Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 100: The wilderness with 4 volts of crisis is actually very friendly

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When Lin Li felt that the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual fruit he ate had been completely absorbed by him, he immediately stopped mobilizing the spiritual energy to circulate in his body.

After mobilizing the psionic energy in his body for a few weeks, Lin Li could feel that his overall combat power had improved a little.

Although these improvements are not many, but this feeling of becoming stronger is really cool!

Generally speaking, the spiritual energy contained in this spiritual fruit is equivalent to the spiritual energy contained in a spiritual stone. Compared with the magical small fruit produced by the magical tree, it is far behind.

Although I had expected in my heart that the spiritual fruit that I got from this spiritual plant would be far inferior to the magical little fruit that grew from the magical little tree.

However, when I really got such a result, I was still a little disappointed.

Because before Lin Li ate this spiritual fruit that looked like a small tomato, he still imagined that after he ate this spiritual fruit, he would directly break through to the middle of the second stage.

"Hey, if it were someone else, it would be too late to be happy to eat the spiritual fruit! You can't be too greedy. Now that I have obtained a spiritual plant that can grow the spiritual fruit, I should be content."

Lin Li reviewed himself in his heart, and then he looked up at the spiritual plant he had just planted, hoping that the spiritual plant in front of him would grow faster like the vegetables he planted in the ground, and after a few days It blooms and bears fruit once.

"Okay, I don't want to. Anyway, the spiritual plant has been planted, and we will know the result in a few days. It's getting dark outside now. It's time to go home and wash up, and then go out for dinner."

Lin Li muttered to himself, and then he turned around and walked towards the location of a small field that he cultivated in the east of the mysterious island.

Before leaving the mysterious island and returning to the real world, he planned to go to his field to pick some fruits and vegetables to prepare in advance, and send some to Su Yue when he returned.

In the past half a month, the vegetables planted in the fields are already the third wave, and the various vegetables planted in the second wave can be harvested in seven days as Lin Li thought.

After three experiments a year, Lin Li concluded that no matter what kind of vegetables are planted on the mysterious island, they can basically be harvested once a week.

As for the seedlings of fruit trees planted in the north of the mysterious island, although they didn't bloom and bear fruit in just a week like the vegetables grown in the field, their growth rate was also amazing.

In just half a month, those fruit tree seedlings have grown from a height of 1.2 to [-] centimeters to [-] meters. After waiting for a few months, those fruit tree seedlings can bloom and bear fruit.

At that time, following the realization of vegetable freedom, fruit freedom can be realized again.


As the sun sets, the bright red sunlight shines on the wilderness, and the occasional wind blows the flowers, plants and trees in the wilderness, making a burst of noise.

It is possible to get a good result from this problem, and the chain will not be able to reach the next level.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

Some unnamed birds stood on the branches and chirped from time to time. When they saw a figure appearing out of thin air on the grass in the distance, they were frightened and made a few sharp chirps.

Returning to Lin Li in the real world from the mysterious island, he looked around and looked at the familiar environment around him.

This made Lin Li, who had been carefully exploring that unknown world not long ago, feel a sense of intimacy with the wilderness in front of him.

Although the wilderness is full of dangers, compared with the unknown world, he feels that the wilderness makes him feel more at ease.

"In more than an hour, the sun will go down, I'll go home first!"

Lin Li, holding a spiritual weapon long sword, identified the direction, and then started to return.

After these days of training, as long as Lin Li doesn't go too deep into the wilderness, he can identify the correct direction to return to the safe zone without the need for a mobile phone to locate.

"Tread, step, step..."

Lin Li walked back quickly according to the direction he had identified. On his way back, he encountered no obstacles.

Recalling a week ago, when he was active in this area.

Whether he entered this area in the morning or returned when the sun was about to set, he would always encounter strange beasts hiding in the dense grass on the road.

And until the last few days, he has never encountered such a situation again.

Lin Li had thought about it seriously, and felt that the current situation might be because of the strange beasts in this area, who were killed by him and fled.

"You can't go all out to fish! Next time I'll change to another place, and I'll come back when the number of strange beasts in this area recovers."



There was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom, and after a while, Lin Li, who had taken a shower, walked out of the bathroom refreshed, wearing a black vest and beach pants with plaid patterns.


Feeling a little hungry, he came to Lin Li in the living room, took out a piece of chocolate from the plate with snacks and opened it.

Eat a piece of chocolate to pad your stomach first!

Turning his head to look in the direction of the balcony, he looked at the sky outside. It was about three or four ten minutes before the sun completely set.

With a thought, a backpack and a black plastic bag appeared in Lin Li's hands.

Putting the backpack on the sofa, he opened the plastic bag in his hand and took a look.

Inside the black plastic bag were cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and eggplants that Lin Li had picked not long ago.

These vegetables from the mysterious island are in excellent condition and are generally a bit larger than those of the same kind sold in the market outside.

"Take these vegetables to Su Yue, and then I'll go find a restaurant for dinner."

Lin Li put the black plastic bag on the ground, reached out to open the backpack, and took out his mobile phone.

After unlocking the screen and clicking on WeChat, I immediately saw the WeChat message Su Yue sent to herself at noon.

Su Yue: What are you doing?

Lin Li looked at the WeChat message sent by Su Yue, scratched his head, and replied: Nothing, are you at home?I'll go find you now and bring you some vegetables.

After sending the message to Su Yue, Lin Li thought about it in his heart.

If later Su Yue asked herself why it was so late to reply to her message, then she would say that she had just woke up from a nap and only saw the message she sent to herself at this time.

After sending Su Yue a WeChat message, Lin Li waited for a few minutes, but did not receive a reply from Su Yue.

Afterwards, he clicked on the address book and called Su Yue. As a result, he got that the other party was shutting down.

"Forget it, I'll just go there! Anyway, at this point in time, she should have gotten off work from the flower shop and returned home."

Lin Li thought for a while, then went back to the bedroom, changed his clothes and came out, picked up a bag of fresh vegetables on the ground and went out.

...... chaptere

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