Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 93 No Contrast No Harm

"Quack quack..."

"Quack quack..."

"Choo Choo Choo……"


In the leafy forest, there are constantly strange birdsong.


A figure was walking in the forest, and its body collided with the branches, making bursts of noise.

"The terrain here is too difficult to walk, and from time to time there will be some plants covered with thorns blocking the way." Lin Li grunted, then waved the spiritual weapon sword in his hand, and the long, long sword that stood in front of him would be covered with thorns. The vines of thorns were chopped off.

It has been more than half an hour since I came to this unknown world, but Lin Li has only walked less than one kilometer in this lush forest.

The reason why the speed is so slow is because he does not know the situation of this forest, and he is worried that he may encounter danger if he advances rashly, and the second is because the terrain and environment in this forest are really not convenient for walking.


Lin Li, who was walking slowly in the forest, suddenly heard the sound of rushing water in the distance. According to the sound, there should be a rushing river not far from where he is now.

"Gululu..." The stomach growled, it was protesting to Lin Li, why didn't it have lunch yet?

Raising his hand to pat his stomach, Lin Li turned his head to look in the direction of the sound of rushing water, and then started walking towards that place.

After a while, Lin Li, who was walking slowly through the thorns and thorns along the way, saw a fast-flowing river in front of him, just as he had guessed.

"Let's light a fire and cook by the river bank at noon!" Lin Li looked at the river in front of him, muttered in his mouth, and then started to walk towards the river bank.

The river that Lin Li saw was about 15 meters wide. In the turbulent river, large fish with a length of about one meter jumped out of the water from time to time.

"What a big grass carp! I didn't expect there to be grass carp in this different world. I finally met a species I know, but why is the grass carp's mouth full of sharp teeth?"

Standing on the bank of the river, Lin Li observed the big grass carp constantly jumping out of the water in the river, and found that although these grass carp were exactly the same as those on the Blue Star.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that in their big open mouths, there are densely packed sharp teeth that can easily bite off human fingers.

"As expected of a different world rich in psychic energy, the grass carp is so ferocious. It's a pity that I don't have fishing tools. Otherwise, I can try to catch one and taste how it tastes."

Standing on the bank of the river, Lin Li quietly watched the ferocious grass carp jumping out of the water for a while, until his stomach protested against him again, then he looked away, and began to look at a leafy tree on the bank of the river. Living and cooking under the big tree.

With a thought, I took out the prepared pots, bowls and ingredients from the mysterious island.


Pour water into the pot and use a small fireball to ignite the dry twigs you picked up.

For lunch at noon, Lin Li planned to cook seafood noodles for himself.

It seems that these days, Lin Li's lunch in the wild is boiled noodles!

It's not that Lin Li doesn't want to cook other things to eat, but he knows that his cooking skills are not good, so instead of cooking other things and overturning his car, he might as well be honest and make his own slightly better boiled noodles.

While boiling the water, Lin Li sensed the free spiritual energy in the air of this different world, and a surprised expression appeared on his face again.

"The free psionic energy in the air of this different world is so rich! The concentration is several times that of Blue Star."

After Lin Li marveled at the abundance of psionic energy in this unknown world, he couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart.

"It's strange. In this unknown world, the concentration of psionic energy is several times that of Blue Star. Logically speaking, in such an environment, there should be a lot of ferocious beasts! But I haven't encountered any monsters along the way. Alien beast."

When the water boiled, Lin Li temporarily put aside his doubts, opened the lid of the pot, and poured the shrimp and squid he had prepared into it.

When the water in the pot boils again, put two packs of instant noodles into the pot.


Lanxing Rongcheng, a new flower shop opened on Wangxi Road in the East District.

The area of ​​this flower shop is about [-] square meters. Although the area of ​​the shop is not large, there are many varieties of flowers in the shop.

The owner of the flower shop is a 25-year-old young girl, 1.6 meters [-] tall, with short shoulder-length hair, an oval face, a well-proportioned figure, and a very beautiful appearance.

At this time, there were no customers in the flower shop, and the beautiful flower shop proprietress sat at the cash register and yawned boredly.

At this time, a slim figure walked into the shop. The lady proprietress of the florist smiled and said to the other party when she saw this girl with a delicate face, a hot figure, and a charming body all over her body.

"Su Yue, we are off work tonight, let's find a place to have a drink together!"

Su Yue, who just went out to the milk tea shop to buy two cups of milk tea, came back, when she heard what her old classmate said, she shook her head with a smile and said, "Wang Ling, my mother will come to Rongcheng in the evening, tomorrow!"

"Auntie came to Rongcheng to see you?" Wang Ling reached out to take the coconut milk tea Su Yue bought, inserted a straw and took a sip, then asked.

Su Yue, who stroked her hair on her chest, nodded first, then shook her head lightly.

"What's the matter? You look unhappy, is there something inside?" Wang Ling asked curiously when she saw the helpless look on Su Yue's face.

" mother's main purpose of coming to Rongcheng this time is not to see me." Su Yue said with a sigh.

"The main purpose is not to come to see you, what is that for?" Wang Ling asked.

"What else do you think?" Su Yue took a sip of the pearl milk tea in her hand, and then gave Wang Ling a look you know.

"I understand." Wang Ling thought for a few seconds, then suddenly realized, "Your mother came to Rongcheng to do ideological work for you!"

Su Yue came to the small round table in the flower shop and sat down, put the milk tea in her hand on the table, then she leaned on the table with her elbows, and supported her smooth and fair cheeks with the palm of her right hand, and said to her old classmate in an envious tone, "I envy you so much now!"

"Is there anything you can envy about me? In terms of appearance, I am inferior to you, and in terms of figure... Forget it, don't mention the figure." Wang Ling glanced at Su Yue's curvy, foul-looking fiery figure, and her eyes were full of tears. The color of envy.

Although she knew that her figure didn't look bad, but compared to other girls, compared with Su Yue's foul level, she seemed a bit overshadowed.


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