Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 98: Damn it, I got caught

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"Boom, boom, boom..."

The two figures fought back and forth fiercely in mid-air, and every collision between fists and feet would produce a huge roar.

More than ten minutes have passed since the middle-aged man and the black ape beast chose to fight in a place far away from Lingzhi.

Although the battle between man and beast was very fierce, it can be seen from the fact that they have not suffered serious injuries since the beginning of their fight. They did not show their full strength and chose to fight with their lives.


The middle-aged man and the black ape beast punched each other, and a loud noise erupted from their fists colliding with each other. After punching each other, they distanced themselves from each other.

At this moment, they were fighting three or four kilometers away from where Ling Zhi was.

"Huh..." Panting sounds came from the mouths of the middle-aged man and the black ape.

Although they didn't try their best to fight with their lives, the fierce battle for more than ten minutes also consumed a lot of physical and spiritual energy.

Suddenly, the panting black ape beast saw a triumphant smile on the face of the human in front of it, which made it stunned for a moment.

"Hey... Human, what are you proud of? The winner has not yet been decided!" The black ape beast used its spiritual power and said to the middle-aged man with a proud smile on his face.

"An alien beast is an alien beast. In terms of intelligence, we humans are smarter than you guys after all." The middle-aged man laughed, and said to the black ape alien beast with puzzled eyes.

"Hey... bastard, you're looking for death." The black ape beast heard the middle-aged man mocking his IQ, and his anger rose by three points.

The middle-aged man looked at the black ape beast that was irritated by him, and the smile on his face remained undiminished. He calmly pulled out a diamond-shaped dart from his waist.

Seeing the enemy take out the dart, the black ape beast said in a disdainful tone, "You human being is so funny that you still want to use this junk thing against me?"

During the fierce battle just now, the middle-aged man shot more than a dozen darts at the black monkey beast, and without exception, the black monkey beast smashed them one by one with its sandbag fist.

Obviously, it is impossible to injure the black ape and beast with the spirit weapon dart.

"Idiot, who stipulated that darts must be used to attack the enemy... Today I will let you open your eyes and let you know the gap in IQ between you and me."

The middle-aged man with a winning expression on his face changed from his previous composure and mocked the black ape beast in front of him with a smile.

Hearing the middle-aged man's ridicule towards him, although the black ape beast was very angry, it didn't act immediately because it wanted to see what the middle-aged man wanted to do next.

"That spiritual plant belongs to me, and we will meet again in the future." The middle-aged man said to the black ape beast while pouring spiritual energy into the dart in his hand.

"Hey... the spiritual plant belongs to you? What a joke, as long as I am here today, the spiritual plant will not belong to you. I advise you to give up your heart! That spiritual plant will eventually belong to..."

Before the last word "I" was uttered by the black ape, the strange beast stopped talking, and then the whole person was stunned.

After the middle-aged man poured psionic energy into the dart in his hand, the dart in his hand suddenly glowed with pale golden aura.

Immediately afterwards, the pale golden aura that bloomed on the spirit weapon dart quickly spread to the middle-aged man, enveloping him in the blink of an eye.

The middle-aged man who was completely enveloped by the pale golden aura could no longer be seen. There was only a pale golden light cluster in midair.

Afterwards, after taking a deep breath, the pale golden light group shrank rapidly, becoming the size of a fingernail in an instant, and then disappeared completely.

What about people?The middle-aged man disappeared unexpectedly.

"Roar..." Seeing the disappearance of the middle-aged man, the black ape beast was stunned for a moment, then it immediately turned around, looked at where Ling Zhi was, and let out a violent roar.

"Despicable, shameless, hateful, cunning, treacherous human beings..."

"Damn, damn, damn, I won't let you go..."

The black ape beast that came back to its senses, based on what the middle-aged man said before he disappeared, immediately knew that the middle-aged man had teleported to the place where Lingzhi was through the dart in his hand.

At the same time, it also knew what the middle-aged man suggested at the beginning. He was worried that the battle between the two sides would affect Lingzhi, and he should keep the battlefield away from where Lingzhi was. The purpose of the opponent was to lure him away.

"Hey...I'm going to tear you apart."

The anger in the heart of the black ape and strange beast rushed straight to Tianling Gai, and its eyes were flushed with anger.

With a loud roar, the black ape beast exploded the spiritual energy in its body, then it stepped on the air, and with a loud bang, its body shot out like a cannonball, and rushed towards the location where Lingzhi was several kilometers away. fly away.




The breeze blows, and the verdant vegetation is gently shaken by the breeze, making bursts of noise.

Next to the pond, about six or seven meters away from the pond, there was a piece of metal stuck in the soil.

This piece of metal was the fragment of the spirit weapon that was inserted into the soil at the beginning. After the spirit weapon dart shot by the middle-aged man was blown up by the black ape beast, it splashed here.

At this moment, a pale golden aura suddenly appeared on the surface of the fragment of the spirit weapon dart.


After a slight tremor, the pale golden aura that emerged from the fragment of the spiritual weapon broke away from the fragment of the spiritual weapon and turned into a pale golden light cluster the size of a fingernail.

After the pale golden light condensed into shape, the pale golden light quickly expanded. Two or three seconds later, the pale golden light dissipated, and a figure appeared out of thin air on the grass.

"That black ape beast will react soon, I have to take that spiritual plant out of here quickly." The middle-aged man with a scheming smile on his face muttered to himself, and then quickly walked towards Xiaoshui Tang went.



"Where is the spiritual plant? Why is that spiritual plant gone?"

The middle-aged man who came to the small pond looked at the center of the small pond, the expression of joy on his face froze.

The small pond, which was originally clear, has now become a little muddy due to a series of actions by someone.

The middle-aged man looked at the somewhat turbid small pond and knew it after a little thought.

This was when someone secretly dug up the spiritual plant in the small pond while he was fighting with the black ape and beast.

...... chaptere

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