Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1051 What is this?Who is it for?

Lu Wanwan did what she said.After returning, they found teachers for Yisong and Xinrui.

Dance teachers and painting teachers are easy to deal with. A search on the Internet for "private education" reveals a lot of them, all of whom graduated from prestigious schools, but firearms teachers are not so easy to hire.

Considering that the teaching targets are all children, Lu Wanwan has to choose more carefully.

Sitting in front of the computer, she suddenly recalled the shooting gallery she had been to back then.There are professional shooting teachers there!Even Fang Tong, who is now a big star, once went there to practice marksmanship for filming a police and gangster scene.

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan went to the shooting range in person while An An went back to her room to take a nap.


Inside the shooting range.

Sitting at the front desk were two strong men with cropped heads, arms folded, staring at the venue with tiger eyes open.

Hearing this, one of them looked at Lu Wanwan and asked rudely: "Our boss is out, beauty, do you want to practice guns?"

Today is the weekend, and many people in the stadium are practicing shooting, and the sound of gunshots can be heard endlessly.

Lu Wanwan avoided the crowd, came to the front desk, and asked politely, "Excuse me, is your boss there?"

Lu Wanwan thought that if she brought Yisong here alone to practice guns, it would be too partial and unfair to the other children in the treatment center.As a management team, she should be more level-headed.

"Excuse me, how much is a private lesson?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head and said, "No, I want to hire a personal trainer."

"Private education?" The strong man looked Lu Wanwan up and down: "The tuition fee of private education is much higher than coming here to find a coach to practice."

Lu Wanwan picked up the pen, but was not in a hurry to fill in: "A 10-year-old child, do you teach me?"

The strong man was taken aback: "What did you say?"

The strong man replied: "One class is 3000 yuan, and there are 4 classes a month, but don't worry, we provide teaching and training here. As long as you are not too stupid, you can basically master how to shoot in a month, but can you Getting it right is another matter."

After finishing speaking, the strong man lowered his head and found a form from the table, put it in front of Lu Wanwan, and said: "If you want, just fill in the information here, and we will arrange a teacher for you to teach at your door."

"It's possible for an adult to accidentally shoot a gun, let alone a child."

"Kids practicing guns? I have never heard of it. We can only hold guns when we are 18 years old."

Lu Wanwan asked again: "Can a 10-year-old learn to shoot?"

After hearing this, the strong man waved his hands and said no.

The strong man sneered: "I said beauty, who are you? Why should we change the rules here for you?"

Even though she said she was Fu Shuo's ex-wife, she was just a free person now.

Lu Wanwan struggled: "What you are talking about is holding a gun, but what I want is to learn how to use a gun. Isn't this a conflict?"

Yisong wanted to learn, so she provided him with the opportunity to learn. As for carrying a gun, Lu Wanwan was not out of her mind, so of course she knew not to mess around.

After adjusting the posture for him, the coach behind him said, "Little friend, you can shoot now."

The little boy fired ten shots in a row, then took off the goggles, and said excitedly: "Coach, quickly move the target over and show me!"

After Lu Wanwan pursed her lips, she said, "Okay then, excuse me."

When Lu Wanwan turned around and passed a shooting range, she found a little boy holding a semi-automatic pistol and aiming sideways at a target ten meters away.

Lu Wanwan took a look. There were ten shots in total, and only one shot was on the target.

But this does not prevent the coach from complimenting them: "Mr. Du, your son is only 9 years old this year, and he can hit the target. Soon, he will definitely become a sharpshooter!"

After the coach moved the target over, the little boy pointed to the only small black dot on it, turned around and said happily: "Dad, Mom, I hit it!"

The parents of the little boy sitting on the chair said cheerfully, "My son is awesome. When it's your birthday this year, Dad will buy you a gun, okay?"


As soon as An An sat on the sofa and watched TV, he felt something pressed under his butt. He touched it with his hand and found a velvet box, which was only as big as his palm.

After looking sideways for a while, Lu Wanwan turned her gaze away and left.


"That's it." An An raised her hands high.

After wiping her hands on the apron, Lu Wanwan took the velvet box and asked, "Where did you find this baby?"

He didn't open it to look, but immediately found Lu Wanwan who was cooking in the kitchen, and asked, "Mummy, is this something you brought back from Mingyuan this morning?"

Lu Wanwan stopped picking vegetables, turned around and asked, "What?"

While thinking about it, Lu Wanwan said to An An: "Mommy brought this back from Mingyuan, thank you baby for helping me find it, let's watch TV."


"On the sofa." An An said.

Lu Wanwan didn't take anything from Mingyuan today. The only explanation is that Li Jingchen left this velvet box here last night.

Li Jingchen didn't reply.

Lu Wanwan could only put away the velvet box and wait for Li Jingchen to pick it up.

After An An left, Lu Wanwan took out her mobile phone from her pocket, took a photo of the velvet box, and sent it to Li Jingchen——

[This is what you dropped here. ]

Lu Wanwan was sitting cross-legged on the blanket in the living room, staring at the laptop. There was a small notebook and a pen next to the mouse, on which was written the contact information of the personal trainer.

Just then, a doorbell rang.



When she saw Li Jingchen standing outside the door, Lu Wanwan said without any surprise: "If you don't come, I'm going to sleep."

Li Jingchen looked into her clear eyes and knew she was lying.

Lu Wanwan wanted to stand up straight, but had no choice but to maintain a sitting position for too long, which made her legs numb.

A few seconds later, Lu Wanwan barely stood up with both hands on the table, and went to open the door for the visitor.

With that said, Lu Wanwan took out the velvet box from her pocket and handed it to him.

After Li Jingchen took it, he deliberately teased her: "Don't ask me what this is? Who is it for?"

"Is An An asleep?"

Faced with the man's concern, Lu Wanwan nodded and said softly: "He has to go to class tomorrow, so he went to bed early, by the way, I will pay you back."

"It's nothing, just sitting numb, I rub it." Lu Wanwan said casually.

Hearing this, Li Jingchen picked her up and walked into the living room.

"This is your freedom."

Noticing that when Lu Wanwan spoke, he raised his calf backwards and gently kneaded it with his hands. Li Jingchen fixed his eyes and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

In order to prevent falling, Lu Wanwan could only wrap her arms around his neck.

Li Jingchen then scanned with his sharp eyes, and saw Lu Wanwan's thermos cup on the ground, he knew that she was the same as last night: "Why do you always sit on the ground instead of sitting on a good sofa?"

Lu Wanwan explained: "Because I need to use a computer to look up information, I can see more clearly while sitting on the floor, and I can also take notes."

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