Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 96 The Rare Treasure


Seeing that its supernatural attack was once again blocked by the hateful human in front of it, the black ape beast couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Because if the entanglement continues like this, the fighting movement here will definitely attract more contenders. By that time, I have consumed a lot of physical strength and spiritual energy, so I can only withdraw from the competition with hatred.

But in this situation, he has no way to kill or drive away the hateful human being in front of him.

After a fierce battle, no matter whether it was the black ape beast or the middle-aged man, both sides knew about it, and there was nothing they could do to each other.

Ever since, the man and the beast stood in mid-air, silently confronting each other.

About a minute later, the middle-aged man was the first to speak to the black ape and beast, "Hey, how about I discuss something with you?"

"Roar?" Hearing the words, the black ape beast roared at the middle-aged man, and then a spiritual force emanated from it,

A dull voice immediately appeared in the mind of the middle-aged man who felt the spiritual power emanating from the black ape beast.

"I have nothing to discuss with you, a hateful human being... I discovered that spiritual plant first. Get out of here quickly, or I will kill you."

Spirit power sound transmission! ! !

This black ape beast is a Tier [-] beast.

If Lin Li was on the scene at this moment, he could also hear what the other party said in his mind through the spiritual power released by the black ape beast.

There is no need to speak, and the use of spiritual power to convey one's inner thoughts is a method that practitioners can only use after breaking through to the third level.

When a practitioner breaks through from the first level to the second level, the mental power undergoes a qualitative change and acquires the ability to perceive, while from the second level to the third level, the spiritual power will undergo further transformation and obtain the ability of spiritual power to transmit sound, which also allows humans to communicate with each other. Those ferocious beasts communicate with each other.

At the same time, in addition to the further transformation of spiritual power and the ability of spiritual power to transmit sound, third-level practitioners can also obtain another ability, that is, the ability to walk in the air by consuming spiritual energy.

"Listen to me first, and then it's not too late to make a decision." The middle-aged man didn't speak this time, and also used his mental power to speak to the black ape beast.

It turned out that this middle-aged man was a third-level cultivator, but thinking about it, he walked through the air, and was able to fight fiercely with such a ferocious beast with a third-level cultivation for so long. And did not fall into a disadvantage.

If he wasn't a Tier [-] practitioner, he would have been torn in half by the extremely ferocious black ape beast.

The black ape beast with suspicious eyes looked at the middle-aged man very vigilantly and distrustfully, and said.

"Hey... I won't listen. You humans are very cunning. If you talk about negotiating, nine out of ten you are trying to lie to me."

The middle-aged man ignored the questioning words of the black ape and beast, and said to the black ape and beast with his mental power.

"Spiritual plants, such treasures, are owned by the ones who can see them first. If you can defeat me, then the spiritual plant will belong to you. If you can't, then it will belong to me.

Now, let's continue to fight in this place, not to mention if we are not careful, the aftermath of the battle may destroy that spiritual plant.

Furthermore, the noise produced by our battle will attract the attention of other people in the forest. When they come here, they will definitely join the fight when they see the spiritual plant.

And at that time, most of our physical strength and spiritual energy have been consumed, so we must not be the opponents of those people, so I suggest that the two of us change to a different place for a duel. "

"..." After hearing the middle-aged man's words, the black ape beast became even more angry, but it didn't object.

It was even more angry because of the beginning of the middle-aged man's words, saying that treasures such as Lingzhi belonged to those who can claim them, so it was no wonder that it, the first discoverer, was not angry.

And it didn't open its mouth to object, because the content of the second half of what the other party said was exactly what it was worried about at the moment.

Continue to fight in the area around Lingzhi. As the intensity of the battle between the two sides continues to increase, it is very likely that Lingzhi will be affected.

Before that time, before the new contender he was worried about arrived, Lingzhi would be destroyed in the aftermath of the battle between the two sides.

A rare treasure like Lingzhi is very rare to see, whether it is a human practitioner or a strange beast in the forest.

Meeting such a rare spiritual plant by chance is a treasure, not to mention destroying it because of a battle, it will be really heartbreaking at that time.

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he saw that the black ape and beast did not respond, but stared at him with an angry face.

Regarding this, he was not in a hurry, because he knew that what he said was in the interests of both parties, and he believed that the black ape beast in front of him would eventually accept his proposal.

In fact, just as the middle-aged man thought in his heart, the black ape beast didn't make him wait for a long time. About half a minute later, the black ape beast agreed to the middle-aged man's proposal.

Then, the two sides stared at each other closely, while guarding against whether the other party would take the opportunity to slip away, and at the same time quickly flew to the direction where the sun was, moving the battlefield away from where Ling Zhi was.

After a while, this man and beast once again fought fiercely over the forest seven to eight hundred meters away from Lingzhi for the belonging of Lingzhi.


"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Bang, bang, bang..."

"Zi la..."


A figure appeared in the dense forest.

Lin Li held the spiritual weapon long sword, while listening to the roaring sound coming from a distance, he walked towards the location where the roaring sound was coming from.

"Strange, why did the roaring sound stop for a while, and when it reappeared, it suddenly opened such a large distance from me?"

According to the size of the roaring sound, Lin Li judged that the location of the roaring sound had changed a lot, which made him confused for no reason.

But since he had already decided to go to the place where the incident happened to see what happened there, he didn't change his decision because of the change in the location where the roaring sound came from.


Swinging the spiritual weapon sword in his hand, even if he didn't pour spiritual energy into the spiritual weapon long sword, with the sharpness of the spiritual weapon long sword, he could still easily cut off the vines blocking the way with a single blow.


After cutting off the vines blocking the way, Lin Li, who came out of the woods, was stunned when he saw the empty field in front of him.


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