Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 1043 Surprised I'm Still Alive?

Women's prison.

As the cell door was opened, the prison guard said, "Lu Weiwei, someone has come to see you."

"Ahem..." Lu Weiwei was lying on the narrow bed, tossing and turning in pain.

There was a smear of blood on the side of the pillow where the black silk was scattered.

Although she coughed up blood, she was addicted to drugs and felt very uncomfortable. She couldn't hear what the prison guard said.

Instead, Liang Zhen was holding a glass of water and standing beside Lu Weiwei's bed because the prison guard ordered her to take care of Lu Weiwei.

After hearing the prison guard's words, Liang Zhen's usually expressionless face suddenly changed.

The prison guard immediately said to Lu Zeyu and Lu Wanwan: "You two, Lu Weiwei is inside, you can go in."

For this reason, Lu Wanwan was startled.

She remembered that Lu Weiwei had begged her not to lock her up with Liang Zhen, but unexpectedly, fate played a trick on Lu Weiwei.

Seeing Liang Zhen standing there, the prison guard was stunned, and couldn't help saying, "Go to the side."

After Lu Zeyu nodded, he took Lu Wanwan's hand and protected her by his side.

Lu Wanwan looked around and saw a familiar figure from the back.

It should be their mother, Liang Zhen.

The water glass made a crisp sound, which shocked Liang Zhen back to her senses.

In contrast, Lu Wanwan was much calmer.After her eyes quickly passed Liang Zhen, they fell on Lu Weiwei.

In just two or three months, Lu Weiwei became thin like a bolt of lightning, making the scar on her face even more ferocious.

"...Okay." After Liang Zhen answered in a low voice, she turned around stiffly.

In this way, both parties can see each other's appearance.

When she saw that Lu Wanwan was still alive, Liang Zhen's pupils shrank violently, and the water glass in her hand slipped unconsciously.

After hearing this, Lu Hongye felt that it made sense, so he agreed.

After seeing Liang Zhen, Lu Zeyu's first reaction was not to call "Mom", but to quickly look at Lu Wanwan, for fear of seducing her sad past.

Seeing her indifferent face, Lu Zeyu breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time warned Liang Zhen to go away with his eyes.

However, thinking that it was Lu Weiwei who killed her dean's mother with her own hands, the so-called "sisterhood" in Lu Wanwan's heart disappeared!

Tonight, Lu Hongye was supposed to come.But Lu Zeyu was worried that Lu Weiwei was playing tricks and deliberately lured Lu Hongye to go. In order to prevent Lu Hongye from softening his heart, Lu Zeyu proposed to let Lu Wanwan come here instead.

Lu Wanwan was the most sober among them. With her around, they would not be overwhelmed by soft hearts.

The word "return" made Liang Zhen's fingertips shrink, and she became at a loss.

Her son is not stupid anymore.

On the contrary, she was imprisoned for a long time, and her mind was as if rusted. She finally saw her pair of children, but she couldn't speak.

Then, he lightly supported Lu Wanwan's shoulder, and said carefully: "Sister Wanwan, let's go and have a look."

"Hmm." As soon as Lu Wanwan took a step, she was stopped by a trembling raised hand.

Lu Zeyu suddenly turned cold and asked, "What else do you want to do?"

Hearing this, Liang Zhen hurriedly yelled, "Late... late..."

Because she didn't speak often, Liang Zhen's voice sounded very obscure, even hoarse.

Seeing Lu Wanwan looking at her, his eyes were like the cold light from the small prison window, noble and quiet, Liang Zhen couldn't help muttering: " it you?"

The other female prisoners hid in the corner and watched this scene, their eyes rolling back and forth, as if they were speculating about the relationship between them.

Lu Zeyu suddenly regretted bringing Wanwan to such a place.

He turned around and said softly, "Sister Wanwan, why don't you wait for me outside."

On that day, Liang Zhen, who was in a daze, suddenly trembled.

Over the years, whenever she missed her eldest daughter in prison, the figure of her younger daughter would also come to her mind.

And whenever the eldest daughter she was looking forward to didn't come to see her, the younger daughter's sarcasm would always sound at the right time——

Lu Wanwan finally said, "I'm surprised I'm still alive?"

Liang Zhen's heart trembled, and she said in a hoarse voice, "No..."

Lu Weiwei had already told her that Lu Wanwan was still alive.

If she knew that Lu Weiwei would throw her away when she was done using her up, she would never have tricked Lu Wanwan out of Li's house, knocked her unconscious and delivered her to Li Xiangchen's hands, causing her to fall into the sea and die in the end!

She has been charged for so many years for Lu Weiwei in vain, and she also suffers from the mental backlash of mutilating her little daughter. She allows her inmates to laugh at her as an "old dumb", and is punished by them ?

Seeing Lu Wanwan again, Liang Zhen was not only shocked, but also felt relieved after a long absence.

[You killed me for Lu Weiwei, but she treated you as an abandoned child and left you in prison to fend for yourself. Mom, do you regret it? ]

[Do you regret it! ]

She regrets it!She regretted it long ago!

The prison guard pulled her aside, and the female prisoners immediately couldn't help asking: "Hey, old dumb, who are they to you?"

Liang Zhen stared at Lu Wanwan and Lu Zeyu, a faint smile appeared on her old face: "They are children."

Unexpectedly, as soon as she said this, there was a burst of ridicule——

Even though she didn't have much mother-daughter relationship with Lu Wanwan, seeing that her little daughter who should have been indirectly killed by her was still alive, she was freed from this mental cage!

Lu Zeyu asked impatiently, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"I...I..." Liang Zhen said "I" for a long time, but couldn't say anything.

"It looks like it to me! How about they not come to see you for so many years?"

These female prisoners defeated Liang Zhen with just a few words.

She was even more regretful when she woke up: "Don't talk about it, I beg you!"

"Pfft, is that you?"

"Don't be kidding! They look like rich kids. If you are really their mother, why don't they fish you out?"

"Don't be a stepmother?"

Seeing that her pupils were dilated, like a dying female corpse, the prison guard raised the flashlight, shone it on Lu Weiwei's face, and shouted, "Lu Weiwei, someone is here to see you!"

With this photo, Lu Weiwei's dark eyes gathered light.

After seeing Lu Zeyu's appearance clearly, she rushed forward, hugged his thigh, and said, "Brother, you came just in time! Give me cigarettes!"

But the female prisoners are still laughing and saying, everyone is a rat in the gutter, so why should she be more noble than them?

the other side.

Lu Wanwan and Lu Zeyu lowered their eyes and looked at Lu Weiwei.

Lu Zeyu controlled the emotion of opening her, and looked at the prison guard: "What cigarettes does she want?"

The prison guard explained: "She is addicted to drugs, and one cigarette is not the other."

Hearing this, Lu Zeyu's eyes turned cold, and he pulled Lu Weiwei away forcefully.

Lu Weiwei didn't even look at it, and continued to rush forward. This time, the target became Lu Wanwan.

Lu Wanwan backed away and let Lu Weiwei fall to the ground, her chin hit the cold floor with a dull sound.

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