Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 715 Dig a Hole for Li Bancheng

In the big villa in the middle of the mountain, in the living room, everyone in Yao Yuan was drinking tea and talking loudly.

The bodyguard led Gao Jian in.

Yu Yongan laughed loudly and said, "Old Gao, what did Li Bancheng say, he wants to borrow money, right?"

"Fortunately." Gao Jian smiled, walked to the empty seat reserved for him by Yao Yuan and sat down, nodded his thanks to He Xueli who handed over the tea, and said, "The boss guessed right, Li Bancheng gathered 400 yuan with all his efforts." billion Hong Kong dollars, a considerable part of which was provided by several British funds.”

Yu Yongan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "So it's done. I'm not afraid of your jokes. I was really nervous at the time, and I was afraid that the performance would fail and Li Bancheng would see the clue. When A Yuan told me about this plan before, I don't have much confidence, now it seems that nothing can escape Yao Yuan's judgment!"

After taking a sip of tea, Yu Yong'an's face gradually turned cold, and he said through gritted teeth, "It is my responsibility that there is such a young man in the director's office of Yong'an Group. Fortunately, A Yuan paid more attention."

Gao Jian couldn't understand.

He Xueli explained, "Brother Hu's people discovered it. Less than half an hour after we confirmed the price limit of 300 billion Hong Kong dollars, the news reached Li Bancheng's ears. Brother Hu asked people to investigate overnight. It was Wing On Group who leaked the secret. Senior staff in the chairman's office."

"In order to confuse Li Bancheng, we can't touch him for the time being. After Changshi Holdings signs the loan agreement, we will send him and the evidence to the Commercial Crime Investigation Division." Yu Yongan said in a deep voice, "I am responsible for this matter."

It was only then that Gao Jian understood that Yongan Group really planned to fight with Cheung Kong Holdings, and Yongan Group must win, because Yao Yuan came in person, and there was no problem with the funds at all, but if the fight continues like this, the transaction price will undoubtedly be higher it is good.

At the auction, all of Yu Yongan's performances were just playing tricks, making Li Bancheng willing to buy the land at a price that seriously exceeded his budget, and then asking Gao Jian to lend him the money.

In fact, it was the second of the two proposals proposed by Yao Yuan.

All these actions are based on a big judgment-there will be an economic crisis next year, and the bigger the company, the greater the financial pressure, especially the listed companies.

Yao Yuan is digging holes for Cheung Kong Holdings and Li Bancheng!

At that time, maybe the land of 400 mu will be taken over together with Cheung Kong Holdings, and there is no need to spend [-] billion Hong Kong dollars to fight for blood.

Now Yao Yuan has started to use some pre-set strategies, the main reason is that now he does not need to race against time like the previous two years, and can be more calm.

Gao Jian reported to Yao Yuan, "Li Bancheng chose a one-year short-term loan, and I gave him a fixed-price interest. The total principal and interest is 63 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the principal and interest will be repaid at maturity. But he asked to make up for the loan in the agreement. terms of bridge funding.”

"Promise him." Yao Yuan smiled and nodded.

Yao Yuan was also worried that Li Bancheng would not want Huaxia United Bank to provide bridge funds.

If he wanted bridge funds, he would have to take Hutchison Group's equity as collateral, which would take half a month, but the interest was high. If he couldn't pay it back, he would have to collect the equity.

Borrowing 55 billion Hong Kong dollars for one year, the interest is 8 million Hong Kong dollars. This interest is very kind. According to the current financial loan interest rate in Hong Kong, it generally exceeds 20%, and private usury is even higher.

Gao Jian said worriedly, "Based on Li Bancheng's tone, he is very likely to cooperate with other real estate companies for development, and even cut up the land and sell it for cash. Acres of land may be running out."

Yu Yongan was also worried about this, and looked at Yao Yuan with breathless concentration.

The purpose of Wing On Group is to win the [-]-mu land in Central, if not all of it, at least half of it, in order to achieve the goal of entering the real estate industry on a large scale, rather than destroying Cheung Kong Holdings.This is also the reason why Yu Yongan chose the first plan and Changshi Holdings to be tough.

Yao Yuan, who already had a comprehensive plan, motioned for them to drink tea, and said slowly, "Since Huaxia United Bank has expressed its strong intention to invest in the real estate industry, it is entirely possible to actively contact several major real estate developers to solve their problems. You can borrow as much money as you want for the development of acres of real estate.”

He held up two fingers and said to Gao Jian, "But there are two conditions. First, the loan period shall not exceed two years. Second, it must be a mortgage loan, and equity mortgages are preferred."

One year after the Asian economic crisis broke out on a large scale in 1997, its impact on Hong Kong's real estate industry lasted until the second half of 1998, exactly two years.

Gao Jian wrote it down and asked, "Boss, do you think Hong Kong's economy will go down in a year? The real estate industry will collapse?"

Without this judgment, Yao Yuan would definitely not have done this.

These people around are all independent executives, and they must be reminded. Yao Yuan pointed to Lin Wei and motioned for Lin Wei to speak.

Lin Wei opened his notebook and looked at it, and said, "The other thing I came here this time is to unify my thoughts with everyone. The headquarters group has been slowly returning funds since the second half of last year. You know that .”

"We have analyzed the world economic situation this year. Specifically, in the financial field, the movements of Wall Street are worthy of attention. Wall Street private equity funds represented by Soros are already gathering ammunition, and they must make big moves."

"Which countries and regions will become the prey of these sensitive speculative hot money? Looking at the world, the four Asian tigers should be the priority targets. The economic development of these four countries and regions is very fast, but the financial sector can be said to be not at all. Fortify."


Lin Wei talked for more than half an hour, all of which were research and analysis conclusions from the first half of this year.

After listening, Gao Jian and Yu Yongan's expressions were very serious.

Gao Jian said in a deep voice, "If this is the case, Huaxia United Bank will start to shrink its front line."

"It's not a big problem for you Huaxia United Bank to be listed, but our Yongan shares are in danger. I don't know if you have heard of the stock market crash in Hong Kong in the 70s. It was terrible." still fresh.

Yao Yuan said lightly, "Two words, preparing for war, I guess the fight is definitely not a small fight, and it is likely to far exceed the stock market crash in the 70s. Don't forget, July [-]st next year is a big day, no matter what We can't let ghosts act recklessly on our land."

Gao Jian knew that Yao Yuan, who was obsessed with being a cadre, came to Hong Kong in person, definitely not just for the [-]-mu land project in Central. Compared with a petrochemical base with a scale of [-] million, it is by no means large.

The executives of Chunfeng Group are already very experienced in dealing with projects of this scale. As long as Lin Wei, who holds financial power, comes to sit in charge, any problems can be easily solved.

Obviously, another important purpose of Yao Yuan's personal visit is to vaccinate Gao Jian and Yu Yongan.Once the analyzed situation emerges, Hong Kong will be the main battlefield, and among Chunfeng Group's enterprises in Hong Kong, Hua Xia United Bank and Wing On Group are the two largest.

As long as these two companies are prepared and have adequate countermeasures, all the enterprises of Chunfeng Group in Hong Kong will not be chaotic and will not be affected much.

Moreover, it now appears that Yao Yuan's goal is by no means to guard his one-acre three-point field, but to attack the ghosts and defend Hong Kong with all his strength after the war begins.

Otherwise, the headquarter group (Chunfeng Group) would not need to return funds one year in advance.

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