Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1049 Harmful intentions, testing each other


After Lu Wanwan brought An An here, An An quickly found out: "Mummy, where are all the servant sisters at home?"

Lu Wanwan explained: "In order to save money here, Mommy dismissed them."

An An's eyes darkened: "That is to say, they won't come back again?"


An An asked again: "What about Daddy? He won't come back, will he?"

"" Lu Wanwan's voice softened.

An An leaned in Lu Wanwan's arms and said in frustration: "Obviously Daddy brought us here, but now we are the only ones staying here."

After Lu Wanwan was silent, she said, "Honey, go to the room and get your change jar."

After a while.

An An hugged a change jar, came down from upstairs with a "da da da", came to Lu Wanwan and said, "Mommy, I've got it!"

"Then let's go." Lu Wanwan didn't want to stay here for too long, lest An An be reluctant to leave.

"Well, Mommy is waiting for me, I'll come as soon as I go." An An said, walking towards the second floor by herself.

Compared with the one hundred square meters of Jiuxi Tiandi, Mingyuan is as big as a small park, but Lu Wanwan doesn't regret taking An'an out of here at all to live the "hard life" that others call.

Because she is free in Jiuxi Tiandi, and she has only one identity, that is "An'an's mother".

She opened the door and looked around, only to see that it was Shi Yu who got out of the car.

His black suit was covered with a gray woolen coat. As he bent down to get out of the car, it slipped halfway. He raised his black gloved left hand and slowly picked it back. Then he raised his eyes Looking at Mingyuan.

The hope in An An's eyes faded: "So it's Uncle Shi..."

When the mother and son walked to the door, they suddenly heard a car horn sounding outside the yard.

An An's eyes lit up, and she asked in surprise, "Could it be that Daddy is back?"

Lu Wanwan also had this thought, could it be that Fu Shuo really came back?

"It's like this. I haven't been able to contact Mr. Fu for a while, and I'm a little worried, so I came to visit him in person today." Shi Yu said.

However, the fact is that ever since the string of Buddhist beads he gave Lu Wanwan didn't hear any movement from the bug inside, Shiyu could no longer grasp Lu Wanwan's whereabouts, so he had no choice but to come here in person to find out. ?

He then lowered his eyes, looked at An An who was holding the change jar, and asked with a smile: "An An, Uncle Shi asked you, your father said that he went abroad to expand his business, and it has been more than a month, and he still hasn't come back?"

Lu Wanwan came back to her senses, walked forward, and greeted Shi Yu: "Mr. Shi."

Shi Yu glanced back and forth between their mother and son through the wrought iron gate, and asked, "Miss Lu, are you going out?"

Lu Wanwan was a little puzzled and said, "Mr. Shi, why are you here?"

Shiyu's sandalwood products are very popular among customers, and some customers even wrote in the comments that "it is for sandalwood". Fu Shuo once said that he does not want to terminate the cooperation with Shiyu unless it is absolutely necessary.

Facing Shi Yu's question, An An replied: "Uncle Shi, you should ask my mommy, she knows better."

Shi Yu squinted his eyes, he originally wanted to pry the truth out of this kid, but Fu Huai'an kicked the question to Lu Wanwan instead.

Lu Wanwan looked at An An nervously. What if An An slipped her tongue?

Now Shiyu is one of the most important partners of Fu's branch, and all the sandalwood products of Jinzhao Hotel are provided by Shiyu.

Once Shi Yu knew that Fu Shuo was not going abroad to discuss business, but was unable to manage the company after a car accident, he would most likely terminate the cooperation with Fu's branch and choose to cooperate with other hotels.

Sure enough, Lu Wanwan officially said: "Mr. Shi, before Fu Shuo left, he left all the company's affairs to me and Vice President Qiao. If you have anything to do, you can go to the company to find me."

Shi Yu sighed: "Miss Lu's words are really ruthless. In addition to being partners in business, Boss Fu and I are also close friends in life. He disappeared for so long, so I can't help worrying."

Lu Wanwan said lightly: "The signal abroad is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, not to mention you, Mr. Shi, but sometimes we can't contact Fu Shuo."

Will Lu Wanwan tell him the truth?Certainly not.

This woman has become much more difficult to approach than six years ago!

Beneath that gentle and elegant smiling face is a rustic courtesy to people.

After finishing speaking, she took out her mobile phone from her bag and clicked on Fu Shuo's number.

"No need." Shi Yu stopped him.

Lu Wanwan raised her head.

An An nodded cooperatively beside her.

"Really?" Shi Yu's smile didn't reach his eyes: "I thought Fu always snubbed me on purpose."

It's not good to make the partner feel cold, Lu Wanwan said: "Mr. Shi's trip can't be in vain, I'll call Fu Shuo right now and ask him to explain clearly to you in person."

He can't attack Lu Wanwan, otherwise, Li Jingchen and Fu Shuo will join forces to chase him down.

And he absolutely cannot fail again like he did six years ago.This time, he will firmly hold Lu Wanwan in his hands!

Lu Wanwan asked: "Mr. Shi, are you sure you don't need it?"

Shi Yu smiled slightly: "Since Ms. Lu has said so, it would seem too petty for me to ask Mr. Fu again."

He didn't come here for Fu Shuo in the first place, but wanted to find out the marital status of Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo.

But judging from Lu Wanwan's performance, she and Fu Shuo were clearly fine, which made Shi Yu's heart, which was just about to move, cool down.

Lu Wanwan heard the subtext that he wanted to come in, but Ming Yuan's servants had already left, and when Shi Yu came in, it was inevitable that something was wrong.

Therefore, she said: "Sorry, An An and I are going out, and Fu Shuo is not at home, please forgive us for not entertaining us well."

After Shi Yu nodded, he asked strangely, "Miss Lu is going out, what about your car?"

Shi Yu came back to his senses, smiled and said, "No need, I trust Miss Lu."

"That's good." Lu Wanwan narrowed her eyes and put the phone back in her bag.

"But..." Shi Yu lightly knocked on the wrought iron door in front of him, playing with taste: "It's the first time I chat with people through the door, it's really interesting."

Lu Wanwan said: "I've already asked a friend to pick us up, so I won't bother Mr. Shi."

Shi Yu's phoenix eyes sank, and she asked suspiciously: "Really?"

Before, when he invited Lu Wanwan to ride in the same car, she never refused.

"The car has been sent for repairs." Lu Wanwan said without any hesitation.

"Then why don't I give you a ride, okay, Huai'an?" Shi Yu cunningly skipped over Lu Wanwan and went to ask An'an.

An An looked at Lu Wanwan again, not daring to interrupt casually.

After looking at the license plate number, Lu Wanwan said to Fu Shuo, "Mr. Shi, my friend is here. What else can you do?"

Shi Yu was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the white car.

Could it be that he was thinking too much?Lu Wanwan didn't suspect that he was Li Xiangchen, but did she really have friends to pick them up?

But since that day, when he intentionally let Lu Wanwan meet Zhuang Jing working as a servant in his house, this was the first time Lu Wanwan refused him.

Could it be that Lu Wanwan began to doubt his real identity?

While Shi Yu was thinking about it, a white car drove over.

Lu Wanwan opened the wrought iron gate, walked out with An An, and said emphatically, "Mr. Shi, in order to avoid what happened again today, please go to the company to find me next time."

Shi Yu put away the suspicion on his face, turned around and said, "Okay, then I should go back."

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