Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 99: There should be no acclimatization

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"Someone dares to intercept my things, I really don't know how to live or die..."

At this time, the middle-aged man, who had no smile on his face, looked at the muddy small pond with a gloomy expression.

Just as he was about to set off to track down the nasty guy who stole the spiritual plant, there was a loud roar from behind him.


"You are such an insidious and despicable human being, die for me!!!"

A black ape with red eyes fell from the sky and hit the middle-aged man standing by the small pond like a shell.


The middle-aged man who dodged to avoid the angry blow of the black ape beast, flew into the air, and said to the furious black ape beast, "Someone secretly dug up that spiritual plant while we were fighting. "

A one-meter-deep hole was smashed into the ground by the black ape beast.

The black ape-monkey beast that flew out of the hole turned its head to look at the empty muddy pond, and the anger on its face grew even stronger.

"You despicable, shameless, treacherous and cunning fellow, quickly hand over Ling Zhi to me." The black ape and strange beast looked at the middle-aged man, the killing intent in his eyes was as real as it was.

"The Lingzhi is not on me, it was secretly poached by someone else, and I am going to track down the guy who secretly poached Lingzhi." The middle-aged man is really speechless at this moment.

No matter what he said, the black ape beast in front of him, who had already been deceived by him once, obviously would not believe his words anymore.

"Hey... Do you think I will be fooled by you again? Damn human, you give me to die."

The black ape beast proved with its own actions that it no longer believed the words of the middle-aged man.

The completely irritated black ape beast exploded with all its psychic power, determined to fight this middle-aged man who deceived himself and poached Ling Zhi to the death.

"Calm down... It shouldn't have been a while since Lingzhi was poached, and now we have time to track down the guy who poached Lingzhi.

If you keep pestering me, you will really let the guy who poached Lingzhi away successfully take Lingzhi away. "

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, the black ape beast, full of killing intent, rushed in front of him, swung its fist the size of a sandbag, and punched him in the chest like lightning.


The middle-aged man who raised his hand to block the attack of the black ape beast was punched by the black ape beast and flew tens of meters backwards.


"Damn it, this strange beast has been dazzled by anger and can't listen to me at all."

The middle-aged man who was blown away by a punch waved his right arm that had just blocked the attack of the black ape beast.

The attack power of the black ape beast that exploded at full strength was obviously much stronger, and that heavy punch caused his right arm to ache.

It’s true that there is reincarnation in the way of heaven!Just now, he used deception to divert the black ape from the mountain.

I thought I could successfully capture the spiritual plant in the small pond, but the result was different from what the middle-aged man had imagined.

Now he wanted to track down that nasty guy who secretly poached Lingzhi, but because of the previous lie, he was completely entangled by the black ape beast who was completely enraged and could not escape.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

These two people with Tier [-] cultivation level, one man and one beast completely fell out. Both sides were red-eyed, and they both used all their strengths to fight fiercely to the death.


On the mysterious island surrounded by white mist, a figure holding an emerald green plant appeared out of thin air in front of the black arched stone gate on the mysterious island.

Back at Lin Li on the mysterious island, after seeing the black arched stone door close at hand, I subconsciously reached out to touch it.

When his outstretched left hand was about to touch the black arched stone door, he stopped immediately.

"Don't worry now, try again later, whether you can still go to that unknown world, the most urgent thing now is to plant the newly acquired spirit plant in the ground."

Lin Li withdrew his left hand and turned around to get the shovel beside the magical little tree.

"Crack, click, click..."

Lin Li dug a small pit in the south of the mysterious island, and put the spiritual plant from an unknown world into the pit.

Fill the hole with soil and stamp it firmly with his feet, then he filled a bucket with half a bucket of water and watered the spiritual plant.

After Lin Li plucked the spiritual fruit from the spiritual plant, it no longer emitted a pale golden aura. At this moment, the spiritual plant gave people the feeling that it was an ordinary plant.

"I dug out this spiritual plant from that world and transplanted it to the mysterious island. There should be no acclimatization!"

Lin Li looked at the spiritual plant in front of him with some worry, and muttered something.

Afterwards, he withdrew his gaze, reached out his hand and took out the spiritual fruit that was picked from the spiritual plant and looked like a small tomato from his pocket.

I smelled the spirit fruit closely, and found that it smelled ordinary, and there was nothing surprising about it.

After smelling it, Lin Li stuffed the pigeon egg-sized spiritual fruit into his mouth.

"Isn't it? You said that you look like a little tomato, but why does it taste exactly like a little tomato?"

Lin Li, who ate the spirit fruit, suddenly showed a surprised expression on his face. He really didn't expect that the taste of this spirit fruit was so ordinary, far less delicious than the magical little fruit grown from the magical tree.

However, a spiritual fruit is a spiritual fruit after all. Although it looks ordinary and tastes ordinary, it contains a lot of spiritual energy that can be easily absorbed by practitioners.

When the swallowed spiritual fruit enters the stomach, a steady stream of spiritual energy immediately begins to appear in the body, and they flow to the place where the practitioner stores spiritual energy. This place is what everyone calls the dantian.

Lin Li immediately sensed that the psionic energy consumed in his dantian was being filled by the continuous flow of psionic energy, and it was filled quickly.

After the dantian is filled with spiritual energy, there is still a lot of spiritual energy contained in the spiritual fruit.

Since the spiritual energy that the dantian can hold has an upper limit, after it is filled, the remaining spiritual energy has nowhere to go and can only be wasted.

As a thrifty and thrifty young man, Lin Li naturally couldn't see those psychic powers being wasted.

So, he began to mobilize part of the spiritual energy in the dantian to circulate in the body to make room for the remaining spiritual energy of the spirit fruit.

As the mobilized spiritual energy circulates in the body, every time the mobilized spiritual energy circulates in the forest, the total amount will decrease by one point.

While consuming spiritual energy, Lin Li's body was tempered by spiritual energy, and his speed, strength, and physique were all enhanced.


ps: Thank you "a generation of bookworms" for the 500-point reward. chapter

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