"I envy you that you don't have to be urged by your own parents to find a boyfriend! Look at my mother, she has come to Rongcheng to do ideological work for me..." Su Yue sighed.

Hearing that her good friend envied her for this, Wang Ling couldn't help raising her hand and scratching her hair, then said to Su Yue.

"Who told you that you don't have an older sister! I don't need to be done ideological work by my parents now, it's also because my older sister hasn't found a boyfriend yet!

As long as she hasn't found a boyfriend, I can live my leisurely life like this forever. "

Su Yue thought for a while and said, "Wang Ling, I remember that your sister seems to be two years older than you. She is 27 this year. Your parents should have done a lot of ideological work for her, right?"

"That's not true. My mother mentioned it before, but my sister said that she is very busy with work and has no time to think about such things. If my parents can introduce her to a colleague, she will be obedient and talk to him Getting acquainted.

Hahaha, Su Yue, listen to what my sister said, she asked my parents to introduce her to a colleague?My parents are ordinary people, how could they know any investigators from the Ability Management Bureau!

Since I didn't even know each other, let alone find an investigator who was about the same age as my sister, so since then, my parents never mentioned the object of conversation to my sister. "Wang Ling laughed.

"Your sister is amazing! By the way, your sister has been in the capital for a while, right?"

"I've been away for a month, and I'll be back in about a week. I don't know what she was sent to the capital headquarters by the bureau this time. She actually went on a business trip to the capital for more than a month."

"Didn't your sister say what she was sent to the capital by the Bureau?"

"Su Yue, you don't know, she has a very strict tone of voice. When she is at home on rest days, she seldom mentions work matters."

"It seems that the Ability Management Bureau is very strict in keeping secrets!" Su Yue laughed.

The two chatted for a while. At this time, a courier brother with a big bag came to the door. It was Wang Ling who bought something online. So she quickly came out of the cash register and went forward to sign for the courier.

Su Yue took out her phone from her pocket and put it on the table. While drinking milk tea, she unlocked the screen and opened WeChat, clicked on someone's chat window, and sent a message.

Su Yue: What are you doing?

Five or six minutes after the message was sent, the other party did not respond at all, and the message sent was like a stone sinking into the sea.

"There has been no response for so long, Lin Li is taking a nap, right?

No, it's less than twelve o'clock now, and it's not time for him to take a nap. Could it be that he is cooking lunch in the kitchen?Didn't see my WeChat message? "Su Yue looked at the chat box without any reply, and muttered in her heart.

"Beauty, can you pack this pot of orchids for me?" A girl who walked into the flower shop pointed to a pot of orchids on the shelf at the door and asked Su Yue.

"Okay miss, please wait a moment." Su Yue got up and came to the door, took the pot of orchids pointed by the girl from the shelf, found a bag and started packing for her.


An unknown world.

In the lush forest, on the bank of a rushing river, after eating a large bowl of delicious seafood instant noodles, Lin Li packed up his pots and bowls, and then doused the burning fire with water.

Although Lin Li is now in an unknown world, even so, he still has the awareness of protecting the environment in his heart. If the fire is not handled well, it will be bad if it accidentally triggers a forest fire.

"Everything is done, it's time to continue exploring." Lin Li packed up everything and embarked on the journey of exploration again.

After eating and drinking enough, Lin Li became more motivated, and the efficiency of Lin Li's exploration was much higher than before.

After more than an hour, Lin Li, who had never encountered a strange beast, finally met the first strange beast he encountered in this unknown world.

This is a 1.5-meter-long giant centipede, emerald green all over, with a pair of big purple eyes on both sides of its head, and its terrifying mouthparts open and close from time to time, making creaking sounds.

"First-level high-level." Lin Li looked at the big green centipede in front of him, sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from it, and murmured to himself.

"I'll just say it! How can there be no strange beasts in this different world, where the concentration of psionic energy is several times higher than that on Blue Star?"

The green centipede stared at the prey in front of it with piercing eyes, and a golden aura appeared on its body. After making a few squeaking sounds, it immediately crawled towards Lin Li quickly.

The distance between the two sides was about ten meters. Although the green centipede was crawling very fast, Lin Li shot faster.

When the green centipede crawled two or three meters away, a semi-curved cyan wind blade with a diameter of forty centimeters condensed into Lin Li's hand and shot towards the green centipede.

"call out."

The sharp cyan wind blade cut through the air, and shot at the big head of the green centipede with a piercing sound. The cyan wind blade flew so fast that the green centipede that couldn't dodge was hit in the head on the spot.

"It's sputtering."

After the green centipede's head was cut open by the blue wind blade, a lot of green goo flowed out of it, which made Lin Li feel very disgusted.

After the green centipede beast that was instantly killed by the cyan wind blade died, its slender body twisted and twisted continuously, and it took a while for it to settle down completely.

Although the corpse of the green centipede and strange beast settled down, Lin Li didn't walk forward immediately, but very cautiously directed at its motionless body, and shot another semi-curved cyan wind.


split into two.

"This is a complete death." Lin Li nodded as he looked at the corpse of the green centipede that had been divided into two, and then went forward to collect the two-part corpse into the mysterious island.

"It's been nearly three hours since I came to this world. It took so much time to harvest such a strange beast. The time I've spent is out of proportion to the harvest!"

Lin Li, who put away the corpse of the green centipede and strange beast, reached out his hand and took out the mobile phone with no signal from his pocket, looked at the time displayed on the screen of the mobile phone, and muttered in his heart.

"Keep going, if it's still like this, then I'll go back!"

Just as Lin Li was about to continue exploring, a thunderous sound suddenly came from the position on the left front.


Startled by the sudden thunder, Lin Li quickly turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

I saw a bright silver-white electric light shoot out from the distant woods, straight into the sky, followed by a deafening thunder.


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