After some simple inquiries, they learned a shocking fact.

In the desolate forest, there is actually a monster force hidden.They raise humans in captivity for food.Live people are like pigs and sheep in their eyes.

"These bloody bastards!"

The two women broke all the restrictions on the entrance of the cave.Unleash thousands of mortals.Some of these people were captured from the cities outside the forest, and some were hunters who went hunting in the forest.

The most inhumane thing is that the big monsters will force these domesticated humans to breed offspring.Provide them with a steady stream of baby food.Most of the human beings who were released were already insane and unable to understand human language.The horror of the scene is appalling.

Xiao Xiao and Han Mengjie gritted their teeth and wept.The ancient monsters lived on humans, and they originally thought that these things only existed in ancient stories.Now, they actually saw this scene.

A demonic wind blew by.A dozen little monsters with three legs and three eyes escaped from the ground.The little demon at the head has a human body.

"It's a human cultivator. Go and report to the king."

All mortals were frightened when they saw these little monsters.

"Run away!" Han Mengjie roared.

"Do they dare to escape?" Xiao Yao sneered, with a greedy look in his eyes, "The meat of practitioners is more delicious."

Xiao Xiao asked in a cold voice, "You were originally a human too, right?"

"Those who practice the Five Elements are monsters. Humans? Hehehehe, human beings are only worthy of being the food in my belly."

"You have no conscience!" Xiao Xiao gritted her teeth and looked at Han Mengjie.

Han Mengjie said angrily: "Xiao Xiao, let's be impulsive today. Let's kill as many monsters as we can!"

A smile appeared on Xiaoxiao's face instead, "Okay, even if we die here today, it's not in vain. Slaying demons and demons is what our Wujimen disciples do! It's better than dying in a fierce battle." There must be value in the mouth of the beast. Fight them!"

In a fit of rage, the two women did not hold back their moves, and directly unleashed their strongest tricks.Killed towards a few little monsters.

The petty little demon hiding in the desolate forest naturally cannot block the wrath of the genius disciple of the Promise Sect.

After just a few rounds, more than a dozen little monsters fell to the ground one after another.The little demon with a human body who took the lead was also cut into two sections by Xiao Xiao's sword.These days of fighting made Xiao Xiao understand a little bit more about the profound meaning of the real martial arts swordsmanship.

Zhenwu swordsmanship emphasizes sealing the throat with one sword, and putting the opponent to death in the fastest and most direct way.No fancy moves.Although Xiao Xiao has practiced swordsmanship thoroughly, she still missed many times in actual combat.The reason is that she lacks a will to kill.A killing heart is the core of Zhenwu swordsmanship.

When fighting the three wolves, if she had the intention to kill today, she should have chosen to throw floating dust to trap the three wolves at the very beginning.Then cooperate with Zhenwu swordsmanship to kill him.

There was a brief silence after the fight.Then a one-armed woman with disheveled hair rushed up to the little demon's body first.These monsters ate her three children raw one after another.One of her arms also served as an appetizer for the big demon.She is still alive now only because she still has the ability to reproduce.

The woman leaned down and bit the little demon's face.A large piece of flesh was torn off by her.Then she forcefully inserted her fingers into the little demon's eye sockets.He pulled out the little demon's bloody eyeball.She swallowed the eyeballs and started laughing maniacally.

Then the second man rushed up.The third, the fourth...

The corpses of several little demons soon became a pile of bones.

Xiao Xiao and Han Mengjie backed away again and again.They could hardly believe what they saw.

The tragedy here is just a microcosm of the hatred between humans and monster races.This enmity originated in ancient times and will never end.

A sallow and emaciated man picked up the little demon's magic weapon.He walked towards the two women.

"Two monks. Thank you for your help."

The two women finally saw a normal person, and Han Mengjie asked, "Uncle, is there anyone else locked up by the monster?"

"Most of them are here. There are also a few people who have been picked away by the big monster. Before the big monster eats people, they will be fed with herbs for a few days."


The uncle sneered, "It's just a kind of seasoning that can make people's meat more delicious."


"Three days ago, they arrested a dozen people. It should be already..."

"Where is the big demon?"

"Their burrows are underground."

"Is there a channel?"

"No. The big monsters seem to have the ability to escape from the ground."

Han Mengjie gritted her teeth and said, "It seems that these monsters cultivate the soil of the five elements. It's not easy to kill."

Xiao Xiaodao: "We don't need to look for them. They will come to us soon. Uncle, you lead everyone out of here first."

The middle-aged uncle said: "Let's go? Where else can I go! I was a hunter in the outskirts of the forest. Our family was captured and enslaved by the big monster for seven years. My children have become the food of the big monster. I His wife was hanged on a dead tree by a monster because she didn't want to have children with others...she was eaten alive by vultures!"

When the man said this, there were two bloodstains in his eyes. "I've lived to this day just to wait for this moment."

He raised the magic weapon in his hand and roared with all his strength, "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Behind the middle-aged hunter, countless voices shouted after him: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

next moment.The ground where the middle-aged man was standing suddenly sank.A huge hand protruded from the ground.Pull him by the legs and drag him below the ground.

Everyone backed away in shock.In just a few breaths, a head flew out from the ground.It was the head of that middle-aged uncle.Immediately afterwards, a huge three-eyed long-armed monster crawled out from the ground.

"Big monster, it's a big monster!"

"Kill him. Kill him!"

"Let's do it together!"

"Fight with the big demon!"

"Get out of here quickly." Xiao Xiao already felt the strength of this big monster.How can a monster who is at least comparable to a Golden Core cultivator be rivaled by mortals?How many people on the board are sent!

Xiao Xiao's voice just fell.Another three big monsters with three eyes poked their heads out from the ground.

"Four!" Xiao Xiao and Han Mengjie glanced at each other, "Senior Sister, there are two of us."

"Everyone, go! Let's deal with the big monster." Han Mengjie roared.

"Not one of them can leave!" a big demon said.This is also a difference between monsters and beasts.All demons have the ability to learn human language.

After the big monster finished speaking, he waved his arm, and more than a dozen little monsters with long tails and cat ears burst out of the ground.

"Kill them all, leave none behind."

"Damn you all!" Xiao Xiao sternly shouted.He holds Fuchen in his left hand and a long sword in his right.All the instruments in the storage bag were sacrificed without reservation.For a moment, the sky was filled with precious light.

"Junior Sister, I'll help you!" Han Mengjie also had a high understanding of real martial arts swordsmanship.In an instant, he killed a big monster.

And the land directly in front of the big monster suddenly exploded, forming a thick and hard earth wall to block Han Mengjie's attack!

"Little human monks! Your time of death has arrived."

On the other side, more than a dozen little demons ruthlessly slaughtered thousands of mortals, and the roars and screams of those mortals were all connected together.Creepy.The battle between the two women would naturally be affected by such a brutal massacre.And this is one of the reasons why the big demon gave the order to kill.

"Girl, avenge us!" The one-armed woman who was the first to bite the little demon's body roared into the air.

The next moment, her heart was grabbed by the little demon's fingers.

"Big sister!" Xiao Xiao growled.The anger in my heart burned to the extreme.She understood that in order to hide their tracks, the big monsters would never let any life escape from this place, including her and Han Mengjie!The only way to save these mortals is to kill all the monsters here.

The unprecedented killing intent actually condensed a layer of tangible white mist around Xiao Xiao's body.An inexplicable energy grew out of her body.The three condensed vortexes in the Purple Golden Pill began to rotate crazily.Countless seeds of spiritual power rushed into her body.

This is the real Tianlinggen cultivator!It was only at this time that Xiao Xiao developed his strongest combat power for the first time.The benefits of Tianlinggen are far from being as simple as fast cultivation!The power of Purple Golden Pill is not comparable to that of any Golden Pill!

"I want all of you to be buried with these mortals!"?

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