Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1045 He will trouble you to take care of him

Lu Wanwan laughed and said, "Why should I monitor you? The purpose of installing this monitor is to monitor whether there are any mice coming to the corridor and biting my garbage bag."

Miao Tao said anxiously: "But your monitor has seriously violated my privacy!" There is still business!

Ever since the guests saw the surveillance cameras installed in their corridors, they were a little too frightened to come, for fear of being photographed in the face, and it would be embarrassing. If the guests didn't come, how could she make money!

So, whatever she says tonight, she will take down Lu Wanwan's monitor!

Lu Wanwan looked at her from bottom to top, obviously from the angle of looking up, but she seemed to be able to handle it with ease: "Miss Miao, didn't you say that yourself? With the elevator as the boundary, that is yours, and this is yours." Mine, I put a monitor on my site, it's my freedom, right?"

Thinking of this, she said, "Okay, but you have to let me remove the monitor, otherwise it will affect my business."

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Yes, but if my garbage bag is bitten again, then I can only continue to install the monitor and see what happens."

Miao Tao gritted her teeth secretly. She admitted that she broke Lu Wanwan's garbage bag that night, and then she pretended to go out and hid in the room.

Miao Tao choked, and said angrily, "What on earth do you want!"

After Lu Wanwan glanced at An An, she looked away and said, "I think Ms. Miao should know that I am doing this for the children. As long as you don't dress as exposed as that day, I can turn off the monitor. Everyone in the neighborhood Yes, how about taking a step back?"

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The next day, Lu Wanwan installed a monitor at the door, so that Miao Tao never had a chance to vent her anger.

Not only that, but it also affected her own business, which really pissed her off!

In the end, for the sake of business, Miao Tao agreed to dress properly.

Unexpectedly, Han Nian failed to find fault, but was punished severely.

When Miao Tao wanted to come, Lu Wanwan brought her children here to rent a house. They were either just divorced or just widowed. In short, it must be very easy to handle. Her business is gone.

However, in the end, it was Han Nian who suffered from being dumb.

After removing the monitor, Miao Tao obviously breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, she can resume business again.

For a low-level person like her, nothing is more important than making money, even if it is a flesh and blood business.

"Sister Lu, the monitor is here for you."

Lu Wanwan then agreed to remove the monitor.

The purpose of her installing the monitor was to cure Miao Tao so that she would not be so self-centered.

Now that Miao Tao has agreed to give in to each other, she will wait to see how Miao Tao behaves in the future.

Lu Wanwan scanned her chest with his eyes, and Miao Tao was still wearing thin clothes tonight, which made people imagine.

"Got it!" Miao Tao rolled her eyes, folded her arms around her chest, and walked past An An.

After Lu Wanwan smiled slightly, she said to An An, "Honey, let's go home."

Miao Tao felt that the only one who could beat Lu Wanwan was her age, so she purposely called out "big sister" to annoy people.

Lu Wanwan said with an unchanged expression: "Miss Miao, you seem to have forgotten something."

Miao Tao raised her chin: "What? Didn't I return the monitor to you?"



After Lu Wanwan put An An to sleep, she gently closed the door of his room, and went back to the room to take a shower.

An An then put down her little hand, returned to Lu Wanwan's side and said in surprise, "Mummy, she didn't quarrel with you?"

Lu Wanwan nodded the tip of his nose, and said softly: "Some things are not settled by quarreling."

An An showed a thoughtful expression.

Lu Wanwan asked, "What's the matter with you?"

The secretary said: "It's like this. Tonight is my father-in-law's birthday. Mr. Li came here to celebrate his old man's birthday, but he accidentally drank too much. Can I send Mr. Li to you to rest for a night?"

Li Jingchen wished a birthday and got himself drunk?

When she came out of the bathroom, she saw a missed call on her mobile phone.

It was Li Jingchen's secretary calling.

Lu Wanwan called back, and after a while, the phone was connected, and the secretary's submissive voice came: "Miss Lu, I'm sorry to bother you so late."

"President Li was so drunk that he passed out, if something happens to him on the road, I don't need to be a secretary!"

The secretary said pitifully: "Miss Lu, since we are neighbors, please help me and take Mr. Li in for a while."

Lu Wanwan asked suspiciously, "Is he really drunk?"

Lu Wanwan was a little surprised, and then asked, "Can't you drive him back?"

The secretary wondered: "No, my wife is still waiting for me to go back and clear the table, and I also drank a lot of alcohol, so I can't drive."

Lu Wanwan turned around and said, "Then find him a substitute driver."

Seeing Lu Wanwan open the door, the secretary's eyes lit up immediately: "Miss Lu, you have opened the door!"

Lu Wanwan looked at Li Jingchen who was leaning against the secretary, unconscious, and after a moment of silence, said: "Put him on the sofa, take it easy, and sleep peacefully."

"Yes!" The secretary hurriedly carried Li Jingchen inside, and gently put him on the long sofa.

The secretary said again and again: "Really, really, I promise."

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips and was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

She walked to the door, looked through the cat's eyes, and found that the secretary was holding Li Jingchen's arm bitterly, talking to her with the mobile phone between his head and shoulders.

Seeing that Li Jingchen was motionless, Lu Wanwan pouted her pretty nose, and said again: "I don't believe it, you came here specially to celebrate the birthday of your secretary's father-in-law! You must be looking for an excuse to see me and An An, so don't Installed."

Li Jingchen's handsome face remained unchanged, as if he had fallen asleep.

Now, Lu Wanwan couldn't decide whether he was really drunk or fake drunk.

After straightening up, the secretary said, "Miss Lu, thank you for taking in Mr. Li! I still have something to do at home, so I'll go back first. I'll trouble you to take care of Mr. Li!"

After finishing speaking, the secretary didn't give Lu Wanwan a chance to "return the product", and quickly ran away.

After thinking for a while, Lu Wanwan stretched out her hand and pushed the man lying on the sofa, coaxing: "Li Jingchen, wake up, I know you're not drunk."

Seeing him wearing a shirt, Lu Wanwan frowned slightly. If he caught a cold, there would be another reason to blackmail him.

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan went back to the room, took out a spare quilt, and covered Li Jingchen.

After finishing this, Lu Wanwan remembered that her hair was not dry yet, so she sat on the carpet, opened her notebook, and started to work.

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