"Ayuan, who do you think is the first target?"

Yu Yongan asked a question that others thought was very general, because it was difficult to accurately judge who the private equity fund headed by Soros would choose first.

But everyone knows that Yao Yuan is not an ordinary person. Over the years, under Yao Yuan's precise judgment, Chunfeng Group has seized every development opportunity and rapidly expanded and developed.

Yao Yuan said, "Among the four Asian tigers, South Korea may be miserable, but Soros is a bully, and he will not be the first to open fire on the four Asian tigers who are in full swing. I estimate that Thailand, which is almost defenseless, will be their first attack." object."

"Once Thailand's response is not firm, Soros will figure out the real situation in Southeast Asian countries. Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, these Southeast Asian countries with fast economic growth will not be spared. On the contrary, it is our mainland China and the Wanwan area because of For some reason, it will not be affected."

"However, Hong Kong, as the financial center of Asia, has a high probability of being the battlefield of the decisive battle. If we hold it, the crisis will stop in Hong Kong. If we can't hold it, the consequences will be disastrous."

Knocking off the cigarette ash, Yao Yuan said seriously, "Therefore, in the battle starting next year, we can only win but not lose. But what I want is not to hold on, but to let all the people like Soros die here! Let them Save every penny!"

He pointed to Gao Jian and Yu Yongan, "You are the main force, you must practice your internal skills internally, and plan ahead externally."

After a pause, he said, "Huaxia United Bank has a heavy task, Mr. Gao, do you remember the big battle in Japan's Tokyo stock market two years ago? This time our strategy remains the same. Huaxia United Bank will accelerate its deployment in South Korea You know what assets I'm interested in."

"It turned out that this is the reason why you asked me to enter South Korea as soon as possible during the Spring Festival. I understand. The Russian branch returns two to three billion US dollars in profits every month, which is several billion a year. I am having a headache how to use it. With yours Instructions, I let go of my hands and feet." Gao Jian felt the blood boiling that he hadn't seen for a long time.

If this bank executive who was the vice president of the Nangang Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China had become a well-known banker in Hong Kong, his vision and strategy would not be what they used to be.After being tempered by the big battle in the Tokyo stock market, under the premise of clear direction and guidance, not to mention winning every battle, at least nine out of ten battles can be achieved.

Yao Yuan said, "Two things will be completed in the second half of this year. The first is the listing of Shenzhen Development Bank and Yuanda Group in Hong Kong. The second is the construction of Huayin Aviation Leasing Guangdong City Base. Both things are related to Hong Kong. Yu, Lao Gao, you two must do your best to handle these two matters well."

Shenzhen Development Bank and Broad Group will definitely be listed in Hong Kong. This was determined last year. The choice of listing at this time is undoubtedly related to the next year's war.

As for Huayin Aviation Leasing Guangdong City Base, this is also on the schedule, because Huayin Aviation Leasing's business focus will shift to the mainland, and it is necessary to establish an operating base in the mainland.

Yu Yong'an nodded and said, "A Yuan, I think you should come back. There are so many things, and they are all big things. It doesn't matter if you don't keep an eye on us."

"Don't try to persuade me, I will come back when it's time for me." Yao Yuan smiled.

Yu Yong'an just found an excuse to persuade Yao Yuan that the two matters are important, but they are not difficult, and he and Gao Jian are there to help, and they will pinch them.

Knowing that Yao Yuan couldn't be persuaded, everyone stopped talking about this topic.

However, Lin Wei raised an urgent question. He said, "A Yuan, the general manager of the new United Airlines has been hired, but the new Beihang Airlines has not yet. What do you think should I do? I am really overwhelmed right now."

In terms of being entrusted with important tasks, Lin Wei is the number one.

There are too many positions he holds concurrently, and all of them are very important positions. It was a stopgap measure to let him serve as the general manager of the two airlines, New United Airlines and New Beihang Airlines. First, he was familiar with the situation, and second The reason for this is that the circumstances of these two airlines were very special at the time, and no one but him could take on this burden.

For example, when it comes to equity allocation and capital allocation, Yao Yuan needs to nod in person. Only Lin Wei can make these daily decisions on behalf of Yao Yuan.

Now that the two airlines are on the right track, it is inevitable to hire senior professional managers.

The new general manager of the new United Airlines is the former vice president of Air China. He wants to live a different life after being an old airline. He gave up the generous retirement benefits and went to sea. After several screenings, he got the employment contract of the new United Airlines.

However, the general manager of the new Beihang, which takes care of the world, has not found a suitable candidate because the requirements are very high, especially the political background.

Lin Wei really couldn't take care of both, that's why he was suffering and tired.

Yao Yuan understands Lin Wei's difficulties, because Lin Wei has lost weight!

The [-]-jin fat man can actually see the cheekbones now!

Yao Yuan thought for a while and said, "I'll write a name, and you can ask someone to look for it."

As he spoke, he wrote down a name and gave it to Lin Wei.

Lin Wei took a look, "Chen Hai?"

"En." Yao Yuan nodded.

Lin Wei asked, "What's the situation with this person?"

"I only know this name. He should be working at the Civil Aviation Administration of China. I don't know which part." Yao Yuan can only remember this limited information. After all, it was the information before Chen Haiwei became famous. Before that, no one would know Pay attention to this little unknown person.

"Okay, it's easy to know which unit, is he okay?" Lin Wei asked.

Yao Yuan laughed, "If he can pass the rigorous test of New Beihang University and meet the strict requirements, he should be fine."

From time to time, Yao Yuan will point out a person who is often entrusted with important tasks after being hired. The most obvious example is Zhan Chenggui. When Yao Yuan invited him over, he was still grinding a hoe in a county state-owned machinery factory. Now, He has come up with more than a dozen important patented technologies. Under his leadership, Spring Breeze Academy of Sciences has advanced by leaps and bounds in science and technology research, and it is the technology No. 1 of Spring Breeze Group.

Facts have proved that Yao Yuan has a very vicious Bole gaze.

"Okay, I'll send someone to talk to him." Lin Wei said.

Who is Chen Hai?

If he can let Yao Yuan remember, it means that he was at least a well-known figure in the whole country in his previous life. This person was appointed as the chairman and general manager of a large airline at the most critical moment. In just three years, he not only turned losses into Profit, and revenue doubled, many new initiatives have even changed the face of the civil aviation market, and this person is an advocate of low-cost airlines.

At the end of the 90s and the beginning of the 21st century, he published a paper that aroused widespread discussion. He believed that air passenger transport should become one of the main modes of travel for the general public, and that was around 2000!

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