "flowers of evil", and Yisong and Xinrui are obviously the best among them.

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