Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 79 Look at my luck, it's too good!

Although Chen Gangshan's team of alien beast hunters went deep into the hills, they didn't go very deep.

Running from here to the outside of the hills, it only takes about six to seven minutes to run to the outside of the hills.

There are many alien beast hunter teams on the outskirts of the hills hunting alien beasts. As long as they run to the outskirts, they can call a group of people to come to support them.

At that time, this hateful gray bear beast, under the siege of many beast hunter teams, will die even if it awakens its abilities.

"Roar..." The idea of ​​the gray bear is to leave at least two hateful humans behind. Seeing that the three humans are about to run away, how can this be done.

It roared, and was about to chase the three beast hunters who were running out of the hills, but just as it was about to chase, it was stopped by Chen Gangshan immediately.

"If you want to chase them, you have to pass my level first."

The gray bear and strange beast squinted its eyes at Chen Gangshan in front of it, and grinned, as if to say that you are doomed today.

One person and one bear, facing each other, the spiritual energy fluctuations in their bodies surged rapidly.

If there are other second-tier practitioners present, they will be able to perceive it.

Although the man and the bear were confronting each other, it was obvious that the alien beast side was firmly suppressing Chen Gangshan regardless of its physical condition or the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from its body.

A fierce battle is about to break out.

Just when the man and the bear were about to make a move, there was a shrill and desperate roar of a beast in the distance.


When the person and the bear who were confronting each other heard the desperate roar of the beast, their aura froze for a moment.

"This voice is a bit familiar!" Chen Gangshan thought in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the gray bear beast that was confronting him, with an unbelievable look in its eyes.

Chen Gangshan, who saw this scene, instantly understood that the somewhat familiar roar was from a strange beast.

The black bear beast was the roar of the black bear beast that was covered in wounds and had already escaped.

Hearing the stern voice, what happened to the escaped black bear?


The gray bear beast roared loudly at Chen Gangshan, then turned and ran towards the place where the black bear beast roared.

"This... the crisis is over?" Chen Gangshan, who was thinking about fighting the gray bear and strange beast until his teammates called for help, stood there in a daze, looking at the gray bear and strange beast who was leaving quickly. beast.

"What happened to the black bear with all the injuries? How could it make this gray bear that wanted to kill itself rush to find it?"

Chen Gangshan was full of curiosity, but as an experienced beast hunter, his reason told him that he must not follow.

Curiosity really kills people, and every year there are some beast hunters who die in the wilderness because of curiosity.

In the communication section of the Alien Beast Hunter software, several posts have described it in detail.


"Tsk... look at my luck, it's great! I just killed the second rabbit beast, and unexpectedly met another black bear beast at the beginning of the second stage with injuries all over its body.

This black bear is so big, it must be at least a thousand catties!Get rich! "

Lin Li looked at the black bear beast in front of him that he killed in a sneak attack, his face was full of excitement.

Speaking of which, it was also unlucky for the black bear beast to choose the direction of escape, which turned out to be the location where Lin Li hunted and killed the second rabbit beast.

And it should never have, after consciously thinking that it was out of danger, stopped to drink water by the stream to quench its thirst.

At that time, Lin Li, who had just hunted down the second rabbit, suddenly sensed a wave of spiritual energy not far from him.

In this perilous hill, the solitary fluctuations of spiritual energy are most likely emitted by strange beasts...

Afterwards, Lin Li carried the prey and groped towards the location where the psychic fluctuations appeared.

Lin Li, who was quietly hiding in the grass, saw a creature exuding spiritual fluctuations through the gaps in the grass. It was indeed not a human being as he thought, but a black bear with a lot of injuries.

Encountering this kind of strange beast with serious injuries is like a pie in the sky, and this strange beast didn't find him, so he would be a fool if he didn't sneak up on him.

As a result, without the slightest hesitation, Lin Li rushed out from the grass, swung the spiritual weapon long sword with a faint golden aura in his hand, and stabbed at the head of the black bear who was drinking water.

On the Blue Star, the head is the Achilles' heel of most creatures. Once the head is pierced by the spiritual weapon long sword that blooms with pale golden aura, basically there is only one way to die.

However, after all, it is a black bear beast with the strength of the first stage of the second stage. Although it is very weak because of the injuries in the battle just now, it still reflected when Lin Li rushed out from the grass and launched a sneak attack on him. come over.

At the price of being stabbed with a bloody wound on the face, the black bear and strange beast escaped Lin Li's deadly sneak attack.

It's a pity that Lin Li, who has eaten the miraculous little fruit grown from two miraculous trees, has greatly enhanced his cultivation aptitude and physical fitness, and his reaction speed is particularly fast.

Seeing that his deadly sneak attack was dodged by the black bear with all the injuries, Lin Li immediately turned his wrist, changed the attack direction of the long sword in his hand, and stabbed at the heart of the black bear.

The black bear beast that dodged Lin Li's blow had no energy left to dodge a second time.

Then, it could only watch helplessly as the enemy pierced its body with the long sword, a spirit weapon with a faint golden aura blooming in its hand.


The heart of the black bear and strange beast was pierced through by the spiritual weapon long sword in Lin Li's hand.


The black bear beast that suffered a fatal blow didn't die immediately, but it knew that it was bound to die.

Before dying, it uttered a shrill and desperate roar in the direction of its lover, that is, the gray bear beast, and then died!


Lin Li pulled out the spiritual weapon long sword that pierced the heart of the black bear beast, and then stabbed it again in the head.

Make up the knife, the strange beast is cunning and cunning, it is safest to give it a sword in the head.

Lin Li once witnessed an alien beast hunter who was overwhelmed by the alien beast under the absolute advantage. Therefore, he has now made it a habit of his to make up the knife.

Seeing the two rabbits and a black bear on the ground in front of him, Lin Li was already grinning from ear to ear.


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