Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 80 This gray hair is the best burning material!

Lin Li never expected that he would be so lucky today.

In less than an hour and a half, three strange beasts were harvested, which is a lot of money!

"The overall weight of these three beasts is no longer what a small unmanned transport plane can carry. Now I have to place an order for a medium-sized unmanned transport plane."

Lin Li looked at the three alien beasts piled up in front of him. The overall weight was conservatively estimated to be [-] jin. He muttered something, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and prepared to summon the unmanned transport plane.

Just when Lin Li just unlocked the phone screen and was about to open the software to place an order, the joyful smile on his face was put away immediately, then he locked the phone screen and put it back in his pocket.

There was a violent shaking sound from the thick grass in the distance.


It was the sound of branches and leaves hitting something, and the thing was huge.

The creatures in the grass did not keep Lin Li waiting for a long time. A gray beast that was much bigger than the black bear that Lin Li killed just now jumped out of the grass.

"Look at my luck, it's great! I killed a strange beast, but another one came immediately... Huh? The psionic fluctuations in this strange beast are so strong! But it doesn't matter, I should Can handle it."

Lin Li didn't know, what was the relationship between the black bear beast he killed just now and this gray bear beast?At this moment, he only thinks that this is his luck.


After the gray bear and strange beast jumped out of the grass, it immediately saw his lifeless friend.

It roared in grief, and then looked at the culprit who killed his friend, staring at him with red eyes.

The black bear and strange beast has decided that today, at all costs, he will kill this hateful human being in front of him, and avenge his dead friend.

Why is this gray bear alien looking at me like this... Lin Li clearly sensed the killing intent of this strong and powerful alien beast in front of him.

This was the first time he felt such a killing intent. The killing intent of the beasts he hunted and killed in the past, even before they died, was far less intense than the gray bear beast in front of him.

If the anger rising in the gray bear's heart could turn into reality, then Lin Li would be in flames now.


The red-eyed black bear roared at Lin Li, and then it cast its own power, and the gray hair on its body immediately grew rapidly, and then twisted and twisted as if it had come to life.

"Damn... this is a strange beast that has awakened its supernatural power, so it's a little troublesome now."

Lin Li, who had no idea that he had killed his opponent, was still wondering why the strange beast in front of him was so angry at him.

When he saw the other party cast the ability, he immediately put aside the idea of ​​guessing why the other party was so angry, and began to concentrate on dealing with the dangerous enemy who had awakened the ability in front of him.

Although Lin Li is a newcomer, he also knows that if a strange beast awakens its abilities, its danger level will rise to a higher level.

After all, there are so many strange abilities, it's hard to say what effect it has before I have experienced it first-hand, or I might overturn it.



The red-eyed gray bear beast let out a roar, took four strong steps, and rushed towards Lin Li quickly.

The two-meter-eight-meter-long, seemingly bulky, huge body ran at a speed that was not slow at all. In the blink of an eye, it rushed in front of Lin Li.

Then it pounced like a bear, its huge body pounced towards Lin Li, and at the same time, the gray hairs on the gray bear beast spread out, forming a surrounding net to envelop Lin Li.

Facing the ferocious attack of the gray bear beast, Lin Li was not prepared to head-to-head with the opponent. He quickly jumped backwards to avoid the opponent's pounce.

Although he escaped from the pounce of the gray bear beast, the gray hairs on the opponent's body were entangled.

The nearly two-meter-long gray hair suddenly grew a lot, from two meters to more than five meters in the blink of an eye, and then crazily entwined towards Lin Li who had avoided the gray bear and strange beast's pounce.

Infused with psychic energy, the long sword in his hand glowed with pale golden aura, and Lin Li swung the weapon in his hand, slashing at the entangled gray hairs.

"Shh, shh, shh..."

Although the gray hairs on the gray bear's body twisted and twisted, making one's scalp tingle, these crazily growing hairs were just ordinary hairs after all.

After Lin Li infused spiritual energy into the sharp sword, the sharpness of the blade was improved to a higher level, and it was relatively simple to chop these gray hairs.

After a few strikes, all the entangled gray hairs of the gray bear and strange beast were cut off.

After getting rid of the entanglement of the gray hair, Lin Li retreated a few meters back, keeping a certain safe distance from the gray beast.

In the first fight, the two sides just tested each other, and did not show their full strength.

The gray bear beast didn't look at the gray hairs that had been cut off and fell all over the floor. Its red eyes were still fixed on Lin Li.

"Roar..." After a low growl, the severed hairs on the gray bear beast grew rapidly again, returning to the length before being severed by Lin Li.

Lin Li saw that the opponent's gray hairs that had been cut off by him had returned to normal, and knew that if he only relied on the spiritual weapon long sword, he would not be able to cut off the endless gray hairs of the opponent, so he had to change his problem-solving method.


Lin Li, who was holding a sword in his right hand, raised his left hand and raised his index finger. A cluster of small flames the size of pigeon eggs appeared out of thin air, and after breathing, a fireball with a diameter of [-] centimeters appeared at his fingertips.

"Hey, since you have used your ability to make your hair so lush, I want to see if you dare to continue using your ability in the face of my flame attack."

Lin Li looked at the gray bear with a smile, muttered a few words in his mouth, then waved his hand, and threw the fireball in his hand at the gray bear!

"???" The gray bear and strange beast did not expect that the hateful human in front of him had awakened the same ability as himself, and it was the flame ability that was awakened.

The hair that grows vigorously on his body is the best burning material. If he is hit by the opponent's fireball, he may burn himself in flames.


Facing the fireball shot by Lin Li, the gray bear beast let out a low growl, and quickly dodged aside.

At the same time, it released the ability, shortening the gray hair on its body and returning it to its original state.


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