
This is a highly spiritual, huge bird.

It is recorded in detail in the Sutra Pavilion of Wuji Gate.This beast is ferocious by nature.It once appeared on the battlefield of the Battle of the Seven Kingdoms in the Western Regions.I don't know how many human beings died under its sharp claws.

As for the one Xiang Xiaoxiao rushed towards, a huge phantom of its body appeared behind it.

Yunsifeique of the Nascent Soul Realm!

When the two women saw the huge creature swooping down from the air, their faces changed instantly in fright.Spirit beasts of this level are definitely not something they can deal with.This skylark was much stronger than the two-winged three-headed wolf they had fought before.

Their only thought was to escape.Expand to fly away at full speed.

"Fly to the dense forest!" Han Mengjie shouted.

The flying swords under the feet of the two women are not ordinary.It only took a blink of an eye to rush into the dense forest.In the air, they absolutely can't get rid of a spirit beast that is good at flying.Flying close to the ground is their only means of escape.

Skylark is too big to move freely in the dense forest.It did not immediately rush into the woods to deliver a fatal blow to its prey.Or maybe it just played for fun, just gliding in the air unhurriedly, following behind its prey.

The two women couldn't escape the lock of the big bird in the air after several times of acceleration.

"Sister Meng, I caused the disaster. I will lure it away. You and I run separately."

"What nonsense are you talking about. If we fight together, we may not be able to defeat this beast."

It is actually not impossible for genius monks like them to fight by leapfrogging.It's just that they lack experience in fighting spirit beasts.Their combat experience is incomparable to that of Xingkui Thirteen Swords who returned from the south.

In the previous battle between Xiaoxiao and the wolf king, if she had Yunyue's combat experience, she only needed to use half of the spiritual power in the golden core to kill two wolf kings of the same strength.

The cultivation speed of Tianlinggen is fast, but this is completely different from combat experience.This is also the significance of Xiao Xiao and Han Mengjie coming out to practice this time.

With their current strength, once they fight Yun Canary, it will inevitably end in a lose-lose situation.And in the depths of the forest where spirit beasts are rampant, there is no difference between being seriously injured and dying.

"But escaping like this is not an option."

Han Mengjie frowned tightly, unable to think of a way for a while.Escaping will only consume more spiritual energy.For the spirit beast above, flying hardly consumes it.If one goes up and down, their odds of winning will be even lower.

"Find a terrain that is beneficial to us. Fight with it." Han Mengjie said in a deep voice.

Xiao Xiao understood what Han Mengjie meant by favorable terrain.The monks of Wujimen will practice some methods of controlling water.And birds are undoubtedly afraid of water.There is no shortage of pools and lakes in the barren forest.Fighting in that kind of place will indeed give you a little more confidence.

It's just that the two of them are like headless chickens flying around, completely unable to tell the direction.Unable to find those encountered lakes.Can only rely on luck.

The two traveled hundreds of miles.He even passed through this dense forest.Without the cover of the dense forest, they were exposed naked to the skylark's vision.

"No, fly back!"

"Senior sister, wait a minute! Look."

Han Mengjie looked up following Xiao Xiao's gaze, and saw the canary hovering in the sky, but never swooped down.When he was chasing them just now, the animal was still screaming, but now he dare not make any sound.The phantom behind it has also disappeared.Sometimes it hides in the clouds.

"Is it afraid?"

"Senior sister, it is very likely that we have stepped into the territory of a higher-level spirit beast."

The two looked around, and there was a bare hill here.Obviously, this desolate place should not be the habitat of high-level spirit beasts.

Xiao Xiaodao: "The soldiers came to cover the water and soil. Since he dare not come down now, we will stay here."

Han Mengjie looked up at the sky, and saw that Canary had no intention of leaving. "That's the only way. Let's find a hidden place to restore our spiritual power. There must be something weird here, so be careful."

The two walked along the small hill to the depths.The ancient trees here are not tall and sparse.But each one grows in a strange shape.Occasionally, crows and vultures flew over their heads with hissing voices, which made people get goosebumps.

"It's all the fault of that mortal!"

Han Mengjie said: "It's for our own good that he let us leave the forest. The depths of the desolate forest are indeed beyond our reach. Any spirit beast we meet will be above you and me."

"Hmph, what about him? Can he deal with spirit beasts by staying there alone?"

"I think he seems to have no desire to survive."

"He..." Xiao Xiao thought of the mortal's recent decadence, and thought of him getting drunk in a forest full of ferocious beasts, "He is really looking for death. Alas, ants are still stealing their lives, why bother! If we get through this Jie, we have to take him out of the forest as well."

"Can we still find it?"

Xiao Xiao felt extremely guilty in her heart. At this moment, she remembered the conflict with Senior Sister Xia Zhilan on Xingkui Peak.Xia Zhilan once said that if she kept letting her temper go and left the school, sooner or later she would put the closest people in danger.

It's too late for her to regret what happened now.This time down the mountain she grew up.But if they cannot escape this catastrophe, the price of growth will be too high.

"Senior sister, I'm sorry!"

"Okay, Xiao Xiao, we sisters will join forces and we will definitely be able to break out."

While the two were talking, they walked into a rocky hillock.

Because there are no trees around, the wind here is much stronger than in the dense forest.A gust of wind blew, and the expressions of the two women changed drastically.They all smelled a strong smell of blood.The smell is simply disgusting.

The two looked at each other and slowly moved forward.Turning around the col, what they saw made the two sisters turn pale immediately!

Dead trees, dead branches, piles of dead bones.

At a glance, there are many bones.There are animal bones, but more of them—human bones.

Human corpses hung from dead branches.Some were rotten, and some were bones. When the strong wind blew, those corpses swayed with the wind, like flags, showing the blood and horror here.

After just one glance, the two women couldn't help vomiting crazily.They had never seen such a frightening scene.Han Mengjie also saw countless corpses in the top battle.But that is a battlefield, but here is hell.

Faintly, the two women heard crying.


"It seems to be asking for help?"

The two women resisted the fear in their hearts and approached the place where the sound came from.

There are caves of various sizes on the hills.The sound came from one of the caves.The entrance of the cave was sealed by streaks of golden light, and the situation inside was unobstructed.

The prisoners in the cave turned out to be mortals.Hundreds of men, women and children looked at them in unison.There was fear in his eyes.

A pungent smell wafted from the cave.A group of mortals curled up together, and they kept retreating into the depths of the cave.But they have no way out.Endless despair spread in the cave.

A woman in the cave begged, "Please, don't eat my child."

"Who imprisoned you here?"

When the woman heard this, a gleam of brilliance appeared in her eyes.

"You guys, aren't you a big demon?"

Han Mengjie was startled and said, "Big monster? Is there a monster here? Did the monster imprison you?"

Xiao Xiao slashed out with a sword, smashing all the golden light in front of the cave.

"You all come out first!"?

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