
The thunder was deafening, and people couldn't help but want to raise their hands to cover their ears.

Looking up at the sky, the sky is clear and there is not a single cloud.

Frowning, Lin Li looked at the silver-white lightning bolts shooting out from the woods one after another, and immediately knew that these lightning bolts were not naturally generated.

"The momentum of these lightning strikes is huge! I feel that if I am hit by one, I am afraid that I will die on the spot..."

Lin Li looked up at the sky in the distance, seeing the silver-white lightning that was still shooting out, and was wondering whether to go up and see what happened there.

"Go! You should be fine if you're careful. If it's really dangerous, I'll hide in the mysterious island immediately."

After thinking about it in his heart, Lin Li decided to go up and have a look. He clenched the special priced spiritual weapon, the long sword, and quietly approached the place where the lightning was being shot.


"Zi, Zi..."

Several bright silvery-white electric lights burst out from a black-haired ape-like beast, and then these astonishingly powerful lightning bolts blasted towards the same location.

The person who was attacked by the black ape beast with lightning was a middle-aged man with a height of 1.7 meters five and short black hair.

This person was wearing simple clothes made of cotton and linen, standing in the air at a height of more than 20 meters.

Facing the ferocious attack from the black ape monster, the middle-aged man raised his right hand, which was glowing with pale golden aura, with the palm facing outward.

In the next second, the shockingly powerful silver-white thunderbolts shot out by the black ape beast suddenly changed direction when they were within a palm's distance of the middle-aged man, and all shot straight into the sky.

"Boom..." The silver-white lightning, which was redirected, exploded instantly after hitting the sky, making a series of earth-shattering noises.

After the middle-aged man blocked the lightning attack of the black ape beast with his supernatural ability, he immediately swayed and flew towards a small pond with an area of ​​[-] square meters on the ground in the distance.

Seeing the hateful human being in front of him moving, the black ape beast saw a fierce look in its eyes. It stepped on the ground vigorously with its strong legs, and its body exploded like a cannonball. The young man rushed forward.

Sensing that the alien beast behind him was approaching him quickly, the middle-aged man immediately stepped on the air with both feet, and jumped several meters in mid-air, dodging the ferocious pounce of the black ape alien beast.

"Roar..." The black ape beast that jumped into the air stopped its forward momentum in mid-air, and even stood in mid-air.

Then it also stomped its feet in mid-air, changed direction and continued to kill the middle-aged man who dodged his lunge.

Facing the black ape beast that was coming towards him again, the middle-aged man frowned, and then pulled out an exquisite diamond-shaped dart from his waist.

Infused with spiritual energy, this exquisitely crafted diamond-shaped dart immediately burst into light golden aura, following the middle-aged man's right hand wave towards the black ape beast.

The dart in his hand that was glowing with pale golden aura was shot out at a high speed, turning into an invisible golden afterimage in the air.

"Roar..." Facing the spirit weapon dart thrown by the enemy, the black ape beast immediately roared and swung its casserole-sized fist to hit it.

"Bang." The black ape beast's fist, which was bursting with pale golden aura, hit the spirit weapon dart shot by the middle-aged man, and immediately exploded the spirit weapon dart.

The fragments of the spirit weapon darts scattered in all directions, and after being splashed, some vigorous trees on the ground were immediately interrupted with large branches and leaves.

And just when the black ape was about to withdraw its fist, a figure appeared beside the black ape.

This figure is exactly the middle-aged man who shot the diamond-shaped dart. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the black ape beast stopped because it resisted the spiritual weapon dart thrown by him, he rushed to the side of the black ape beast and kicked at the other side. waist.

With a "bang", the black ape beast that couldn't react in time was kicked solidly, and then its whole body flew upside down, hitting the ground like a shell.

"Boom." The black ape beast that had been kicked by the middle-aged man hit the ground, and even made a small hole in the ground. The edge of the hole was covered with fine and dense cracks like spider webs.

After knocking the disturbing beast away, the middle-aged man immediately turned his head to look at the plant in the distant pond, which was blooming with pale golden aura.

He flew towards the pond again, but the moment he just started, he heard an angry roar from behind him.

The black ape beast that was kicked by the middle-aged man and smashed to the ground, flew up again at this moment, and killed the middle-aged man.

"Damn it, this strange beast is so difficult to deal with. It seems that we can't deal with it first."

The middle-aged man sensed that the menacing black ape beast behind him was approaching him again, and he muttered to himself.

Afterwards, he no longer flew towards the distant pond, but turned around and greeted the black ape beast that was killing him.

A man and a beast started a fierce fight in mid-air, and the movements of both sides became faster and faster, and the naked eyes of ordinary people could no longer keep up with the speed of their fight.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Every time this man and beast collided with their fists and feet, there would be a huge roar, and the trees below trembled slightly.


After the two sides punched each other.

The black ape beast jumped back and used its awakened ability again.


Opening his mouth and roaring, a bright silver-white thunderbolt as thick as an arm burst out from the mouth of the black ape beast, directly hitting the middle-aged man's face.

"Your trick is useless to me..."

Facing the supernatural attack of the black ape monster, the middle-aged man smiled contemptuously. As before, he raised his palm with the palm facing outward, a pale golden aura bloomed on his hand, and an invisible round shield appeared in front of him.

The astonishingly powerful bright silver-white lightning shot by the black ape beast was directly redirected when it hit the seemingly fragile invisible round shield.


The redirected, bright silver-white lightning did not shoot into the sky this time, but shot to the ground.

When the bright silver-white lightning hit the ground, it exploded immediately, and the disordered current instantly destroyed the plants in a large area around it.

These vibrant green plants all turned into dead and scorched black in the blink of an eye.

The middle-aged man who blocked the black ape monster's supernatural attack glanced at the area affected by the lightning, and sighed in his heart that the supernatural attack of the strange beast was amazing. If he hadn't had the means to restrain the opponent, he might have to Turned around and retreated.


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