Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1050 You treat us like pets

"Mr. Shi, go slowly." Lu Wanwan stood at the door and met a car while watching him off.

Before getting into the car, Shi Yu turned around and said, "By the way, Miss Lu."

Lu Wanwan's heart tightened, thinking what else could he do?

Shi Yu smiled and said, "Remember to convey my miss to Mr. Fu."

Lu Wanwan nodded: "No problem."

"Mommy!" Ann called out.

Lu Wanwan lowered her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

An An asked: "Why did you tell Uncle Shi just now that a friend came to pick us up?"

"Mommy lied to him. It was the driver of the online car-hailing car. When you went back to the room to get the change jar, Mommy made an appointment in advance."

As Lu Wanwan said, she led An'an into the white car. <.97 xiaoshuo. net

Lu Wanwan made an analogy: "You said, what would happen if the beams of a house fell down?"

An An asked: "Will it collapse?"

"So that's the case, but why did Mummy refuse Uncle Shi's kindness?"

In An An's mind, Shi Yu just wanted to give him and Mommy a ride, and there was no malice.

Lu Wanwan explained: "Because he has been inquiring about your father's situation, what if we slipped up on the road?"

An An asked unconsciously, "What do you mean, Mommy?"

Lu Wanwan said: "What Mommy means is that when people have interests involved, their concern is not just caring, there are also temptations and see-saws in it.

What you see is that Shi Yu is concerned about where your father is, but what Mommy sees is that he is testing the depth of your father. Every answer we give will affect his future cooperation with Fu's branch. "

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Yes, the house will collapse, causing property damage at least, and casualties at worst. This is why we have to hide from the outside world, the reason for your father's car accident."

An An said thoughtfully: "But I think uncle is a good person. Last time I was skateboarding and almost hit a big rock. He picked me up, and he cared about Daddy so much, even if he knew Daddy If there is a car accident, it will definitely not be worse."

"As far as Shi Yu is concerned, he is indeed a good person." After a meal, Lu Wanwan continued: "But An An, you have to look at a person as a whole, not just one side."

Lu Wanwan was taken aback for a moment: "What did you say?"

"Isn't it possible?" An An said innocently: "In this case, even if Uncle Shi wants to take advantage of the fire, we can respond in time."

Lu Wanwan recalled that Shi Yu invited her to participate in a sandalwood products exhibition a while ago, which was held by a Taiwanese supplier in city S. Maybe...she could really do a trick, just in case?

An An asked: "Even if Uncle Shi and Daddy are friends, will they betray?"

"For profit, even brothers can kill each other, so what are friends?" Lu Wanwan said: "Once Shiyu knows about your father's situation, if he wants to take advantage of the fire and raise the price of sandalwood, the company may not be able to afford it." higher purchase price."

After An An nodded, she suddenly asked, "Then why don't we find a new partner first?"

Treatment center.

While An'an was sharing candy with the children, Lu Wanwan called Yisong and Xinrui to her side, looked at them and said, "You two have been here for two months, are you still used to everything here?"

These two children, brought back from Dong Yi's orphanage, are completely different from the children here.

An'an hugged the change jar and lay her pillow on Lu Wanwan's lap: "Mommy, I want to buy candy for my brothers and sisters in the treatment center."

Lu Wanwan looked down at him and said softly, "Okay, I'll listen to you."


Although Yi Song apologized afterwards, his self-defensive behavior all revealed that he was afraid of being violated by adults.

These two children are living beautifully on the surface, but their hearts have long been twisted. It is not a matter of overnight for the treatment center to teach them well.

At this time, Xinrui's pretty face was full of smiles, and she said sweetly: "This place is very good, sister in charge, I like it very much!"

They experienced human affairs early on, and saw the dirtiest and evil side of adults. After a long time, the dark side in their hearts also came out.

According to the teacher here, Xinrui has become the most popular little girl here, but she likes to make the boys jealous of her. The boys often get bruised and swollen because of her, and she applauds beside her.

Yisong, on the other hand, didn't seem to fit in well. One night when the female teacher was checking his quilt, Yisong cut his hand with a knife hidden under the pillow!

But Yi Song said directly: "In your eyes, we are just providing you with a guest list as a tool to bring down Dong Yi, right?"

Xinrui frowned: "Hey, stop talking."

However, Yi Song took a step forward and looked directly into Lu Wanwan's eyes. There was a coldness in his immature voice: "Or, you, like those guests, treat us as pets? Only come and see when you think about it."

Yisong stared at Lu Wanwan, and said suddenly, "You broke your promise."

Seeing Lu Wanwan looking at him, Yisong's exquisite face showed no expression: "When you brought us back, you promised me to learn mixed martial arts and weapon fighting, and Xinrui to learn dancing and painting, but these two Yue, but you rarely show up, let alone invite us a teacher."

Compared with Yisong's straightforwardness, Xinrui is much more tactful: "It's okay, sister in charge, there are many adults who break their promises to us, and you are just one of them."

Xinrui also slightly widened her eyes.

Lu Wanwan said: "I've been so busy these past two months that I wanted to contact the teacher for you, but I was delayed in the end. I'm sorry, Yisong, and Xinrui. I didn't ignore you on purpose."

What Lu Wanwan said was the truth.

Xin Rui rested her forehead and sighed, it's over, they won't be kicked out, right?

Lu Wanwan looked at Yisong and said, "I'm sorry, I did break my promise."

Yi Song was taken aback.

"No more hidden weapons" is aimed at Yisong.

Unexpectedly, not long after, Bai Qingluo used a suicide attack to knock Fu Shuo and An Anche to their knees. Lu Wanwan couldn't care about the treatment center for a while, and temporarily put aside the matter of hiring them a teacher. .

Lu Wanwan continued: "I promise you, I will invite you a teacher within a week. It doesn't matter if you want to learn fighting, guns, dance, or painting, but the premise is that you are not allowed to hide weapons , and you are not allowed to treat the little friends here as toys for entertainment, is that okay?"

After learning about Yisong's hobbies, she immediately contacted Li Jingchen and asked him to borrow a teacher who taught fighting and firearms, and Li Jingchen agreed.

"Don't treat the friends here as toys for entertainment anymore", the target is Xinrui.

Lu Wanwan wanted to change them by prescribing the right medicine.

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