Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1044 It was too late when something was wrong

Immediately afterwards, Lu Weiwei began to cry: "Mom? Mom! Come here quickly...Brother is bullying me!"

This time, everyone's eyes were on Liang Zhen.

Liang Zhen felt surprisingly angry. She had already told Lu Weiwei that since she was infected with drugs, then don't expect her to collect her body!

"Mom... Big brother bullied me... Come and help me!"

Lu Weiwei clutched her bleeding chin, crying and fussing like a child.

Liang Zhen walked towards Lu Weiwei full of hatred.

Just when everyone thought that Liang Zhen would appease Lu Weiwei's emotions, they saw her pulling up Lu Weiwei's hair with one hand, and slapped her twice with the other hand, and said with a ferocious face: "Lu Weiwei, be sober! No one is here your mother!"

Liang Zhen swore that she would never be stupid again!

Lu Weiwei's face was swollen from the beating.

Lu Weiwei is always like this!Only when needed, will I think of myself as her mother!When you don't need it, just kick it away and ignore it!

Now, in front of Lu Wanwan and Lu Zeyu, he calls her over and over again, and wants to use himself to help her out!

After Liang Zhen shook her off in disgust, she stood up and said to Lu Zeyu's siblings, "I, I have already severed ties with her."

Lu Zeyu looked at her, and asked maliciously: "Then you don't have a child under your knees?"

Lu Zeyu and Lu Wanwan looked at each other, no one thought that Liang Zhen would be willing to treat Lu Weiwei like this.

Lu Weiwei broke her jaw just now and was crying, but Liang Zhen pulled her hair and slapped her, but told her to stop.

As for their growth, she rarely participated in it.

She is indeed, not worthy to be their mother.

Liang Zhen's face lost all color. She looked at Lu Zeyu and Lu Wanwan dully. Obviously, these two children were almost the same as she remembered, but their temperaments had undergone earth-shaking changes.

They were only born through her belly.

According to Li Jingchen's explanation, the prison guard replied: "She has been secretly asking a woman named 'Ajiu' for cigarettes. At first we thought it was just an ordinary cigarette, so we didn't pay much attention to it. By the time we found out that something was wrong, it was too late. gone."

Hearing this, Lu Zeyu believed it.

When she saw Liang Zhen talking to Lu Zeyu and Lu Wanwan in a low voice, Lu Weiwei was so angry that she tilted her head and coughed again, vomiting blood!

Seeing this, Lu Zeyu asked the prison guard: "How long has she been in this situation?"

"Cough, cough, cough!" At this time, Lu Weiwei coughed up a few more mouthfuls of blood, and fell into a coma again.

The female prisoners on the side couldn't bear it anymore——

Because he once told the warden that no matter what kind of bullying Lu Weiwei received here, he would turn a blind eye and close one eye.

So under this premise, it didn't seem surprising that Lu Weiwei would be addicted to drugs.

"Quiet." After the prison guard sneered, he turned to Lu Zeyu and said, "Young Master Lu, can you take a step to speak?"

Lu Zeyu nodded and asked Lu Wanwan to wait for him outside.

"Sir, she can't die with us!"

"That's right, sir, we have not been affected by her. It is not easy to be infected with drugs. We don't want to have to collect her body when we wake up one day!"

Lu Zeyu silently looked at Lu Weiwei. At this time, she was already skinny, and she was no longer as beautiful as before.

For Lu Weiwei today, death is easy, but life is difficult.

The prison guard said: "I asked you to come here to ask, should we send Lu Weiwei to the drug rehabilitation center or stay here? If we keep her here, we can't guarantee her life."

This is actually what Li Jingchen meant, to hand over the final disposal of Lu Weiwei to the Lu family.

The prison guard agreed, "Okay."

Lu Zeyu immediately looked at his sister at the door, who was about to step forward with a smile, but heard Liang Zhen's voice from behind: "Zeyu, when will you... come again?"

It would be a pity that she did all the bad things and didn't sit in prison for the rest of her life.

Thinking of this, Lu Zeyu said: "Send her to the drug rehabilitation center, and then come back to serve the sentence after the drug rehabilitation is complete."

The ear-piercing laughter of the female prisoners—

"I figured it out. That handsome guy wants you to die and says you're not a stepmother?"

Lu Zeyu's smile turned into a sneer, and he said without turning his head, "It's the day you die, or the day she collects her body."

As the prison guard closed the cell door, Liang Zhen's body swayed, her face full of hopelessness.


on the way back.

"You mother and daughter, I'm afraid you're all cheap, right? No one wants to care about you!"

"Hee hee hee."

After Lu Zeyu rubbed her head distressedly, he fastened the seat belt for her with his own hands.

"Sister Wanwan."

Lu Wanwan asked, "Brother, what did the prison guard tell you?"

"It's nothing, brother has already taken care of it."

Although Lu Zeyu didn't mention his name, Lu Wanwan knew that he was referring to Liang Zhen.

"That's all."


"How did you feel seeing her tonight?"

Now, the "Dean's mother" is dead, and her mother is also dead.


Ever since she was a child, Liang Zhen has never responded to her desire for maternal love.

So gradually, she transferred her feelings for Liang Zhen to "the dean's mother".

Seeing Lu Wanwan, An An immediately slipped off her chair and ran over: "Mum, you're back!"

Lu Hongye asked, "Zeyu, how is she?"

Lu family.

When Lu Wanwan came back, Lu Hongye and An An were still waiting for them, coming back for dinner together.

Lu Zeyu raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it something you're used to?"

Lu Hongye choked, and said: "Those prison guards are also dereliction of duty!"

"It seems that she is indeed addicted to drugs." Lu Zeyu told Lu Hongye everything he had seen and heard.

Lu Hongye gritted his teeth angrily: "This unfilial girl! Why is she getting more and more depraved!"

At this moment, An An's soft voice sounded: "Grandpa, uncle, if you don't eat, An An will starve to death!"

Hearing this, the father and father turned their faces together and said in unison: "Here we come!"

Lu Zeyu said coolly: "Flies don't bite seamless eggs. In the entire women's prison, only Lu Weiwei was infected with drugs. What should you say?"

"..." Lu Hongye expressed that he didn't want to quarrel with him, because he couldn't do it!

When she led An An out of the elevator, she saw Miao Tao stepping on a chair, dismantling the surveillance cameras in their home.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan first said to An An: "Cover your eyes."


When Lu Wanwan and An An returned to Jiuxi Tiandi, it was already 9:[-].

Lest you see what you shouldn't see, the eye of a needle.

An An obediently covered her eyes.

Lu Wanwan went up and asked, "What are you doing?"

As soon as Miao Tao heard her voice, she immediately turned around, put her hips on her hips and said, "Sister Lu, I suspect that you deliberately installed a surveillance camera at the door to secretly film me, so I will take it down!"

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