The wind is over the sea

Chapter 297 The Decadent Drunkard

When Xiao Xiao and Han Mengjie found Yun Yue in the gazebo in the forest, he was still so drunk that he passed out!

"He, don't die! Aren't you afraid of being eaten by wild beasts?"

Xiao Xiao looked at Yun Yue who was sleeping on his back, and was furious.She kicked it up with a flying foot.Yun Yue, who was sleeping soundly, was kicked into the air by her like a dead dog.

Before Yunyue could get angry, Xiao Xiaoxiao cursed angrily: "Okay you! We thought you met a spirit beast while hunting, and we searched for you all night, but you're here to drink a lot of wine."

Han Mengjie also said: "You are drunk here, didn't you feed yourself into the mouth of the beast? Why do you despise your own life so much?"

For the kindness of the two women, Yun Yue couldn't express his anger and was kicked by Xiao Xiao in vain.After following the two girls back to the valley, Yun Yue immediately locked himself in the wooden house again, and his mind was in chaos now.Xiao Xiao chattered endlessly outside the door, which disturbed Yun Yue even more.

He drank so much alcohol that was comparable to the elixir of transcending tribulation.His overdraft of physical strength has already recovered.Even cultivation has improved.Now he can completely visualize the ancient magic phase hitting the memory seal again.But he didn't dare to try.He is afraid of seeing the cruelest truth.

It was the master who brought him into the realm of self-cultivation.Everyone in the comprehension world knows that Hong Zhuyun is more warlike and fearless of death!But in fact, only he knows best in his heart that the reason why he dared to challenge the heroes of the world unscrupulously is of course inseparable from the protection of the old drunkard.

After countless sect masters and suzerains had been beaten by him, why didn't a single sect dare to find him Yun Yue's back.Yun Yue himself didn't believe that the old drunkard hadn't done anything secretly behind his back.

He is ostensibly letting himself grow.But which breakthrough did he make without the old drunkard by his side?The old drunkard planned every step for himself on the road of cultivation.In fact, most of the people he challenged were carefully selected by old alcoholics.He asked himself to worship a hundred schools of thought as his teachers and promote the strengths of a hundred schools of thought.

In Yun Yue's heart, the old alcoholic is already his only family member.It wasn't until he stepped into the realm of transforming gods that he appeared in the magic way.He began to think over and over again who he really was!

Why did I wake up at the foot of Wanfo Mountain?

Why was he the first person I saw when I opened my eyes?

Why didn't he break the seal for himself even though he knew his life experience?

Why did he turn a blind eye to his sorcery?

He always knew that he was from the Demon Race.He knew that his parents were big figures in the Demon Cult.Who can snatch a pulse-stimulating person from the hands of the devil's sect?

The answer was ready to come out, but Yun Yue didn't dare to think any further.He couldn't accept the absurd fact that his closest benefactor was his enemy.

Three days and three nights passed in the blink of an eye.After Xiao Xiao took the elixir made by Gan Mo himself, [-]% of the injuries in her body were healed.But Yun Yue never took half a step out of the door.

"Sister Meng, what sad thing did you say he encountered?"

"do not know."

"He's a mortal who doesn't eat or drink for a few days, so he won't starve to death inside."

"Didn't you use spiritual power to detect it?"

"But..." Xiao Xiao raised an eyebrow at Han Mengjie, "Why don't you go and bring him some food?"

"Why do you want me to go? Why don't you go, he is your savior."

"I get angry when I see his stinky face. Sister Meng, you are the best. If he is really starved to death, then I will be infamous. After all, he saved me, I can't just watch him So decadent."

"Okay, I'll go."

Han Mengjie brought food and water and gently pushed open the wooden door.The man who was a heroic man a few days ago has completely changed his appearance now.His hair was disheveled, his beard was unshaven, his face was sallow, and his eyes were lifeless.

"Eat something."

After Han Mengjie pushed open the wooden door, Xiao Xiao followed in.After seeing the man's appearance, he swallowed back all the scolding that came out of his mouth.

"You, is there anything you can't think of?"

Yun Yue's chapped lips parted slightly, and he slowly sat up from the bed.

"Since the two of you are monks, have you ever killed anyone in the Demon Cult?"

Good question.As Wujimen disciples, they had just defeated the Demon Sect in the top battle.Answer this question confidently.It's just that Xiao Xiao stayed in the sword mound the whole time, and she really didn't kill a devil with her hands.It's a shame that I can't show myself in front of people.

Han Mengjie said: "Everyone can get the evil cultists and punish them. In the battle on the top not long ago, the blood of the evil cult thieves killed by us at Wuji Sect flowed like rivers."

"What if you meet someone from the Demon Cult in the forest?"

"Naturally beheaded mercilessly!" Xiao Xiao said angrily.

"Then what if you can't kill them?"

"Then fight to the death with the devil!" Xiao Xiao's eyes lit up suddenly, and she said bluntly, "Could it be that your family was killed by the devil?" She was very sure that she had guessed the correct answer.

"Mortal, you have to mourn, don't continue to be decadent. You are kind to me, and I can help you avenge."

Yun Yue smiled faintly, "My enemy, you can't help me. Let's go."

"We can't help? Mortal, do you know what the Promise Gate means in the Western Regions?"

Yun Yue sighed slightly, "Hey, you guys go back to Luzhou City. You can only die here with your little cultivation."

"You! Treat yourself like a donkey's liver and lungs!"

Yun Yue said in a deep voice: "You must know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. Those three wolves who defeated you are not even qualified to enter the core area of ​​the forest."

Yun Yue's words made the two women speechless.

"No matter what your purpose of coming to the wild forest is, you should withdraw immediately. If you go deeper, you will die. The wild forest is not as simple as you think. The spirit beast is only one of the threats. This is not Maya Mountains! There is no one to protect you."

"Then, what about you? Do you want to stay here?" Han Mengjie asked.

"Just take care of your own lives."

"You don't know what to do!" Xiao Xiao rushed out the door.He smashed the glass of water in his hand to the ground.

"Xiao Xiao." Han Mengjie chased out of the cabin.

"Senior sister, let's go!" Xiao Xiao didn't want to stay here for a moment longer.While speaking, she got up with the sword and flew out of the valley.

"Xiao Xiao!" Han Mengjie hurriedly flew into the air with her sword, and followed closely behind Xiao Xiao.In just one stick of incense, Xiao Xiao has already flown hundreds of miles.

She was really pissed off by that mortal.Obviously he has good intentions, but he always has a hot face and a cold ass.After all, she is also a beautiful monk.In order to repay her kindness, she lowered her posture to approach a mortal, but she always got such a cold response.Even the clay figurines are still angry.

"Xiao Xiao, it's dangerous!" Han Mengjie finally caught up with her junior sister.

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Xiao immediately woke up.She remembered Brother Lu Li's exhortation that she must not fly with the sword after crossing Juemingyuan.And their current position is thousands of miles deeper than Jueming Yuan.

There was no time for her to regret, and a loud bird song suddenly came to her face.

Xiao Xiao's face turned pale.


"Xiao Xiao, get down quickly!"?

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