Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 714 Wing On Group Actually Lost

Yongan Group finally made a move!

This is in line with the imagination of the media and the audience, and this is the character of Yu Yongan, the stock god who dominates the stock market!

How could he just sit back and watch!

However, Cheung Kong did not follow the Wing On Group’s script. Li Bancheng smiled and said nothing. The chief representative of Cheung Kong continued to respond with a placard: “We, Cheung Kong, offered 350 billion Hong Kong dollars.”

With a cigar in his hand, Guo Mingji, chairman of the board of directors of Hongji Real Estate, said with a thick voice, "The value of this land is far more than 350 billion Hong Kong paper. reason."

Li Liji, chairman of Henderson Land, looked at Li Bancheng and said with a smile, "Li Sheng, I'm sorry."

Li Bancheng smiled and cupped his hands.

They are all surnamed Li, and they were a family 500 years ago. However, there is only one Li Sheng in Hong Kong, and that is Li Bancheng, not Li Liji.Regardless of the size of the company or personal wealth, Li Liji has been suppressed by Li Bancheng for a long time, and the clay figurines have a three-pointed temper. How could he be willing?

Cheung Kong Holdings bid again, showing their tenacity and strength as the top brother of Hong Kong enterprises.Everyone knows that Li Bancheng has a deep British background behind him. No one will underestimate the financial strength of Cheung Kong Holdings. The only question is - what is the bottom line of Cheung Kong Holdings' price?

At present, it is far from being able to see the bottom line of the price of Cheung Kong Holdings.

The representatives of Wheelock Properties chatted in low voices easily, and they were basically sure that the previous performance of being so tough was nothing more than external strength and internal work, and the current price has far exceeded their bottom line.

The representatives of the Shixin Lanying Consortium looked dignified and spoke in a low voice very fast, obviously discussing countermeasures nervously.

The focus is still on Wing On Group. Everyone knows that the company has abundant cash flow. It spends Huaxia currency to buy and export goods to Russia and Europe, and earns US dollars back, which is enviable to others.

Since Yu Yong'an made a move, with his character, he never backed down.

Sure enough, Wing On Group actually bid 360 billion Hong Kong dollars directly after the Shuangji Consortium bid 400 billion Hong Kong dollars!

A price increase of 40 billion Hong Kong dollars in one breath!

Yu Yong'an didn't change his face, he smiled and folded his arms, as if he was sure of winning.

This price made Li Bancheng hesitate.

Regardless of whether there is an updated bid or not, this price is the largest land transaction since the opening of Hong Kong. The equivalent price per mu of land is as high as 400 million Hong Kong dollars, or about 6000 Hong Kong dollars per square meter.

The cost of such land is definitely very high.

According to the current real estate situation in Hong Kong, it is estimated that if a commercial residence is built, the property price will be at least 6 Hong Kong dollars per square meter, or 6 Hong Kong dollars per square foot.

This is the king of buildings without any suspense.

The premium has reached 168 billion Hong Kong dollars, which has far exceeded the price bottom line of most bidding entities.Representatives of the Shixin Lanying Consortium with the largest number of members discussed in a low voice and shook their heads. Undoubtedly, they are the second entity that has actually given up bidding.

Guo Mingji and Li Liji, two tycoons from the Shuangji Consortium, talked sideways and in low voices. Although their expressions were calm, everyone could tell that they had already felt tremendous pressure.As for Kerry Construction, this young company, which has only been established for a few years, does not have a strong sense of presence in the Shuangji Consortium. Their own strength is limited and they have almost no right to speak.

Li Bancheng was also listening to the analysis of the situation by the think tanks and analysts around him, thinking quickly.

Luo Yingwei, his gold-medal foreign think tank, said in a deep voice, "Li Sheng, this price is our bottom line, but I think Wing On Group is bluffing. They only have 400 billion Hong Kong dollars at most."

"But Mr. Gao is right behind you. Huaxia United Bank has expressed its support for Yong'an Group." Another Chinese think-tank who opposed it said, "Mr. Li, I think we should give up the bidding. For [-] mu of land, the Yong'an Group will definitely If we can’t eat it, we will always find a way to get some land in the future.”

Luo Yingwei shook his head and said, "In this way, the initiative is no longer in our hands. Yu Yongan may not choose to cooperate with Cheung Kong Holdings if he cooperates with anyone. Yu Yongan regards us as the biggest opponent. We can bear higher pressure. Price, after getting this [-] mu of land, whether you are looking for a partner for unified development, block development or reselling, you can easily earn more than double the profit!"

The two think tanks held opposing opinions, and Li Bancheng was uneasy.

The auctioneer is already calling for second bids, and the hammer is already raised.

Cheung Kong Holdings can get more than 400 billion Hong Kong dollars, but in this way, in the next one or two years, the ability to resist risks of Cheung Kong Holdings and the rest of Li Bancheng's companies will become very weak. Most of the funds come from these It was transferred by the company.

If it is considered that the development will be carried out within one year, a considerable amount of funds will be required.

However, Luo Yingwei's words are reasonable. In the final analysis, it is a matter of initiative. Even if there is no money to develop after it is taken down, selling part of it at a premium can bring considerable profits.Originally, this 400 mu of land was composed of several plots, but the British Hong Kong government consolidated them into one large plot for auction.No matter how it is done, the value is far more than [-] billion Hong Kong dollars, which is the consensus of almost everyone.

However, after the slump in Hong Kong’s property market a few years ago, the current growth trend is very strong. Land is a non-renewable resource. Li Bancheng’s philosophy is that the sooner he acquires more land, the more advantages and initiative he can grasp .

He knows the development prospects of the mainland better than many people, so before 2010, he hoarded a large number of high-quality plots in several big cities in the mainland, and put them aside for development, and suddenly sold them at a certain point (regulation) to obtain Ten or twenty times the profit.

Li Bancheng is best at land speculation.

He knows the value of this [-] mu Central land better than most people.

This time, he held up the placard himself and said with a smile, "410 billion."

Yu Yongan immediately followed up, "420 billion!"

Li Bancheng still smiled and raised his hand, "430 billion."

Yu Yongan hesitated, all eyes were on him.

But seeing him looking desperate, he stood up abruptly and said loudly, "450 billion!"

Everyone saw the way his CEO stomped his feet and shook his head, trying to stop Yu Yongan but it was too late.

When the focus came to Li Bancheng, he still maintained a faint smile and slowly raised his hand under everyone's expectant eyes, "455 billion."

Suddenly, the resolute look on Yu Yongan's face disappeared, replaced by a breezy smile, and he said loudly, "I won't follow, I can't afford it anymore."

Yu Yongan sat down.

Knowing this price, the auctioneer would absolutely be out of reach of the other bidding entities, so he simply gave Li Bancheng a favor, and he quickly called out the third bid, knocking down the hammer.

"Congratulations to Cheung Kong Holdings for winning the 455-mu land parcel in Central, with a transaction price of HK$[-] billion! Congratulations to Mr. Li!" the auctioneer said loudly.

The audience froze for a while, and then burst into applause.

Everyone sent blessings to Li Bancheng one after another. In business and business, there are few people like Yu Yongan who have opinions on Li Bancheng because of the contradictions in business competition. Of course, no one knows whether he is doing this on purpose or is really a good-natured person.

However, Li Bancheng was not very happy. This price is a very dangerous position for Cheung Kong Real Estate Holdings. The most important thing is that Yu Yongan's last expression changes very strangely, and he will be confused for a while.

After accepting everyone's blessings, Li Bancheng turned to look for Yu Yong'an, but found that Yu Yong'an had left without knowing when, and he felt more and more strange.

The bottom line of Cheung Kong's price is 400 billion, and the maximum is 400 billion.

Now it exceeds 55 billion Hong Kong dollars, which requires the use of backup plans and financing with banks and private equity funds that have been contacted in advance.

Mainly banks, private equity funds rarely invest in such projects with a return period of more than five years.

The most important thing is that Li Bancheng does not want to give away the shares of the land that he has worked so hard to bid for at such a high price. Therefore, borrowing from the bank is the first choice.

Fortunately, Li Bancheng saw Gao Jian standing at the end smiling and nodding at him, obviously waiting for him.

Li Bancheng couldn't care less about greeting other people, and after talking to his assistant, he strode towards Gao Jian and said, "Mr. Gao, can you take a step to talk?"

"That's exactly what I mean, let's talk in the car, take my car, yours is too eye-catching." Gao Jian said with a smile.

It's exactly what Li Bancheng wanted. He will definitely be surrounded by reporters when he goes out now. Everyone in Hong Kong knows his car, and he will definitely be surrounded.

The two left through the back door under the escort and cover of the bodyguards. Gao Jian's car was a very low-key Duke King. This car, like the crown of this era, was used as a taxi in Hong Kong. Some lawyers, doctors, and civil servants bought them for commuting.

After getting into the car, Gao Jian took the initiative to say, "I didn't expect the result to be like this. Li Sheng, I'm afraid Changshi Holdings is under a lot of financial pressure?"

It is not difficult to collect 55 billion Hong Kong dollars, but it must be collected before paying the money. For a challenge, Li Bancheng can't guarantee that the previous promises of several banks will come true.

When he saw Gao Jian appearing, Li Bancheng thought of another way - to borrow money from Hua Xia United Bank.

Because of the background, Yongan Group has a good relationship with Huaxia United Bank, Gao Jian said bluntly that his appearance at the auction today was entrusted by someone to support Yongan Group.

Thinking of this, Li Bancheng said, "There is some pressure, but it can be overcome. Mr. Gao, the big boss behind Huaxia United Bank, isn't he from Hong Kong?"

Gao Jian said with a smile, "Li Sheng, let's put it this way, I can tell you what I can say, you are a Hong Kong entrepreneur who has been interviewed by state leaders, and I have always respected you."

"Thank you." Li Bancheng nodded.

Gao Jian said in a deep voice, "The boss of Hua Xia United Bank is indeed from the mainland, but he never asks about specific affairs. You want to ask about the relationship between this boss and Director Yu? As far as I know, there is no deep relationship. Director Yu has invested in the mainland for a long time and knows some powerful people. Through these powerful people, he contacted my big boss and sought some financial support. My analysis should be like this.”

Smiling, he said, "Actually, we run a bank. We don't lend money to anyone. We only look at the strength of the loan recipient. Besides, it is recognized that Cheung Kong's qualifications are better than that of Wing On Group."

Li Bancheng heard what he meant. Gao Jian's support for Wing On Group was based on orders. If Gao Jian was given a choice, he would tend to support Cheung Kong Holdings.

However, after all, Li Bancheng has been up and down in the business world for half his life, so he will not dispel his doubts just because of this.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Yu is very strong, I thought he would continue to bid, I am ready."

Gao Jian said in his heart, old fox, I know you have reached your limit, otherwise you wouldn't get in my car.

So he said with a smile, "Wing'an Group's business in Russia has reached a bottleneck. Director Yu has a number of investments in the mainland, all of which are large investments. Their funds are not as abundant as the rumors outside. Otherwise, they would not rely on their connections to find someone to find me." The big boss asked for help."

After a pause, he lit a cigarette and started to smoke, saying, "For a project worth 400 billion Hong Kong dollars, Wing On Group's questions are too small. Even if Huaxia United Bank fully supports him without looking at the review data, he probably won't be able to take it. Li Sheng You should have done the investigation, Wing On Group will not prepare more than 300 billion Hong Kong dollars."

"That is to say, Hua Xia United Bank will help solve the 100 billion Hong Kong dollar gap?" Li Bancheng asked immediately.

Gao Jian didn't answer, but said with a smile, "Li Sheng, this is our bank's secret."

Li Bancheng smiled and joked, "Understood, Mr. Gao, if Changshi Holdings borrows money from Huaxia United Bank, how much can you give?"

"Hua Xia United Bank has sufficient funds available, it depends on your determination, Li Sheng." Gao Jian said with a smile.

Li Bancheng thought for a while, and said, "The mortgage loan is mortgaged with the shares of Changshi Holdings."

"If the assets are mortgaged, about 50% can be given. The specifics need to be investigated." Gao Jian thought for a while and said.

Don't calculate the market value with you, you must calculate the asset value.

Li Bancheng made some calculations. In this case, the gap of 55 billion Hong Kong dollars can be resolved. The current market value of Cheung Kong Holdings is more than 300 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the asset value is more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars.

"Mr. Gao, what about the interest?" Li Bancheng asked with a smile, his expression did not show any tendency, even if he wanted something from others.

Gao Jian pondered for a moment, and said, "Twenty percent off, this is the bottom line of my authority, if it is lower, I will go to the board of directors and report to the big boss. Moreover, Li Sheng, we are not a listed company, so the loan agreement needs to be kept secret. "

In other words, Cheung Kong cannot disclose the details of this loan.

"Understood." Li Bancheng said.

Gao Jian thought for a while and said, "Principal and interest installments, interest first and principal later, or principal first and interest later, it's all fine. If it only takes one year, the principal and interest can be repaid at maturity."

To put it bluntly, Li Bancheng can choose freely.

Li Bancheng said, "I hope it's a long-term loan. We don't get back the funds so quickly. How about five years?"

"Li Sheng, in this case, the interest will be as high as more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars." Gao Jian reminded.

Li Bancheng calculated.

Gao Jian said in a deep voice, "Li Sheng, you must have a way to quickly realize the [-] mu of land in Central. There is no need to pay such high interest to solve the temporary financial difficulties. Why don't you choose a one-year short-term loan? The interest is higher, but the total interest is very cost-effective."

He paused, and said, "Find a bridge fund before it expires, and then apply for a short-term loan for one year. In two years at most, the [-]-mu land in Central will be able to generate profits? In this way, just Interest can save one billion Hong Kong dollars."

Undoubtedly, this is a very cost-effective way.

But there is a question, why did Gao Jian help Cheung Kong Holdings so much, Li Bancheng raised this question with a smile.

Gao Jian shook his head and smiled wryly, "Li Sheng, in fact, you have guessed it. The [-]-mu land in Central is such a fat piece of meat. Our bank wants to participate. It seems that there is no better way than providing financing for real estate companies. gone."

"Huaxia United Bank has just developed. Your company is worried about lack of development funds, but we are worried about too many deposits and lack of investment channels. You also know that Huaxia United Bank's business in Russia and Eastern Europe has developed rapidly, and most of them are ordinary We are also under a lot of pressure for our savings business. Using this method, you can get scarce funds at the lowest cost, and I can also have a bright project to explain to the board of directors and the big boss.”

It can be said to be heartbreaking.

Li Bancheng has no hesitation anymore. The matter is very complicated but also very simple. In his opinion, as long as the bank dares to borrow, he dares to take it, and the interest is 55% off.Borrowing from other banks also requires asset collateral, otherwise no bank dares to grant credit for a loan of up to [-] billion Hong Kong dollars.

Of course, it will be different if you are a state-owned enterprise, or an enterprise with a sovereign background.

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